Three Is A Crowd

Three Is A Crowd

Her first daughter got married in 2004 
Prophecies about the marriage came 
to her as far back as 1992 
The girl was only fifteen years old at 
the time 
She went to a pentecostal church with 
a friend and as they were leaving the 
church Somebody called her "Tokunbo's 
Her first daughter was named Tokunbo 
She turned around expecting to see a 
familiar face 
The person was a stranger 
The person was the invited guest that 
ministered in that church that day 
The man said "Tell your daughter her 
husband shall come from America, I 
see her in a NYSC uniform, is she observing 
the NYSC at the moment? 
She said no, her daughter was in SS 2 
He said, her husband will come when 
she is observing the NYSC, they will both 
relocate to America 
She will live most of her life in America 
She will have a good home 
Tell her to be full of the Holy Spirit
That was the message 
1993 came, her daughter was preparing 
to write WAEC 
A taxi came out of nowhere and hit her 
into the drainage beside the road two 
weeks to her examination 
She was rushed to the hospital 
It was a matter of life and death 
Everybody, even the doctors thought 
wouldn't make it But she knew her 
scriptures Apostle Paul told Timothy 
to wage war with the word of prophesy 
spoken over him She waged war with 
the prophecy, reminding the Lord that 
His word said concerning her daughter 
That she will grow up to graduate from 
the University and observe the NYSC 
That she will meet her husband while 
she was observing the NYSC and 
relocate with him to America 
She waged war day and night with the 
Word of God 
Her husband was not much 
of a believer 
He kept telling her to open the Bible for 
him and show him where she saw what
she was always referring when she 
said "You said in your Word, that 
Olatokunbo shall not die but live to 
the goodness of God. 
You said Olatokunbo shall grow old 
enough to graduate and observe her 
NYSC, you said Olatokunbo shall be 
married and her husband shall come 
from the USA, You said in your word 
that Olatokunbo shall have children 
in America and keep a good home 
You said Olatokunbo shall be a blessing 
to me and the world I know you will 
never lie, I know your word shall never 
fail for you have exalted your name 
above your name! 
Olatokunbo lives!
After 33 days in a coma, Olatokunbo 
opened her eyes 
She started responding to treatment 
She had to go through five plastic 
surgeries on her face for her to come 
out in public with her pretty face 
It took millions of Naira to patch her up 
WAEC was postponed for her sake that 
year for the first time in many years 
She wrote the examination and passed 
She gained admission into the University 
She graduated with a second class Upper 
She was posted to Lagos for her NYSC
 She wrote the recruitment examination
 for an insurance firm and they took 
her as an intern as a youth corps member 
She was posted to their Human 
Resources Unit 
A client based in the USA came to the
 country for the Christmas holidays 
While in the country, he decided to 
pick up Insurance for some properties 
He met Olatokunbo and they became 
really fast friends 
He asked her out and three months later
 proposed to her 
According to the Word of God, they got 
married the following Christmas when 
he returned home for another Christmas 
They put in the paperwork and relocated 
to America 
She became a mother of wonderful children 
and her home was indeed blessed!
Her second daughter came to her with a 
list of names in 2007 
She was old enough to get married but 
she had around her a lot of "toasters" but 
none was serious about getting married 
Her daughter had graduated and was 
gainfully employed 
Why wasn't her case as easy as that of 
her older sister? 
She prayed and fasted and called upon 
the name of the Lord 
Her daughter clocked 30 as a spinster 
It became a tug if faith 
Eventually, God showed up for them 
Her husband came like one riding a chariot 
of glory 
He was located in the UK and someone 
connected them 
He was not even on the list of suitors 
she had the year before that they 
were praying over 
He came with the intention to marry her 
and married her it was all over within 
eight months 
She relocated with him to the UK too and 
their home was a delight 
But for her sons, she didn't fast and pray 
The first brought home his wife in 2009 
and the marriage was done in 2010 
The second brought home his wife in 2007 
and the marriage was done in 2011 
She didn't ask any question or carry out 
any investigations 
The marriages were good and they both 
have their families
After the wedding of the second son, 
her last biological child, a girl, walked into 
her room and asked her why she tarried 
in prayer over her daughters but didn't 
bother to pray over the boys 
Her daughter felt she did not treat the 
children equally and she wanted to 
know why
She told her daughter it was all about 
spiritual maturity 
The boys took to the Lord and grew up 
hearing from the Lord 
Their walk with the Holy Spirit was at a 
higher level since they were teenagers 
She was convinced they were led by 
the Holy Spirit in their choices and 
since they had never given her a reason 
to second guess their decision making 
since they were teenagers and walking 
with God, she had no reason to second 
guess their choices of a life partner 
Her daughter understood it clearly, 
her older brothers were tongue talking 
believers whose walk-in
the spirit was very clear and evident 
They were the ones that led her to Christ 
and got her filled with the Holy Spirit 
They have on several occasions to their 
mother what the Holy Spirit said to do 
and after doing such, they found it to 
be indeed divine and from God! 
It made a lot of sense to her 
Three years later, she was in 400 level 
in Unilag when the Holy Spirit led her 
husband to her She went home and 
told her mother she wanted to get 
Her mother said "When" No stress, 
no argument, no second-guessing 
She got married just before she left for
NYSC She married a friend of her oldest 
brother who was also a fellowship 
leader and a youth pastor 
She relocated with him to America two 
years later with their baby girl 
The Lord blessed her with her own
family too
I had to write this true-life story after 
reading form a lady yesterday 
She said her pastor called her and
broke off her engagement to the love 
of her life by claiming that he had a 
dream and saw that if she married the 
guy, she would die young 
Three weeks later, he informed the 
guy that he had found a wife for him 
and prayed him into a courtship with 
another lady in the same church!
What sort of Christians are we raising? 
Christians that pastors see visions and 
get directions of the Holy Spirit for 
The Holy Spirit is not a dictator 
That is why the scripture says "Our spirit 
bears witness with your spirit" 
It is not unusual for the Holy Spirit to
say the same thing to ten people or five 
people or at least three people at the 
same time 
This is why we judge prophecies 
This is why we became full of the 
Holy Ghost 
If your Holy Ghost is not deaf and dumb, 
why is somebody else using Him to put 
you at a disadvantage? 
Many of us insist we have to be babes
spiritually because we are in a church
This is not the intention of God
The pastor is the authority over the
local church you are attending in 
matters relating to service
When it comes to your own life, you
are led by the Holy Spirit as a 
If the pastor is sincerely walking
with the Holy Spirit and you are
also doing the same, you will see
that your spirit will be in sync
I worship with Theikos Doxa
Last friday during the Night of Glory
Five ministers kept mentioning
a young man whose journey was
laborious receiving divine help
Do you know that I had sent this
young man some money a
week before the service without
giving him any instruction
By himself, he left Ilorin and came to
Suddenly a minister called his name
I started laughing
One spirit!
I didn't discuss him with Pastor Eyitayo
or Prophet Femi or Pastor Alex
They all mentioned him and I knew
it was Him because he had been on
my mind for weeks and while i was
praying, i had a leading to send him
some money
But i didn't tell him what it was for
or what he should do with it
The Holy Spirit ordered his steps to
Lagos because He is one spirit in
all of us.
(When the ministers read this they
will smile and realize how it all came
The Holy Spirit will never rob you
to profit another one of his children
it is not His way
Pastors do this and get away with it
because they know you have refused
to grow spiritually
Imagine a Pastor walking up to me to
tell me something like that?
It cannot happen!
While i was an altar minister (in several
churches as a teenager and as a young
adult, no pastor ever pulled such a stunt
with me! When i was getting married from
the Catholic church and people said the
church i was attending will raise an
eyebrow, the pastors kept quiet and 
supported me in cash and kind!
They know i hear from God
They have seen the evidence of my
walk with the Holy Spirit and they had
also profited from it.
Please grow up as a believer
Stop being a greenhorn who can be led
and cheated at will
Spiritual ignorance is darkness!
Stop claiming to be in the light while
you are walking in darkness
Start growing in your walk with the
Holy Spirit
break off the yoke of the hirelings
and the spiritual oppressors
You were born free, be free indeed!

