

Many of us would have heard the saying, "Words are weighty.”

For my Yoruba folks, they have a saying which goes thus, "Words are like eggs, when it breaks you cannot scoop it up again." The intention of such sayings was to caution people not to speak rashly or without care It is negative!

The fact remains that we speak sometimes and find ourselves in a jam. Someone offends us, we react out of pain and anger, we make some utterances and suddenly the person is in deep trouble and we are convinced it is because of what we said.

I have seen a wife who prayed that her husband would no longer prosper because she felt it was his wealth that led to his infidelity. Several months later, they could barely afford to feed, pay rents and school fees, etcetera. She began to run around so as to reverse her "prayer".

I have seen children running around with the claim that their parents cursed them and that was the reason they were not prospering in life. Husbands hold the words of their wives against them and wives hold the words of husbands against them. Whenever you have a couple's counselling session, the words become the Issue. You hear: ”She said this to me.” “He said this to me.” “I can never forget that statement, I can never forgive that statement.”

Many are plagued by words till this day because of their ignorance. While it is true that words are powerful in the realm of men, note that carnal utterances/curses have zero effect in the Kingdom of Jesus.

Once you become a born-again Christian, you come into a kingdom of indelible light built up by the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Your old burdens and issues are automatically removed totally. You're not allowed to be cursed, not by anyone.

The Bible made this clear in the book of Numbers. Balak rented Balaam, a sorcerer to curse Israel, God refused to allow it fly. This guy built seven altars and at the end of the day all he did was bless Israel. "WHO God has blessed, no man or demon can curse."

Note that nobody was there to fight or counter Balaam. Everything he was doing was with Moab and Moses was with Israel but God still didn't allow Israel to be cursed.

Again, notice that the children of Israel sinned by sleeping with women from Moab and yet God didn’t allow them to be cursed. Rest in this!

In the Kingdom we use the weight of our words to our advantage.

Myself and my team were in Ibadan for the gathering in February this year (2022). After the programme, I asked that we go to Kajede and prophesy on the land. I know their words are weighty and whatever they say both in jest and prayer will come to pass. When we got to the land they started speaking (not praying), I joined them as we prophesied, took pictures and built mansions with the words of our mouth. If you're looking for believers who laugh and play and have great fun in Christ, you cannot do better than GSWMI. We are a people of great joy.

We were supposed to break the ground this day and lay blocks. The architect was nowhere to be found; the ground was not dug; I refused to allow the deeds of men to change my mood. We ran around, prayed and prophesied as led by the Holy Spirit

Two months later, I visited the site with my team again. This time we went bowling in Ibadan and we also visited the zoo. When we got there, the project was in skeletons. It didn't matter one bit. I told them we will be holding our October 1 convention in the building. They said Amen.

They arrived from all over the world for the convention. They had worship services on a piece of land built by their weighty words.

We know how to take advantage of the blessings we have in Christ. We don't run around looking for who will save us from family curses and ancestral nonsense. While we are in the light, we have become the light and therefore all we do now is shine.

I write this to encourage believers all over the world to come out of negative belief systems and practices and come fully into the light. As long as you believe you're cursed or afflicted by the words of any man or woman, you are invalidating the word of God on your life.

Let God be true, sir. Let God be true, ma. Let every man or woman, father, husband, wife, pastor, prophet who curse you be a liar. In this kingdom of Jesus, there is only life.

There is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. There is divine blessings and abundance. Glorious things were written of us before we came here.

This is your mindset now. This is your sunesis. This is your phronesis. This is your epignosis. Shun believers claiming battles and warfare.

Jesus left nothing undone on the cross, His work was fully completed. Our salvation was a total package When you come into this Kingdom, that is the first thing you must convince yourself of, otherwise these "charlatans" will feed you with stories that have nothing to do with the reality of the beloved Son of God and His kingdom.

 Of course, some people will argue that their life is upside down and yet they are born again; Please help me tell them that this will remain so until they stop struggling and rest in His complete works.

You have been called into a blessing and not into struggles and pain.

As soon as you get this and begin to speak your weighty words into your own life by prophesying the reality of the blessed life daily, your words will rewrite the code directing your life and you will find yourself living a life that is far above principalities and powers.

Many will come to you asking why you're so joyful because their own Christianity is a sad one. They always look unhappy in the presence of God. You will tell them you discovered the joy of the Lord and the power of your words.

Your songs will not be warfare songs but songs of worship. You will find glory flowing out of your belly. You will find joy and gladness are better company than fear and curses.

You will prosper in health and when you speak, the world will listen because your words are no longer mere words! Glory!


Ps: I was told by the Holy Spirit some years ago that every word, curse, spell, incantation etcetera can be broken by the scriptures. “The Word is like Hammer” he said.

He also said "No word can break the scriptures, for it is indelible"

This instruction changed my life

