The Prophecy
She saw him in a bar
She was there with her boyfriend
It was a cool Sunday evening
Her boyfriend was shooting pool
She sat right by the window
Keeping one eye on him and the other on the television
There was a football match on
She had ordered fish and chips
Her boyfriend was having a good game
Everything was okay with the world
Then he came in
He was casually dressed in a black trouser and striped white shirt
He looked familiar
He walked in without any fanfare
Dropped his car keys on the table and ordered himself a drink
He looked up
She had been staring at him
Their eyes locked
She looked away
He looked at the television screen
She looked at him again
He looked at her
Their eyes locked again
She didn’t look away this time…
There was something about the guy!
He took the challenge with maturity
He looked right back at her for a moment and looked away
Her boyfriend made a great shot
He skipped towards her like he had solved all the problems in the world
He touched her cheek through the window
She became self-conscious
She didn’t know why but she didn’t want to be with her boyfriend at that moment any longer
But she wanted to be in that bar
Only she wanted to be in that bar with the new guy
There was something about the guy
She looked at his finger
There was no ring
She knew that really didn’t mean anything
But then…
She told her boyfriend there was an emergency
She had to go
He looked disappointed
Why now?
She apologized
They had been dating for a year
He was a great guy
He was honest, jovial and childlike
She liked him a lot
He was fun to be with!
He walked her to the car park
She got in her car and drove off
Once he walked back into the bar
She parked by the road side and plotted her next move
She didn’t know what she was doing
She was 24, had only been in one relationship and yet…
She waited there thinking how foolish she was for acting on a whim
It was totally out of character
She sat in her car for thirty minutes
He came out
She saw him walk to his car and drive out of the bar’s compound
She followed him
He drove slowly, like somebody lost in thought or somebody in no hurry
She overtook him and blared her horn
He saw her,
She waved
She overtook him and indicated her intention to park to the right
He took the cue and indicated too
She parked and stayed in her car
She had done all the hard work
The next move should be his
She watched him through her rearview mirror
He alighted and walked briskly to her car
She motioned for him to turn to the passenger side
He did
She wound down
She: I am sorry, I believe we might have met or we ought to meet
He: I felt exactly that way but you were with somebody
She: Not anymore
He: Can we go somewhere and talk?
She drove a few kilometers to a park
She didn’t know why but a bar wouldn’t be ideal
It was a pivotal moment
She knew this instinctively
He drove right behind her
They got to the park
She alighted
He alighted
They talked
He was into local textile manufacturing
He came to Lagos to spend some time alone
He was single, 28, never married and not in a relationship
She believed him
She told him about herself and promised him she had never ever pulled a stunt like that before
They exchanged numbers
He drove behind her to her parent’s house
She waved him goodbye
As she stepped into her house
She felt warm all over, slightly giddy
Her mother was in the kitchen
“You just met your husband” said her mother
She: Mum, what do you mean?
Her mother: You are glowing, glowing from within
She: I met a great guy mum, I have a good feeling about it but It might just be friendship
Her mother laughed and said ‘Wait for me right here”
Her mother went upstairs
They live in a duplex inside an estate in Lagos
She went into the kitchen, her mother had left a boiling pot of rice on the fire
Her mother returned and handed her a diary
Her mother: Read this aloud
She: On the – of – 2017, when your daughter, so and so, is 24 she will go to a strange place for the first time and meet her husband under very extraordinary circumstances.
Her mother: Look at the date I received that prophecy!
She: - of – 2007!
Her mother: You were 14 at the time, we went for evening service at such and such church. You know I am not the type of Christian who goes from pastor to pastor looking for special prayers. That evening was special, the spirit of God moved mightily. As the service closed, a young lady approached me and gave me a note. She said she received this message from the Holy Spirit
I didn’t know her from Adam
Apparently she was a student at the time and was away in school when I joined the church
We had just moved into this estate and you were in the boarding school
There was no way she would have known about you
I thanked her and wrote the prophecy down in my diary
As you know the test of every prophecy lies in its fulfilment. If it comes to pass, it is from God!
If it doesn’t then the Lord has not spoken!
My duty in this was to prepare you for the future
I had prayed often that the Lord will watch over his word to perform it
When I woke up this morning, I suddenly had this assurance that before the end of today we would be having this conversation
When you told me you were going out to meet with a friend, I thought you’d be coming back home with a ring on your finger
She was shocked to the marrow
That night as she laid on her bed she was too excited to sleep
Everything came at her too fast, too soon
In the morning she dressed up and rushed out of the house at 6am in order to meet up with the staff bus
As she came out of the gate, she saw him
“I have been waiting here for a while, I couldn’t sleep” he said
He drove her to work
She bit her lips hard not tell him about the prophecy
She didn’t want him to feel weird or compelled to do anything he didn’t want to do!
He found an ideal office space and opened the branch of his office very close to hers
He was posted to the office as the branch manager
One year later, they were married
PS: There are people out there using prophesies to destroy and manipulate others
Their judgment is at hand
Be wise so as not to be carried away by such agents of darkness!
You know them!
When they speak forth anything contrary to the word of God about your life, reject it immediately
Their words are powerless without your consent
There are prophecies from the Lord
They build, the edify, they encourage and they never fail
When you have such prophecies
Respond to them in faith
His word will never fall to the ground
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