

 Psalm 50:5
 My intercom rang.
 I picked up.
 "Sir, you have a visitor."
 It was the receptionist.
 I asked her to let him in.
 I was the in-house architect in a 
construction company.
 My friend, an architect colleague 
Timothy came visiting.
 We'd been friends for a decade...
He came in, we talked, shared 
scriptures and prayed.
 About an hour later, Timothy took 
his leave.
 I saw him off to the car park.
 "Tim, where's your car?" I asked.
 "I came with a cab", he replied.
 "Ah! Car issues! I guess it's at the 
 Timothy's response stunned me:
"Naaa. I gave it away."
 You WHAT??
 "I gave it away. 
We invited a pastor to come preach 
in church last week.
 The Holy Spirit asked me to give 
him the car."
 It was a BMW.
 Tim left in a cab.
 I went back to my office, my 
mind in shock.
 It took a while to process what 
I just heard...
We were both single young architects, 
just starting out life.
 I wondered if the Holy Spirit asked 
me to give away my car, I would.

 It would be very inconvenient not 
to be mobile in Lagos!
 Imagine you have a date?
 Which lady would want to date you 
if you ride cabs and buses about?
These were my concerns.
 But my friend, Tim gave out his one
 and only car- just because the 
Holy Spirit told him to!
 I knew inside me I wasn't broken 
to that level.
 But I was challenged and provoked!
 That day, my spirit shifted.
 I later read a book by Dr Mike Murdock 
where he wrote:
"Whatever you can walk away from, 
you have mastered for life."
 Timothy walked away from his car.
 That area of his life was permanently settled.
 This happened over 20 years ago.
 Timothy and his family are in Canada now.
 We spoke last nights and I brought up 
that incident with him...
The irony is, in these 20 years Timothy 
had given out loads of cars.
 It became a tradition for him to be 
giving out a few cars every year:
 He'd buy cars in Canada, freight them 
to Nigeria and give them away to people 
as led by the Spirit.
 He has become a free car-giver...
This morning, I read Psalms 41-50.
 Verse 5 of chapter 50 struck me: 
"Gather my saints together unto me; 
those that have made a covenant 
with me by sacrifice."
 Here, God spoke of His SAINTS.
 Then He went ahead to give a 
detailed description of those He 
identified as SAINTS:
Those who have made a covenant 
with Him by SACRIFICE!
 Not those who mount the pulpit 
to preach.
 Not those who wear religious robes 
and carry religious titles.
 Not church workers.
 Those who have made a covenant 
with God by SACRIFICE.
 Let me ask: what can YOU walk 
away from...?
Do you have possessions, or 
possessions have you?
 Can you walk away from them?
 Jesus once asked a rich guy to go 
sell all he had and come follow him.
 Scripture records the guy went away, sad.
 He was possessed by his possessions.
 (Matthew 19:16-22)
 Many of us are like this guy...
I learned very significant lessons 
from Timothy that day:
 Don't hold on to anything tightly.
 See everything you possess as 
 Be willing to give away anything- 
my life is not dependent on them.
 A man's life does not consist of 
the abundance of his possessions.
Today, there's nothing I hold so 
dear I cannot walk away from.
 I don't place much value on any of 
the material things I possess.

 A Job submitted, "Naked I came 
out of my mother's womb, naked I 
 May our possessions not possess 
us in Jesus' Name.