Nothing Wrong
Nothing Wrong
Dear Holy saints,
Yes the Lord has dealt with
our sin, forgiven our
trespasses, past present
and the future, by the blood
of Christ...but there is
nothing wrong in
acknowledging your faults
before God and before
the brethren.
Like we preachers, when the
Spirit of God corrects you
for preaching what was
inaccurate, it is not religious
for you to acknowledge your
wrong and ask the Lord for
There is nothing wrong in
telling the Lord that you're
sorry for not dispensing
truth according to His
This is how we grow.
Yes, you have great knowledge
and the Lord is using you
mightly to transform lives here...
but there is nothing wrong
in learning from others and
actually unlearning or
adjusting the inaccurate
the truth you've taught for
There is nothing wrong in
making mistakes and
admitting them.
That's how you add some
more knowledge to what
you knew and once taught,
and make the neccesary
We know in part and we prophesy in part.
Thinking that the way you
present truth is the best
way to present it and
refusing to calm down and
see also from the perspective
of another brother is not the
way of the spirit, it will
eventually retard your growth.
I speak to myself also and
most importantly.
We have to repent of this
"my teaching is the best"
We are here first to grow
in knowledge before looking
for who to teach.
Our heart-attitude towards
these things play a role
in determining what the
Lord commits into our
There is absolutely nothing
to lose when it looks as if
the "argument" didn't end
in your favour.
Don't be concerned about
how your followers will see
you if you chose to correct
some of your errors.
Don't care about the likes
and shares, don't care about
all that.
The Lord told me that He is
more interested in perfecting
the saints in knowledge
than massaging my Apostolic
God is consistently and
constantly dealing with us to
see that we grow and
function exactly according
to His will.
So while we are in this process,
we shouldn't be ashamed
of admitting that we do not
know all there is to know
about God. Knowledge is progressive, but humility is the way to progress in
He gives Grace to the
If we understand this, we
will discuss scripture with
the mind of Christ, to
impact knowledge and
to be impacted...and not to
argue or to be seen as one
with superior Rhema.
May the Lord help us all to
adjust, for the sake of the
church of Christ.
What God has committed
into our hands is bigger than
what our minds can conceive,
and we don't need to allow
pride ruin it or let carnality
distract us.
This thing is not about us,
it's about Him.
So let us have more of the
attitude of "a student" than
that of "a teacher".
Let's teach with the motive
of learning from the
Much love..
"As for me, I would never
allow a woman to teach me
the Gospel"
My brother the earlier
you wake up from that
religious bondage, the
better for you.
Listen, brother, it will
the interest you to know that
the first person to preach
the message of the
resurrection was a
It was a woman who
preached the first sermon
on the resurrection day.
And she preached it to the
Apostle themselves.
Today, women are often
told not to preach or teach,
yet the Lord Jesus Himself
sent a woman with a
This nonsense must stop!!
It's about time religion stop
looking down on women
in ministry.
When Jesus commanded,
"Go ye into all the world
and preach the gospel to
every creature", that
commission was for every
believer, regardless of sex,
color, race or culture.
There're so many women out
there teaching the
Gospel passionately
( yes! with great insight).
When you find them, sit
down and listen to them.
Stop looking down on
Kafui Jozy Senya
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