

A forty-five-year-old lady came to my office 
with her children for prayers before they 
returned to school! Her first child was 
a 15-year-old lady, the second was 
a 10-year-old boy! 
The mother said she was led to bring 
them to me because they were not doing 
well academically
We prayed! As they were about to take 
their leave, the young lady said 
"Sir, can I talk to you alone?" 
Her mother was shocked! 
I had very little time to spare and wasn't 
prepared for that turn of event! 
But it would be "unnice" to act impatient 
with the young lady I said it is ok
The mother and the younger brother 
left for the reception I called in one of 
my female colleagues (Didn't want to 
become famous overnight. 
Nobody trusts nobody these days) 
The young lady said "Sir, I don't want 
to get married! I want to become a nun, 
I hate marriage! I hate God!
Apparently, she was her mother's 
 Her mother poured all the bile of her 
marriage in her right from the age 
she was old enough to understand 
Her mother was a believer, one of the 
old school types of Christian who 
didn't keep friends! She had no one 
else to talk to
Her mother didn't tell her about the 
good times! 
Apparently we humans keep the good 
to ourselves and share the bad! 
When her husband built a house, 
she didn't stop reminding the daughter 
that she was the one who supervised 
the project and dealt with the land 
grabbers with wisdom
All the girl heard from her mother was 
the gloom and doom of the marriage! 
But I am privy to how much the marriage 
had thrived in the few years I have 
known the family! I know the daughter 
had either not been updated or had been 
so wrongly stirred that's he cannot see 
the good
I invited the mother and the son back 
into my office after a while! 
Then the ten-year-old boy also said 
"I want to talk to you too" 
Wow! So I decided to listen to him 
He said "My mummy is bad, she hates 
my daddy and she is always telling 
people bad things about my daddy"
He continued "My daddy is a good man, 
he is always crying at home! If he tells 
my mummy to do something for him, 
my mummy will say "I want to help you 
but I don't want the witches in your 
family to shoot their arrows at me" 
So my Daddy does everything by 
himself! I am not happy!
I sat for a long time I didn't know how 
to approach the issue I prayed and 
waited After about fifteen minutes, 
I put a call through to her husband, 
I asked him to come to my office 
When he arrived I asked the family 
to sit down I told them to forgive 
me for what I was about to do
I turned to the wife and without 
mentioning the daughter's name asked 
her if indeed her husband was as terrible 
as her daughter portrayed! 
She was shocked! 
Even the incidents that she had forgotten 
or that she slanted the story 
to soothe her own narrative or outright lies!
The daughter remembered everything! 
The daughter remembered her dreams in 
which she claimed she was attacked by 
witches from their father's family! 
The daughter forgot nothing! 
Her husband was in tears! 
She was in tears! 
The children were crying too 
I told them Forgive each other
Do it now in front of your children and 
mean it! 
You have built a stronghold of woe and 
despair in your children's minds 
You have practically ruined their journey 
before it began! 
Couples will always have their issues 
But we must open our eyes to see 
even as we cry 
This is key!
Playing the victim to elicit sympathy 
from your children against your 
spouse is witchcraft! 
Manipulating the emotion of children 
is witchcraft! 
Reporting your spouse to your children 
is witchcraft
 Don't ruin their lives 
Calling a gender "scum" is foolish! 
Stop it!
The family bounced back gracefully 
The young lady is now an undergraduate 
The boy is now a teen 
Its been four years 
I have seen tremendous improvement 
in that family 
The lady's witchcraft infested
 imagination was curbed 
Her husband became less defensive 
and more transparent