He saw his mother struggle for many
years as a believer
She was fed fat with all sorts of junks
many peddle as the gospel
Sometimes she would come home
with special soap and instructions
for her children
Sometimes she would come home
with oju-olongbo (Cat's eyeballs) for
them to swallow in the middle of the
(The charm was said to help people
gain awareness and agility especially
as regards motor accidents
Sometimes she would take a blade)
and a substance and put incisions on
their bodies
There was a time he suddenly had
severe neck pain that lasted for
many days
His mother ran to a man who strangled
a chicken and cooked it for him to eat
for his recovery
Yet his mother would claim to be a
staunch Christian
She would make all the children to
commit scriptures to memory and
insist they have to be in church on
He also watched as his mother's
sphere of influence grew steadily
through the years
Many of the other women in the
church facing challenges of any
kind would come to his mother and
his mother would stylishly introduce
them to her alternative
(Don't tell anybody)
Many people in their church knew
what his mother was doing to augment
her Christian walk within the church
but they all turned a blind eye
It was called applying wisdom
The enemy does not rest, the Bible
says he was always roaming about
and roaring like a lion seeking whom
to devour
Wisdom dictates that one fortify himself
or herself against the wiles of the evil one
His mother especially have a saying,
"Atakoro wo inu ado, ko'le mu omo re wo
(The one who can escape into a gourd
cannot do the same for his or her children)
In essence, she has been fortified and
the race was for her to fortify her children
against the evil of this world
As a young man, he started dabbling into
charms as a teenager
His father employed a local security man
who had a lot of "charms" There was a girl
in his class then that he was infatuated
with He didn't know how to befriend her
He told the security man
The man gave him an object to swallow
The man said it was "Ikiya" (Confidence)
The day after he swallowed the object,
he approached the girl and they became
It was so easy
He saw the efficacy of the charms and
decided that was the way to go
Why struggle through life when that
alternative was there for the taking?
He was given something to swallow
when he wanted to start having sex
like the other cool guys in their area
The thing makes it easy for girls to
say yes to him He was given something
to ward off evil spirits, especially from
ladies who steal one's aura through
He was given something for his memory,
to help him academically
By the time he graduated from secondary
school, he was no longer going to church
and he found himself keeping the company
of certain types of people whose language
and realities match his
His friends had changed, the company
he kept had also changed he met a lady
She was a witch
The herbalist he consults for charms and
other spiritual work introduced her to him
The herbalist told him she would be his
spirit guide into success because she
belonged to the initiates
The herbalist made it known to him that
the lady had chosen him and he
shouldn't say no for his own good
The lady was twenty-two years old
He was twenty-five He took the lady
home to his parents
His mother went off on her own
consultations and came back saying NO
His mother said she was told the lady
was a witch and her son can never
marry a witch in her lifetime
He tried to explain the situation to his
mother but his mother wouldn't listen
It became a big issue
One morning, while they were still
dragging the issue He woke up to
discover he had gone blind
His mother said it was the lady
The lady said it was his mother
They started carrying him everywhere
Nothing worked
The lady left him
His mother became weary
He cried himself to sleep every night
He was not given the chance to live
the life he had tried as much as
possible to prepare himself for
All the spiritualists they consulted
came up with nada
Eventually, he was carried to a grove
The groove was his parent's last resort
He stayed at the grove for six months
until he lied to his mother during her
visit that they were planning to use
him for ritual
He felt they had deliberately abandoned
him there
His mother took him back home
One Sunday evening, at about 5pm,
a preacher came to their house
He was a brother in Christ who
came to his mother's church to
One of the youths told him the
family was facing many troubles
and brought him over
He was in the room when he heard
the brother's voice
He didn't know the person was a pastor
He only heard the voice and was curious
to see the stranger who came into their
He called aloud to his siblings to come
and guide him to the sitting room
When the young pastor saw him, he began
to pray in tongues
Just like that
They had not even been introduced yet
Suddenly, he heard his mother screaming
somewhere in the room
He couldn't tell exactly what was going on
He felt two hands on his eyes
He heard the words "Set him free in
Jesus name"
Something welled up inside his tummy
It was as hot as fire
He screamed and fainted
A few minutes later, he opened his eyes
He could see as clear as day
His mother was on her knees weeping
as if she had been whipped and
confessing her sins
The youth that came with the brother
was lying prostrate, slain by the spirit
His younger sister was praying in a
strange language and moving about
with her eyes closed
It was the last thing he imagined he
would see when he regained his sight
He dragged himself to his knees and
started to cry
He seriously felt a warmth and power
beyond his ability to comprehend
It was as if hewas being cuddled by fire
He told the brother he wanted to give
his life to Jesus
The brother led him to Christ
His father also said he wanted to give
his life to Christ
The brother led his entire family in a prayer
of repentance and restoration
Ironically, he was the same age
with the brother
As they chatted as celebrated the miracles
of healing and restoration later during
that visit, the brother told him a bit of
his life story
He realized that at about the same age
he started consorting with demons,
the brother received the gift of
the Holy Spirit and started taking his
walk with God seriously
While he progressed in works and
ways of darkness
The brother progressed in walking in
the light
One key factor was the brother's mother
Just as his own mother was influential
and used her influence to do "good" by
helping church members who were in
distress to apply wisdom
The brother's mother was instrumental
in his walk with the Holy Spirit through
her own walk with the Holy Spirit
They became close friends
The brother was one of his sponsors
when he decided to go to a bible college
The more he got to know
the brother, the more he realized the
power of parental influence over a child.
PS: What are your children seeing in you,
which path will they tow as they grow?
Who are you emulating?
Jesus is the model of eternal life
In HIM is the father's expectations
fulfilled for your life
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