What Manner of Spirit?
The first time I heard the story of the wedding ceremony where the declaration "I am joining two people in Holy Matrimony and not three" was made and the consequences that followed
I was shocked to the marrow
If you have not heard the story before, this is it
It happened in Ibadan in 2007
A pastor in Ibadan was told by one of the church officials
or a relative of the couple that the bride was pregnant
The couple had been having sex and when they discovered they had gotten pregnant they quickly rushed to get married before everybody knew they were already having sex before marriage
They got a date for the wedding and escaped the scrutiny of all the marriage counselors and church leaders
On the wedding day, the pastor while joining them took the microphone and said, "I am joining two people in Holy Matrimony and not three"
The lady immediately started bleeding as a result of miscarriage and the marriage was canceled
The couple never had another pregnancy until they parted ways and got remarried to other people
My former boss used to tell that story with a mischievous glint in his eyes
The story disturbed my peace in many ways
My uncle was catholic and no Catholic priest would do that to a member of his parish
No Pastor from the Baptist Church would do something like that
No Pastor from the Anglican church would do that
It is always the Pentecostal pastors that would be using the anointing to prove strange points
God does not delight in such pronouncements or abuse of spiritual authority
I can say this very boldly
If you want to prove you are anointed, please make the sun stand still or command the rain to fall on Lake Chad nonstop for a month so that it will save Nigeria a lot of money meant to recharge the lake
Christians are not meant to be used to demonstrate negative stuff
I have seen Pastors cursing church members on camera because they left their churches or did something they didn't agree with
What manner of spirit resides in these pastors?
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Blessed one
He takes no part in curses and afflictions
John the Beloved once asked Jesus if he could bring down fire upon a community in Samaria
Jesus rebuked him for having such an idea
Jesus said, "You know not what manner of Spirit you are of"
This means the Holy Spirit is not the kind of Spirit one engages in hurting, cursing, or afflicting others
Why then do pastors do things like this nowadays?
Most of them cannot just sort scriptures properly
They saw that Elijah made Gehazi a leper
Elisha commanded bears to kill 39 children
Elijah commanded fire to come down and consume soldiers
Peter commanded a sorcerer to lose his sight for a season
A prophet commanded a lion to kill a man who refused to slap him and many more instances of such in the Bible
They feed off these examples
They forget they belong to Jesus and the Spirit of Jesus cannot be led to follow men into error
There is a big difference between leading the Spirit and being led by the Spirit
Men who lead the Spirit usually assume that it is the Holy Spirit that they are using to achieve all the negative things they are doing using the name of Jesus
They forget that the name of Jesus has been given the power to rule over all things from every realm
Philippians 2:9 says "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledges that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God, the Father.
The name of Jesus in the mouth of a man or woman who is full of the Holy Spirit is an automatic wand of rulership
Whoever waves the wand will get the response of every Spirit subjected to the wand
The name of Jesus moves angels and ministering Spirits to do benevolent acts of the Spirit in the church and on behalf of the church
The name of Jesus moves men and women to act as instructed by the Spirit
The name of Jesus also moves demons and malevolent spirits underneath the earth into action
All those who will use the name of Jesus to lay curses and all sorts of affliction of people are putting demons to work
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
The mandate of demons and their master is to Kill, Steal and Destroy
If you desire to do any of these things as a born-again Christian just know that angels are not the ones you will be working with on such an assignment
You will be working with the experts at manipulating curses and afflictions
You will be working with demons!
As a believer, you must not abuse the grace of God upon your life by employing the devil and his minions in the name of proving a point or proving you are anointed
You are to bless and curse not! Romans 12:14, Luke 6:28
This was a direct commandment of Jesus regardless of how you feel or what happened or who did what
There are many believers today all over the church of Jesus Christ who are languishing in affliction and bondage simply because their spiritual father or pastor cursed them
They did not consider the fact that the moment a believer becomes a born-again Christian who is full of the Holy Spirit he or she has become blessed by the Lord
And who God has blessed, no man can curse!
Can God be cursed? Can the Holy Spirit be cursed?
If the Holy Spirit is dwelling in you, how can you then be accursed?
Even when the curse is deserved
As was the case with Jacob, Simeon, Reuben, and Levi
The curse was broken effortlessly
There is a standing order of blessing upon every believer
No other believer has the authority to put in bondage
anyone that the Son has set free!
He or she is forever free.
The story of Balak, king of Moab, and Balaam, the sorcerer
who was employed to curse Israel should teach us all a great lesson
Balak wanted Balaam to curse Israel but God refused to
permit it
Not because Israel was fasting and praying or begging
God for mercy
The word of God cannot be broken
It was because Adam sinned and became accursed that he or she was denied access to the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden
The Born again Christian already has eternal life in Christ Jesus and therefore he or she is not subject to the curse or any curse whatsoever
He or she should also not place a curse on anyone or anything
The children of the blessed one must bless
The children of the accursed one must curse
Wisdom is known by her children
The Spirit at work in the Born Again Christian is not subject to human feelings, whims, and caprices
This is why the Believer is better off being moved by the Spirit
When we do this, we allow the Spirit to gain ascendancy or transcendence over us and we do His will
Whosoever does the will of the Spirit cannot grieve the Spirit
However, if we are the ones gaining ascendancy or mastery over
the Holy Spirit, there is a tendency for us to get provoked injured, or angered and we will most likely respond by using the power at our disposal to say things or do things that the Holy Spirit naturally would not be a part of
When we do this, we end up like Moses, Aaron, Elisha, and other
ministers of God who subjected their supernatural abilities in the Spirit of God to the weaknesses of their flesh
It didn't augur well for all of them!
When you are full of a Spirit that blesses, you must be moved at all times to bless
You are a blessing!
PS: PSSBC School 20 is open for admission
Students can join the current School 19 as the session closes in 13 days
New Session for school 20 resumes on January 8, 2024
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