I worked with this guy once
A very sly and cunning guy
One of those who got the job
based on who they know and
kept his job by snitching and
playing a loyal servant to the
He was attached to a good boss
I was attached to a wicked boss
For three years, I was put through
Hell by my boss
He would laugh and say "Sorry"
Still he would snitch to my boss
and tell him all sorts of stories
My boss at the time liked him
He rewarded him for stitching
Sometimes paying his house rent
or giving him personal financial
aid and support
All to keep him loyal
Suddenly the season changed
He was given another boss
I was also given another boss
His boss was the heady one this time
My boss was the liberal one
My boss told me to pursue my dreams
He encouraged me to chase the stars
He said "I might be transferred
tomorrow, by that time I want you
flying so high that you wouldn't
need this job again!
I took his counsel and I started my
own things
Pursued my own vision
The other guy saw changes
My crab was finding its way out of
the bucket he couldn't stand it
He started snitching about me and
my boss to his boss!
"His boss is not putting him to work
He is just earning salary" He whispered
His boss was superior to mine
So his boss called mine and told him
he should sack me if he didn't need
an assistant
He said it is unwise to employ a young man
and keep such idle
My boss came to my office and told me
all that transpired!
My boss said "If you waste this opportunity,
you will never get it again! '
Upgrade yourself Do better!!
By the time I am leaving this place,
I want you flying!
I had an opportunity like this and misused it
Learn from me!"
I said yes sir and I ran
I built and grew
I had speed
Sometimes I won't be in the office
for days
Sometimes I will be in the office
doing my thing
Within four months, the abstract
started becoming real
Results were rolling in
Consulting works came in
Later, in trickles, money started
It wasn't so much at first
But it flowed
Soon it flowed in a way that it
couldn't be hidden
I was still at the office
Other staff members would come
seeking financial support
Nothing elaborate
A few thousand here
A few thousand there
Stand surety for me
Be my guarantor
The sun was rising after the dawn
Rising fast!
This guy noticed and spoke to his boss
"He is now using office resources
for his own thing
He has built a strong foundation
and is about putting in the main building
I have seen what he is doing
Let us adopt it into the company
Let us make it our thing
His boss heard and called
I heard you are doing your thing
on the company's time
I want to see how we can adapt it
to benefit the company
I said No
What I built would die without me
It would one day have a life of its own
But at the stage it was, I was its lifeblood
So I would do it on my time
And do my job too
There was no reason to sack me
My boss was not complaining
So I was let off
But he wouldn't stop
Eventually, I got a letter
His boss decided to swap our offices
I would work with his boss
He would work with my boss
His snitching exploits finally
led the boss to switch our offices
But he was a small-minded person
He saw it as a demotion
Working for the assistant boss
Instead of the boss
He went with his wife and children
to the boss's house
He went to prostrate and beg
He didn't see the opportunity
He dug a pit and didn't want to
fall into it '
I didn't mind
His boss says he would think about it
On the day we were supposed
to resume in our respective new offices
He arrived before me and was seated
on my seat
When I got to his own former office,
it was locked
I asked him where the key was
He said "The letter didnt say he
should release the key to me"
I didn't mind
I sat in the reception
His boss arrived
I didn't leave the reception
His boss called the admin manager
Why didn't so and so resume here as told
Admin manager called me
I told him in wasn't given access
to the office
By this time some of his boss's
friends have arrived
He followed them upstairs
They all went to beg his boss
His boss sent for me
He said "I have reversed the letter of
redeployment, you can now go back
to your office!
My assistant is coming back upstairs!"
I smiled!
I said "I came with my letter of
resignation sir"
He said "What"
I smiled
I was ready I had been given
almost two years to build my dream
I was set to take off!
Coincidentally, I had bought a new car
I just brought to the office that day
I invited his boss and the other staff
to come and see it
They saw it and were like "Oh my God'
I did a month with them after dropping
my letter
He couldn't look me in the eye
Other staff members flocked around
They could see a rising star and
wanted to read their palms in its light
He couldn't find his peace
He took his annual leave
I was gone before he resumed
Three months later
His rent was due
He had no information to give
his boss for favours
He called me
He complained about his boss
"The man was a slave driver
The man said he was not computer literate
The man was hell-bent on getting
rid of him
He needed a loan
He needed counsel
I gave him the loan
I told him to find a way to work
with my ex-boss
The man helped me a lot
I was sure the man would help him too
He said "People would say he was
I didn't say anything
I told him the loan was a gift
He called crying a month later
He needed another loan
I told him the enemy of young businesses
in Africa is a bad loan from friends and family
I cannot afford to give him a loan
And I can not dash him money
It would be wise if he would just
leave me be for now
My ex-boss called me today!
He told me he had been transferred
And the guy sacked!
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