Learn the Gospel 2

Learn the Gospel 2

Did you see Peter tell Cornelius in Acts 10 that he needed to do deliverance from household enemies?

Someone God called clean even before Peter came to preach the gospel to him

Someone, an angel, appeared in his own house even before the angel showed Peter a vision

I once asked a pastor this question

When she kept telling her members that the problem of their lives is bigger than just accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour

She said Africa is different because we are more fetish and diabolical than other continents.

She said accepting Jesus and the Holy Spirit is not enough

We must add other things to the blood Jesus shed on the cross of salvation and accept more power than the one that raised Jesus Christ from the dead

She talked about Soul Ties, Eating in the dream, demonisation, spiritual husband or wife Evil Twins, etc

She had learnt more about evil and the devil than she knew about the gospel

When she was speaking, the church members were nodding their heads

They agreed with her that the salvation Jesus offered the whole world was insufficient to deliver them from the power of darkness and bring them into their new life in Christ

I didn’t spare them

O ye foolish Galatians! Cried, Paul

O ye foolish Believers, I echoed, how can you start with Christ and end up believing that sex is supernatural or that there is a soul tie that can affect the born-again Christian?

Do you know what the death of Jesus signifies?

Do you understand that it was literally God that died for your sins in a once and for all sacrifice that ended the rift between man and God?

Do you know what the resurrection power is and that you are now far above principalities and powers all over the world?

In the woman’s church that day, I called out witches, and seven of them came out to give their lives to Jesus


This was the same woman who had been leading them to pray against witchcraft and had been conducting deliverance.

She did not know the power of God

She underestimated the efficacy of the power of the Holy Spirit

When they come up with terms and definitions outside of the Bible and all their “something-cations” in Bible Study

Just know they are indoctrinating you 

Jesus is more than enough

The knowledge of Jesus is not the same thing as the knowledge of religion or the doctrine of their church. 

Choose to know Jesus

Peter said we should grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus

The more you grow in the knowledge of Jesus, the more like Jesus you become

All the spiritual attacks you hear and read about only happen to religious folks because they are not growing in the right knowledge

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life

It is Jesus you need to know, and you can only know him by being full of the Holy Spirit and yielding to the tutelage of that Spirit of God.

All these religious leaders are looking for are people whose pockets and brains they can own so that they can gather men to themselves as a marker of greatness

Live beyond that 

Live the supernatural life

Religion will only frustrate and brainwash you

Christ is the Spirit of liberty in God

Whenever a Christian faces a challenge, if he or she turns to the Holy Spirit in his closet, the challenge is sorted out quickly, but if you go to clueless religious folks, they complicate everything for you, make the issue worse because they don’t really know and they have no understanding

They have turned husbands against wives and children against their parents in the name of prophecy and guidance. 

Don’t fall victim

Christ is all and in all

Your sins are forgiven, and there can be no accusation against you

No prince of Persia can delay your prayers; you are in Christ

The reason things are so difficult for you is because you have been convinced to believe in lies

It is always unto us according to our faith

If you accept that Jesus is sufficient and you walk with the Holy Spirit, you will see the tremendous transformation that will come into your life