The Holy Communion

Knowing Jesus is a wonderful experience and it amazes me that some institutions that He laid for us to follow before

He went to glory has been turned

into religious ceremonies by churches, thus denying the Body of Christ the

power associated with such laid down directives.


A good example is the institution of

Holy Communion that Jesus gave. In Matthew 26:26 ...Jesus took bread,

and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. He did the same with the

wine (which symbolizes His blood)

asking us to do this in remembrance

of Him. What we do not realize

is that whatever the Lord asks us

to do is not for His own benefit

but ours. Holy Communion is a

meal of power and should not be

reduced to a mere religious rite.


My life is a testament to the efficacy

and power of the Holy Communion.

Years ago, I used to have frequent

bouts of malaria. As someone with

the AS genotype, I felt malaria

should not be a problem to me.

I was wrong. I had bouts of malaria frequently and would receive treatment every two to three weeks. It was

exhausting, especially for someone

like me, that doesn't even like to

take drugs (it's preferable

for me being the one to prescribe

drugs, though