PS: Pastors who do this usually
assume they can get away with it
because they are a spiritual authority
I have seen the end of several of
Their evil works always trail them
into corners of pain and abyss of
Nobody manipulates the church of
God in the name of the Holy Spirit
and gets away with it
I have been in the church long 
enough to know that a "prophet"
can be stripped of his candlestick
as clearly written in Revelations 2
unless such repents
May the Holy Spirit heal the lady
and settle her quickly in Jesus name

GSW's Note: A Pastor I worked with
once invited me to her house on a
Sunday evening and told me the Holy
Spirit told her I will marry her daughter
It was a lie 
It was a manipulative spirit
It was an act of desperation
She acted so carnally and suspiciously
that I couldn't help but burst out
When i got to her house, she told me
she would like to take me for a drive
She told me the message of the Holy
Spirit clandestinely so that there
would be no witnesses
It would be her word against mine.
Do you know that the Holy Spirit does
not do that?
Hiding in the dark and plotting stuff
I saw through it immediately
but because she was a pastor and
i had to respect her, i told her I will
pray about it
That was the last sunday I went to
that church
After two Sundays, all the ministers
came to see me at home
They wanted to know what happened
to their Brother Sam
I told them I am fine but I will prefer 
to worship in another church
Spiritual manipulation irritates me
I have seen what it does to many
people and I can never suffer it.
The pastor reported herself to the
body of ministers
I didn't say a word
The ministers came to speak with
me about it
That was the last time it ever 
I will rather offend people than 
offend the Holy Spirit
If i agree with her out of sentiment
i would have walked against the
plan of the Holy Spirit for my life
in the name of being nice

Don't be gullible...
Jesus said "Be as wise as a serpent
but be as gentle as a dove"                                                                                       Always remember that in your walk                                                                          with the Holy Spirit, "Three is a crowd"