The Ostrich

The Ostrich

Her husband attacked the issue 
from a scriptural perspective
He quoted the story of Abraham and 
He felt Sarah was the epitome of marital 
submission for believers and her life 
was an example for all Christian women 
to follow
He said Sarah called Abraham her Lord 
and followed Him out of Ur of the Chaldees 
to a city shown to Him by God
Abraham was the first of His kind
The first Hebrew and the foundation upon 
which many religions were built till this day
His wife's obedience and support 
despite her background was instrumental
 to the success of theirmarriage
Because Sarah obeyed Abraham at the 
right time when Sarah asked Abraham 
to obey her in raising a child through 
Hagai, Abraham obliged her, and when 
Sarah said she was no longer comfortable 
with Hagai and her son, Abraham, despite 
his reservations threw both mother 
and child out of his home with some 
bread and water
Sarah's submission led to Abraham's 
deference to her will on many issues 
and God didn't stand against Sarah's 
choices, regardless of how carnal and 
selfish her motives were.
Her submission earned her the right to 
her husband's ear and will.
He said he wanted his wife to take a cue 
from Sarah for their marriage to work
His wife said she wanted clarity on 
certain things
When she met her husband he was a 
born again Christian, and both of them 
got married under the Christian covenant
After the marriage, she had some issues 
relating to conception
They prayed and fasted
Her husband's mother decided to seek 
spiritual guidance on the issue
She was told her son was from a lineage 
of priests to an idol and for him to prosper 
in life, he had to return to the gods of his 
ancestors and be a priest also
He said he had always suspected he 
would follow that path even before he 
met his wife
It was only unfortunate that it was after 
they had gotten married that he decided 
to take the step and as a result, his house
 had been divided against itself
He was heading in one direction and his wife 
was heading in another
He said he was a polytheist (one who 
believes in a plurality of gods) and had 
no issues with the Christian Covenant 
as well as other religions
He would gladly pray with his wife the 
Christian way but he wanted his wife 
to be open-minded enough to explore 
the alternatives he had put on the table 
based on his  worldview
In other words, since he was willing to 
pray with her the Christian way, she 
should also be willing to explore 
traditional means of divination as a 
means of solving the challenges they 
face as a couple
He said the challenges of conception
was the smallest problem they have
in his opinion
If his wife could join him in his new
found faith and follow his instructions
he believed that challenge would
be over
The wife said her parents went through 
their struggles to conceive her 
and they had to go through the traditional 
The consequence was the battle she was 
facing in her own marriage and she didn't 
want to explore another short cut that 
will kick the problem down the road for 
her own children
She said she wanted the spiritual challenge 
solved once and for all and would rather 
do that in Christ than worshipping her 
husband's many gods
The options before them were steep!
Stay married and remain divided in the 
issues of faith? 
The husband drops his polytheism and 
returns to Christ or the wife drops her 
monotheism and joins her husband's 
polytheistic worldview 
The scriptures have a solution
They can go their separate ways
You don't have to stay married to anyone 
whose gods and worldview will put you 
at a disadvantage
The husband's worldview is not absolute
It is liberal and allows for many things
He can marry a second or third or a 
fourth wife at will
His worldview allows it
He can impregnate anyone and be 
with anyone other than you
His worldview allows it
You cannot hold him accountable based 
on your own beliefs
You no longer share the same belief 
Her husband said "Ruth chose Naomi's 
people and god and he believes a good 
wife should follow that example and 
follow the husband in whatever direction 
he chose to go"
The wife was asked to speaks 
She said she prayed and believes the 
Holy Spirit was telling her to follow him 
just as Jacob was told to go to Egypt 
by God...
God didn't tell her anything of such
That is not god's way
They avoided the new testament in their 
The husband chose Sarah, Ruth and Abraham 
as the champions of his argument
The wife chose Jacob and another passage 
in Ezekiel (adapted out of their true concept) 
to state her case
In all their deliberations, they forgot who the
Holy Spirit is
They think it is a spirit you can have and 
do anything you want
Jesus said anyone who laid his hand on the
plow and looked back is not worthy of the
Peter said "For if after they have escaped 
the pollutions of the world through the 
knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus 
