Conundrum II
I met my wife when i was in 300 level
My wife came with two of her friends
to my father's burial
My father died on his way back from
Iseyin where he was supervising some
building projects for the company he was
working for as an engineer
My father was just 54 years old
It was a closed coffin burial because of
the extent of my father's injuries
They could barely get enough of his body
parts to bury
He was buried in our compound, in the
only house he built
His death was a sad tale and many of the
students of the university i was attending
came for the burial
One of them was a friend to my wife
I had not paid my second semester
school fees
My father's house was barely habitable
when we moved into the house because
we couldn't afford to pay house rent
Things were very tough
I had served as an apprentice under a
photographer immediately i finished
from secondary school but i didn't have
enough money to buy my own camera
I still did some photography in school to
make ends meet but there was nothing
like having your own equipment and
owning your own studio
This was what I said when my wife and
her friend asked me what my plan was
after the burial
One week after the burial, my wife showed
up with N250,000.
She said she wanted only one thing in return,
if i had a girlfriend i should leave her and if
I don't I should never have another!
She will be my woman because she saved
my life and purchased a future for me!
It was a business transaction
The money was her savings from her
entrepreneurial drive on campus!
She had two salons, sold weave-on and
attachments, sold gold and other jewelry,
shoes, bags and clothes!
She was a "Madam the madam"!
She was also three years older than i am
and very pragmatic
Immediately I collected the money from her,
she made us swear seven different types
of oaths!
She was hell-bent on securing her investment
and i followed her everywhere she desired
because I had no intention of jilting her or
cheating on her.
I just wanted to survive
That was the foundation of our relationship.
For her, it was all about control.
I prospered as a photographer.
If she claimed she made me, i will say it is true.
The money bought me a professional camera
with all the right lenses that my expertise
turned to gold.
I became a household name in no time.
I must also add that when i started out,
she gave me some space in one of her
shops to use as my stand.
That gesture saved me a lot of money.
We got married three years later, I cannot
say we were happily married but we had a
benefactor/benefitor affair
i didn't mind, i would have given her my life
for that gesture of hers at that time
That gesture saved my family from
experiencing the horrible fate that befalls
those whose father died prematurely.
I have seen a lot and i know her coming
through was divine.
So I couldn't take offence at anything she did.
And yes, she did a lot of despicable things
To her, the value or worth of a human being
can only be measured in monetary terms
She was an oppressor of the poor and a
user of the defenseless
Her salesgirls always end up telling tales of
horror and pain
I tried to do a lot of damage control because
she had this habit of breaking people to pieces
and walking away without a shred of remorse
I believed that must be the reason she married
No other man would have stayed a day with her
but I owe her big
My family owe her big too
She brought her sister home from the village
when it became obvious that she had been
blacklisted by agents who usually supply
her with salesgirls
She was a hard taskmaster and would look
for an excuse not to pay salaries at the end
of every month regardless of how much
money was made!
And whenever her employees protested,
she would accuse them of one crime or the
other just to lock them up and teach them
a lesson
I had thought she would do better with
her sister but i was wrong
In all fairness, I was against her bringing in
her family members initially
I didn't want anybody seeing how I was
being treated in my own home, i didn't want
to become a laughing stock!
Our marriage was all her!
I might as well have been part of the furniture
or just another property.
Money was my saving grace but it could
only save my public face!
Yet, I couldn't stand by and watch her ruin
her sister's life!
I had done this with her previous sales girls,
she would laugh and call me bleeding heart
and softie but the problem with her sister's
case was we couldn't send her away.
After a bitter spat over it, I decided to enroll
her sister in a boarding school.
That, I believe would give me some breathing
space in the house because she was hell-bent
on returning her sister back to the village if
her sister wouldn't serve the purpose for
which she brought her to the city.
The boarding school thing worked!
Her sister graduated and even gained admission
into the university
Then my wife came to me one evening and
asked me why I was unconcerned that we
didn't have a child.
This was a woman i wouldn't dare ask for sex
Whenever she wanted to have sex, she would
touch me or say so, otherwise i will face the
wall and service myself
I told her i felt she wasn't ready to have one yet,
she replied by saying we will be going to the
hospital the following day for tests
I willingly followed her to the hospital
Our samples were taken and we were
Two weeks later, she came back home one
evening screaming "You are a bas***d,
I knew you would cheat on me!
After every thing I did for you?
When did you "catch" Gonorrhoea?
When did you "catch" syphilis?
You are an unfortunate man?
I was shaking like a leaf in the wind
I was sitting room watching the news when
she came in guns blazing
I almost urinated on myself"
I married her a virgin sir.
I was 22 when she gave me the money
for that camera.
By that time, the only thing I was in love
with and dreamt about was my
professional camera!
I couldn't cheat on her because of the
oaths we took (I truly didn't want to cheat),
so what she was saying was very strange
to me!
She moved out of the room that night but
she didn't move into another room or even
the guest room!
She moved her mattress into the sitting room
and told me she would remain there so that
when anybody came visiting and asks her why
she was in the sitting room, such will hear
the tale of the dead sperm husband!
I had to be careful not to bring people home
from that day
She refused all entreaties and would raise
hell every time i approach her to talk things out
This was the situation of things when her
sister arrived at the house for her holidays
It was obvious something was wrong but
it was a problem between us
I have always kept our couple problems
away from a third party
I didn't know why I opened up to her sister,
that was the slippery slope
Once i started talking, I couldn't stop talking
I talked on and on and on
That talk changed everything
Maybe because we were both victims or idiots,
she listened and I just felt a sudden sexual
attraction to her
I told her so the next day
Even advised her to leave the house but it
was too late
What happened would have happened
eventually sir, I know this!
Her sister came home that same night
like a mad dog, it was not unusual but
it was a trigger that lit up pent up feelings
and made me dare to die or perish
for the first time I defied all the oaths
and took advantage of that girl sir
She was twenty-one, barely an adult and
I knew what i was doing!
We made love all night
I actually felt human and oddly happy
The prison my camera bought for me
was suddenly broken and I was free
She stayed with us and we started
making love every time her sister was
not at home
I knew there would be consequences but i
wasn't expecting "pregnancy"
I was supposed to have dead sperms
Well, she got pregnant and that is why
we are in a mess
Her sister didn't know yet
Nobody does
I rented an apartment for her and I plan
to relocate with her after all these COVID
That was my plan until she suggested that
we talk to you and see if there can be a
divine intervention that will settle everybody!
This was why she wrote
It is also why i am writing
I love this beautiful girl sir,
I know I am not meant to but she is my life
I will do everything to be with her
Thank you, sir
PS: Let love be "unfeigned"
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