Conundrum 1

Conundrum 1

I started sleeping with my sister's 
husband out of pity 
Yes, it was out of pity at the beginning 
before somehow i have landed myself 
in a mess right now 
You need to hear my story Brother Gbenga, 
you really need to tell my story! 
My sister was a choleric, the type that 
rated money above many other things 
She had a shop, a shoe and bags outfit that 
she treated like her life project 
I came into the family as a help at the shop, 
even though my sister was my older sister 
of the same father and mother! 
She was eleven years older than I am and 
came to lie to my parents that she wanted 
to take me to Abuja to put me in school 
I was in the village and I liked my life there 
I was with my parents who loved me and 
made sure I didn't lack anything 
As soon as I got to Abuja, my sister told 
me the academic session was half done 
and I would have to wait until the next term 
before she would put me in school 
I was 15 years old and she didn't see it as 
unfit for her to convert me to her sales girl 
Later during that period, I overheard her 
telling one of her friends that she had to 
pick me from the village because I was 
her blood
She said if i stole her money it wouldn't be 
as painful as it would be if an outsider stole it 
Her friend told her it was a wise decision 
By this time it was becoming obvious to me 
that my sister didn't plan to enroll me in school 
She just wanted to use me without a care for 
my future 
When i called my parents to report to them 
what was going on, my sister denied everything! 
She came home that day and beat me badly, 
she said I stole her money and wanted to 
return to the village to spend it 
She called the police and I was locked up 
overnight it was her husband that bailed me 
out the next morning 
I told her husband I didn't steal anything 
he said he knew, it was my sister's style of 
punishment to break stubborn employees 
Her husband said he had thought my sister 
would treat me much better than he treated 
the other sales girls that had worked with 
her in the past 
My sister's husband was a soft-spoken 
gentleman who had a strong sense of 
He promised that he would enroll me in school 
the following term and he did so despite my 
elder sister's protests that since I just came 
to Abuja from the village, i cannot cope with 
the demands of a city school. 
From the day i had the effrontery to follow 
her husband to the boarding school, she 
washed her hands off me. 
She stopped talking to me and whenever i 
speak to her she will just turn her head away 
and act as if i was a ghost
Her husband took full responsibility for me 
until i finished my secondary school. 
My parents didn't know this. 
To them my sister was spending money on 
me and keeping her promise. 
When i finished secondary school, my 
sister's husband ensured i gained admission 
into the University
He spent quite a lot of money I cannot lie 
to you, he treated me the way an older 
brother will treat his sister and he was a 
very responsible man 
After my 100 level, i went to their house 
for my holidays, i noticed something had 
My sister had moved out of their room and
was sleeping in the guest room during the 
I didn't say anything at first but when ASUU 
went on strike and i noticed it didn't stop, 
i asked my sister's husband one day what 
was going on 
(They have been married for eleven years 
without a child) He explained that they went
for some tests at the hospital and it was 
discovered that he was the one with the 
He said since the day they got the result of
the test, my sister moved out of the room to 
punish him for wasting her time for the past 
11 years and was considering what her next
 move will be! 
Sir, this man is a "good" man
I think that discussion was a mistake or 
perhaps it was too intimate not to have the 
repercussion that has brought us here. 
A few days after we had that discussion, 
he started looking at me that way, you know... 
I cannot lie, I know my sister is vindictive 
and very wicked 
That good man was suffering 
The day after he gave me that look, he asked 
me if i would like to move to another relative's 
house (My Aunt lives in Kubwa). 
He assured me that he would still pay my fees 
but his thoughts towards me had suddenly 
become carnal. 
I told him I noticed that too
I packed my bags that evening 
My sister returned home from her shop and 
walked past me to where her husband was 
seated in the sitting room! 
She started screaming "Shameless man, 
paper frog, that's how you sat down and 
wasted my time with your dead semen, you 
better go and hang yourself and die! 
If you die i will have something to show for 
twelve years of my life or do you want me 
to leave this house empty handed? 
Is that your plan? 
Drink sniper and die or hang yourself on that 
ceiling fan!" 
Brother Gbenga, I am not making an excuse sir, 
my heart cut at that moment! 
Thirty minutes later, my sister reemerged from 
the room fully dressed. 
She picked her car keys and left the house. 
As soon as she left, her husband got on his 
feet and started pacing up and down, talking 
to himself. 
I cannot tell if he wanted to commit suicide or
not but i felt he was very disturbed, I went to 
meet him, I held his hands and hugged him 
He hugged me tightly for a very long time 
and then he started crying 
Everything that happened was natural from 
He kissed my ears and then my lips and well, 
our clothes said goodbye!!!
That was the first day 
I didn't leave after then, I cannot say why. 
I stayed and took care of him and slept 
with him 
I was confirmed pregnant at the start of the 
lockdown in April, two months pregnant! 
We didn't take precautions because we knew 
his sperm was dead! It was a shock!
He moved me out of the house immediately, 
he rented a place for me at the beginning of 
Nobody in my family knows what is going on, 
but I am determined to keep this baby and if 
possible keep the man! 
He is having a crisis of conscience and 
wondering what his friends and church
people will say 
I know my sister will raise hell but I would 
rather she raised it in my absence. 
All i need now is your counsel. 
What do you think i should do about settling 
the family crisis here and how can you help? 
God bless you brother Gbenga, 
Thank you for being you!

PS: This case woke me up a few days ago, 
I presented it before the Holy Spirit as 
Isaiah did with Zennacherib's letter and laid 
on my face for hours! I do not take people's 
reality for granted and this was as clumsy and 
knotted as other cases i have seen the 
Holy Spirit resolve
I know this knotted and tangled web will 
be resolved in the most miraculous way! 
Every time I pray, i am expectant of a 
