Human nature is a complex thing
Some people are driven by forces beyond their control
Others are driven by certain kinds of lust and ambition
Some are driven by emotion
Others are stoic
Some say “I am what I am because I was made this way”
Others claim we can remake ourselves regardless of how we were made
Sometimes we go too far in one direction
At such times we must call for help or crash!
He was born into a good home
His parents brought up all their children properly
He didn’t know why he was resistant to the goodly and godly
He was drawn to the unconventional
He hated rules
He despised instructions
He was just wild
He thought it was a good thing
The wildness, the ferocious savagery
He simply couldn’t be a sheep
Oh no! Lambs were meant to be slaughtered
On the surface he was a gentle person
He rarely spoke
He would often sit in a corner, lost in himself
Sometimes he would be at home for a week without leaving his room
But whenever he was on the move
Evil hung on to his coattails
It was who he was
When he got into the university
It took him a few weeks to get recruited into one of the cult groups
Blood was his natural instinct
He was a predator, a natural hunter
Within a year he had proven himself beyond every doubt
Some in the group jostled for positions
He didn’t!
They didn’t dare to place anyone above him
He was number one
He had walked with the invokers of spirits
He had gone into the deep of the deep of the miry clay
Someone showed him the way
He followed it
He saw djinns face to face
They wined and dined together for days
He saw wraiths one on one, they feasted together
The djinns told him they would push money his way
All they wanted was human flesh
The wraiths told him they would protect him
All they wanted was human flesh
His herbalist told him one day
After he returned from a 41 days trip into the hollow of a tree
Where he met with all sorts of evil spirits and survived it
“You have now surpassed me in rank,
I dare not consult the demons for you anymore”
He started killing with impunity
Mostly he led the strike against rival cult group members
He would invade any campus, at any time and strike
The more he killed, the more his demons feasted
He met a lady, he spoke to her of love
She wouldn’t dare say No!
They became an item
She became his weapons keeper
He took her to some deep places
She became fortified
Nobody could touch them
They ruled with terror and dread
They were renowned and revered
They graduated
They got married
They started having children
The djinns came around, we want to feast
The wraiths came around, we want to feast
He had gotten so deep into the demonic
He was untouchable for the Djinns and the wraiths
His wife was untouchable for the Djinns and the wraiths
He told the Djinns, “I am no longer in school, my killing days are over”
The Djinns screamed “Blood, Blood, blood”
He told the Wraiths, “I no longer have enemies to slaughter, I cannot go about killing innocent people”
The wraiths wouldn’t listen
He decided to ignore them
Though they tormented him with nightmares day and night
He would drink himself to stupor and steal some hour’s respite
They changed their tactics
The wife suddenly noticed that anytime she cooked, once the food was ready, within five minutes, the whole pot would be covered with maggots
Even if she bought bread, apples, whatever and put it in the fridge or freezer
Maggots would infest such in minutes
She told her husband, he laughed
He explained what was happening
“We have to endure it, otherwise I would have to resume killing! The faces of all those I had killed trouble my sleep every night! I see blood, I smell blood, I dream blood! I don’t want to kill again”
The wife didn’t know what to do
The maggot infestation intensified
When their children woke up in the morning
Their bodies and beds were covered with maggots
She ran to a church close to their house
She met the pastor after service
The pastor heard her story
Oh God!
He was talking to a terrible sinner, a serial murderer’s wife!
An accomplice of evil!
Pastor told her she and her husband have to renounce all their evil ties and demonic affiliations
She agreed but she didn’t know how to tell her husband
He wouldn’t even hear it
They weren’t a Christian family, she was not supposed to go to church
The demonic onslaught continued
She called her husband and told him what the pastor said
Her husband flared up
The reason the djinns and wraiths couldn’t harm him or his family directly
Was because of the covenants he had made with so many other evil powers
If he renounced the powers now
He and his wife would become vulnerable
She went to the pastor and explained to him
The pastor weighed the arguments
Perhaps dealing with maggots is more reasonable than gruesome death
“I will be praying for you” said the pastor
The onslaught continued
On December 31, 2012
Just as midnight was approaching, she convinced her drunk husband to come with her to church
Just for the New Year’s crossover service
The church had invited the young man in Jeans and T-Shirt to lead them into the New Year
The Pastor preached and handed over the microphone to the young man in Jeans and T-Shirt
Her husband was half asleep, they were all waiting for “Happy New Year” and close of service
The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt started praying in tongues
The worship fervor increased
Something happened, she couldn’t explain it
Her husband startled awake
People started swaying back and forth
The atmosphere tightened frighteningly
Kaboom! Everything exploded in her spirit!
The same thing happened to her husband
Her husband ran to the altar, she didn’t know what was happening
She ran after her husband
Her husband got to the altar and fell on his knees
She knelt down beside him
The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt laid hands on her husband
She expected him to summersault and throw theatrics
He didn’t
He just relaxed all over
The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt laid hands on her
She fell under the anointing
The young man in Jeans and T-Shirt prayed for them
Salvation came to the two of them
Then he prayed for the church
New Year came
People danced, shook hands and hugged
She and her husband embraced and cried
Something had happened to them
They cannot explain it but they felt light, happy
That morning the maggot infestation stopped
The nightmares stopped!
He didn’t have to renounce and denounce
He now has a new life
He needed only to walk in it
They asked the young man in Jeans and T-Shirt
Sir, would you conduct deliverance for us?
He: You have been catapulted from the kingdom of darkness into his marvelous light
You have been fully birthed into the Kingdom of God!
PS: They became believers from that day
She is now a deaconess and he an evangelist
If you are a cultist reading this, no matter how deep you had gone
it takes one decision, one name to turn things around
Call on the name of Jesus now
Come into His rest
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