The Call
The heart of the seeker
Is always probing
Always longing
To see
The heart of a seeker
Is always open
Always willing
To receive
The heart of the seeker
Is always ready
Always eager
To know
The heart of the seeker
Is always longing
Always thirsty
To drink
The heart of the seeker
Is always pinning
Always panting
To eat
When a seeker sees
A seeker projects
Hope becomes real
Life becomes new
When a seeker knows
A seeker becomes wise
Knowing the heart of the sought
Losing self to Him
When a seeker receives
A seeker is transformed
Faith becomes a lifestyle
A seeker thrives
When a seeker eats
A seeker grows, from babe to heir
A seeker takes dominion
A seeker thrives
When a seeker drink
A seeker becomes a river
Giving life to others who thirst
A seeker blesses
When a seeker loses his way
Cut off from the love of his guide
Broken from the fellowship of the spirit
A seeker withers
When a seeker loses his light
Huddled in the fear of darkness
A seeker moves from error to error
Tormented by the evil one
When a seeker loses his way
The bright light of hope dims
The power of faith weakens
A seeker looks only to self
When a seeker loses his way
The voice of the evil one grows louder
Shadows pretend to be darkness
A seeker shivers and cries in isolation
When a seeker loses his way
Dreams becomes nightmares
Visions becomes terrors
A seeker loses rest
When a seeker loses his way
A whisper persists in his or her ear
God doesn’t want you, God doesn’t like you
You are damned
When a seeker loses his way
Like a dog howling at the moon
He screams and groans in the dark
As the light moves further and further away
When a seeker loses his way
She finds her delight in cusks and wastes
Her language changes as her mind unravels
Her faulty compass to darkness leads
How would a lost seeker get back on track?
How would a lost sheep find the shepherd?
How would a lost child find his or her way back to the father?
How would the taken be freed?
There is a compass in the heart
A chip of the Father
Etched in the DNA of the son
Alive forever in the Holy Spirit in the seeker
A seeker must turn to it
Press the homing devise with determination
In his or her heart a decision must be made
“Lost I am and found I must be”
A lost seeker need not be begged to turn
A seeker’s heart is stirred from within
Even in the darkest cloud and deepest shadow
His heart will cry “Abba Father”
Are you lost?
I have found you
Come home with me
“Come, the shepherd, says Come”
Turn now and speak my language again
I never broke my fellowship with you
For once you’re mine, forever you are mine
Wherever you are, please turn and come!
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