Christ, they are again entangled therein, 
and overcome, the latter end is worse with 
them than the beginning. 2 Peter 2:20
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt sat and
 watched the couple
They are very good friends and obviously 
very much in love
They have been married for six years and 
had fought many battles together
Emotions have been clearly well invested 
but there is no future in that union
Apostle Paul in addressing this issue in 
1 Corinthians 7 stated that an unbelieving 
spouse and a believing spouse can be
 together as long as both are comfortable 
with each other's reality
In this case, the wife is not comfortable 
with the husband's polytheistic religion 
and the husband is equally uncomfortable 
with the wife's monotheistic faith
It was the opening statement of the 
husband"I believe my house is divided 
against itself" he said
It was the concluding statement of the 
wife "For my husband to drop the Christian 
covenant for polytheism, perhaps he was 
never really a believer" she said
It was clear that they had been to many 
places seeking a means to come to terms 
with each other's reality
It was clear the only reason they were 
still together was hope.
She was hoping he would change and 
return to his first love
He was hoping she would come to see 
reason and follow him down the path he 
had chosen
They were already separated for economic 
reasons (living in different states within 
the country)
The spiritual challenge that led the husband 
down the path he took was minor and 
embracing polytheism had not solved it
He insisted polytheism didn't solve it 
because his wife had refused to follow 
him down that path
The husband was a very intelligent and 
thoughtful person
Someone to be admired for his cerebral 
Well-articulated chaff is still chaff
Regardless of the smoothness of the talk 
and the admiration the Brother in jeans 
and T-shirt had for him, the fact remains 
that the path he had taken would lead to 
a lot of regret, wasted time, and 
The husband was worshipping NOTHING 
and nothing cannot give anyone anything
The Brother in jeans and T-shirt turned to 
the couple and said "Absolute and relative 
worldviews don't do well together! 
A relative worldview will always be ungodly
Christianity is absolutePolytheism is relative
Under Christianity we have guiding principles 
and we believe in absolute truths 
"God is oneJesus is the son of God
Whosoever believes in Jesus shall have 
eternal life
Only Jesus can save etc but a relative 
worldview says "there are many paths to 
God and we can mix Jesus and other gods 
and worship them all"
This marriage cannot work out
The husband had known this all along 
but didn't want to be the one to break 
her heart
He sat there nodding in agreement without 
saying a word while she shook her head...
She was unwilling to face the truth
A truth her husband had come to terms with
Why couldn't Israel dwell in Egypt peacefully
Egypt had many gods
Israel had one God
The former was relative
The latter was absolute
It's like water and oil
Dagon and the Ark of covenant cannot
share the same space
That marriage had been dead for a long 
The husband knew it but lacked the
guts to call it quit so that people won't
label him unfairly
The wife was too emotional to see it
Like an ostrich with its head in the sand
The brother in jeans and T-shirt told
then they needed a bad cop, and he
would gladly play one
He informed them the marriage cannot
work and it is best they both go their
separate ways
The wife protested
The husband kept quiet
The husband told the wife that her husband's
worldview encouraged polygamy, keeping
of concubines and the likes
It encourages the use of charms, incantations,
divination, demonic powers, and the like
The husband already spoke about making
divination for others who came back to
him with testimonies of the potency of
his instructions
Light and darkness cannot be friends
The brother in jeans and T-shirt told the
wife to go and think about it
Then he took her to the church auditorium
in company of another minister and
prayed for her
The Holy Spirit took her over and the
problem she had spent years trying to
solve was solved within five minutes
by the power of the Holy Spirit
The ball now rests fully in her court.

PS: Some of us wandered a little in our
quest for the truth before meeting the
Holy Spirit and settling on Jesus
My younger brother got born again as
a teenager and I thought he was just
being foolish
I got born again at the age of 27 and
realized I had taken a path that left
me bruised and battered for several
years in my foolishness
My younger brother was actually, the
wise one
Thank God for the gift of salvation
The brother in question will eventually
come to terms with the error of his
The problem is time
It may be today or in twenty years
Asking the sister to stay with him will
leave her worse off and waste her 
purpose and make her a victim of the
mayhem idols unleash on their 