Where were you on the day of my enthronement, on the day the courts of heaven were rearranged because of my arrival?
Where were you on the day the angels were screaming and shouting "Lift up your heads oh ye gates, you too, everlasting doors”? Make way for the light bringer blazing Glory from the earth as He ascends into the heavens.
Where were you when they were told to ascribe greatness, glory and majesty to me, A lamb, slain from before everything but now sharing the throne with the immortal, invisible and eternally wise one?
Where were the sons of Adam on the day the sun crawled into the courts of heaven to receive new light and the moon lay prostrate to receive new mirrors!?
Where were you when the angels began to sing Holy! Holy, Holy to me as I sat at the right hand of the uncursed, the First of His name and First of His kind, my King!?
Where were you when I was given a name that is above every other name, A name that all who hear it falls to their knees in the spirit whether they desire to or not? A name that commanded the obedience of all matters, elements, thrones and kingdoms?
Where were you when I was given the right to name all the sons that came into me?
Where were you when I gave each of them a name so mysterious that the owner of the name does not know it and those looking at them can only see it but cannot call it out?
Where are you when I became one with eyes like the embers of fire and my feet became decorated with bronze and gold?
Where were you when I stood in the midst of the menorah and lit them all to watch over times and seasons from Aeon to Aeon as I prepared the saints for the glory ahead?
Where were you when I unleashed the Hozeh, seated upon the stones with seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God go to and from all over the earth to quicken the sleeping and the dead; establishing them in righteousness for my name's sake?
Where were you when I prevailed and opened the scroll that led to the release of the Holy Spirit upon the church to act as the perpetual key to empowerment and enlightenment of the church as they prepare for my coming in glory and power?
Where were you when the trees clapped, the rivers danced and the mountains skipped like live calves as the realm of glory sang of my glory fromage to age!?
Where were you when I presented my nation in righteousness unto God as an edict which forever binds them to God as His people and He to them as their God?
Where were you when the words were pronounced in the court of heaven, "Until the kingdoms of this world become the KINGDOM of our God and His Christ"?
Where were you when sons were raised to push the line further and farther that knowledge may Increase through the prophetic and the saints may prepare adequately and in line with the Spirit for my coming?
Where were you? Where were you when I took that which was born by the desire of man and the seed of promise and adopted it as my own thus binding to myself the son of prophecy in a prophetic declaration leading to the fulfilment of birthing a nation in a day twice?
I birthed the church on the day of Pentecost and I birthed my first born in your world in 1948 when I gathered the scattered and the homeless from all over the world on one land and gave them victory over their foes by my power.
Where were you when death lost his sting and the grave its power? Where were you when I dethroned hell and locked its doors?
Where were you when angels began to serve the sons of the Kingdom as helpers and supporters in fulfilling divine assignment?
Where were you when angels began to ascend and descend with ministers ascending with them to receive divine instructions as often as I desire?
Where were you when I made the weak strong and the poor rich?
When I broke the chains off their hands and the yokes off their necks and declared to them that impossible is nothing?
Where were you, he asked me, when I determined that all these are your inheritance in me?
This was a vision of the night. I roused from this and put my phone to the task of documenting it.
The voice that spoke continued to speak long after I had roused from sleep and started trying to remember the words spoken to me as I laid down.
I didn't dare to answer at the time but I know exactly where I was.
I was seated in Him, living in Him, hidden in him, waiting in Him, watching in him, abiding in Him and being in Him.
All He did I did with Him. As he sat and the crown was placed on His head, I was seated in Him, as he is.
I became, as he became! - GSW-
PS: This is a supernatural experience. It is meant for only the saints in light, for the dead shall hear the voice of the Lord their God and they shall rise.
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