Tehillah: Recovery Through Praise

Tehillah: Recovery Through Praise

A man buys a car, his wife gets behind the wheel and drives it with confidence. In our society, this is seen as perfectly normal the woman feels no shame she is entitled to the wealth of her husband he is taking good care of her. A woman buys a car her husband gets behind the wheel and drives it with confidence in our society, this is seen as shameful. The man is a loafer, a panhandler and a moocher he is spending his wife’s hard-earned money he is shameless and should be tarred and feathered. For the saint, there is nothing like this nobody knows who bought what or owns what.
The wealth of the family is presented in such a manner that it is never obvious who owns what.
The same applies to landed properties, a woman moves into her husband’s house and begins to call it her home, she does this without any sense of shame or entitlement, it is only natural.

A man moves into his wife’s house and he cannot call it his home he sleeps with an eye open all the time from the moment he moves in he is never at rest. Even though he might be lying down with his eyes closed and nose snoring. He is not resting he has no legal right to the house, he is seen as a gold digger and mummy’s side guy, and he dare not claim he has a pin in that house. If the woman should die, his belongings will be flung to the street even when he is protected by law.

It is not as if this does not happen within some families to legally married wives too. When it happens to wives, we call it an injustice and the matter is taken to court and frowned upon by society. When it happens to husbands however the one question everyone asks is “How come he remained there after the death of his wife? Does he have no shame? Didn’t he know it is shameful for a man to sleep in a house built by his wife or even under the roof of his in-laws? The law may be on his side (if he was legally married to her) but that does not guarantee any form of justice. The right thing for him to do is to leave and make no claim to the woman's labor. It is not so for the kingdom. The opportunity to put our affairs in order fairly by making a will is a must. We do not leave a mess behind as we journey on to eternity, we sort out our affairs as David did. Jesus sorted out his affairs succinctly so did Solomon and Paul.
The light does not leave his or her affairs unresolved, the children of wisdom are wise.

I got a case recently which was a bit perturbing, a man and his wife built a house in Lagos. The wife worked with an NGO and some big windfall of a bonus came her way during the building project she contributed eighty percent of the building cost, her husband contributed twenty percent.
Once they completed the project, she got pregnant and delivered a baby girl. As soon as their daughter was delivered, she told her husband she needed her two sisters to come and assist her with raising the baby. Her husband allowed the sisters to move in. One year became five years, the sisters didn’t leave, whenever the husband complained she would remind him that the house was hers. That is how women of the world behave, this is why Ishah should not call herself a woman and Ish should not call himself a man. In Christ, you answer to your new nature.

This woman suddenly got ill with cancer, she wrote a will, and she gave eighty percent of her shares in the house to her child and twenty percent to her sisters. The husband had twenty percent contributed by doing this she bound her husband to the sisters and the child forever. It was a mean move, one inspired by the devil in his most wicked state. The man couldn’t move on after his wife’s death the sisters wouldn’t allow him to have any visitors, he didn’t want to move out for them because he also had a huge chunk of investment in the house. The sisters refused to move out because it was their sister’s sweat. The man was a Christian and he did what most gullible Christians would do, he left things as they were while praying to God for a solution to the quagmire.

His sisters-in-law came up with a plan one day, he saw the police at his house they accused him of sexually molesting his seven-year-old daughter. When he got to the police station he saw the sisters there they were the ones who reported the case they said his daughter told them that he was sexually molesting her. A girl who was always in their custody since they didn’t have any job and he goes to the office daily. The daughter was brought to the police station and she didn’t have a clue what they were asking her to corroborate.
The man was placed behind bars while the sisters solidified their case, what they wanted was the custody of the girl so that they could have eighty percent of the house and send him packing or better still, send him to jail while they take over the house. As I write this the man is still in police custody, he would call himself a victim of the antics of the evil one. He lost out because he applied the wrong set of rules to the puzzle his late wife left for him.

If you play the Game of Thrones, you either win or die. He chose to play fair; he lost out big time! This is why it is important for a believer to marry a believer. The saints in light are raised with a mindset of Christ, and the people of this world are raised with a mindset of wickedness.

When Dinah ventured into Canaan, she got raped the children of this world will never play fair. The culture of this world will never be fair to the believer. This is a lesson we have to learn early and live by. Some cultures and systems are totally against even the wife benefitting from her husband's wealth once he dies.

In some cultures in Nigeria, the man is discouraged from getting married at the registry because this will give their wives the legal right to contest for their properties. They marry their wives traditionally and ensure that all the properties they acquire in their lifetime stay within their family. When they die their wives are thrown to the streets with the children when the children have needs, they go to their father's relatives who may or may not offer help as required they claim it is wrong for their sons to make money before death and for all the money then go to the wife who will use it to take care of her own family.

Citizens of Zion do not behave this way. The light in light sees through light and we act as the light that we are! A man died without making a will, his family came to his mansion and drove his wife and children out. They claimed the family was responsible for his education which in turn was responsible for his success at an early age before he died. His wife came from another tribe but that really wouldn't have mattered to them, they were that kind of family. The widow of this man took his three children to her family's house, her family pitied her and took her in but their mercy lasted only for a few days, soon they began to insult and subject her children to all forms of maltreatment because they were sharing the lean resources while doing little to contribute to the income of their grandparents. Her siblings stated point-blank that they could not feed her and her children, they must work to feed themselves. It was a very tough time.

Three months after the demise of her husband, she got a phone call from her husband's lawyer. The man asked her to come and see him in Lagos. When he got there, the man had two files waiting for her, in the files were the documents for two houses one in Lagos and the other one in Abuja.

The lawyer told her that her husband bought the two houses and kept their documents with him, the lawyer also delivered a letter addressed to his wife and three children. He said her husband instructed him not to mention the properties in any of his documents. They were for his wife and three children. In the letter, the man said his wife and children should live in one house and use the proceeds of the rent of the other house to take care of their financial needs. He said they must never mention to anyone that they got a penny from him. The man explained that a will would have subjected his wife and children to a lot of harm, his family must be convinced they had nothing so that they could spare the life of his wife and children from harm. The man knew what his family members were capable of he did the right thing by protecting them before he died.

PS: 1 Samuel 30 David Destroys the Amalekites 30 David and his men reached Ziklag on the third day. Now the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and burned it, 2 and had taken captive the women and everyone else in it, both young and old. They killed none of them but carried them off as they went on their way. 3 When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive. 4 So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. 5 David’s two wives had been captured—Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel. 6 David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God. 7 Then David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelek, “Bring me the ephod.” Abiathar brought it to him, 8 and David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?” “Pursue them,” he answered. “You will certainly overtake them and succeed in the rescue.” 9 David and the six hundred men with him came to the Besor Valley, where some stayed behind. 10 Two hundred of them were too exhausted to cross the valley, but David and the other four hundred continued the pursuit. 11 They found an Egyptian in a field and brought him to David. They gave him water to drink and food to eat— 12 parts of a cake of pressed figs and two cakes of raisins. He ate and was revived, for he had not eaten any food or drunk any water for three days and three nights. 13 David asked him, “Who do you belong to? Where do you come from?” He said, “I am an Egyptian, the slave of an Amalekite. My master abandoned me when I became ill three days ago. 14 We raided the Negev of the Kerethites, some territory belonging to Judah and the Negev of Caleb. And we burned Ziklag.” 15 David asked him, “Can you lead me down to this raiding party?” He answered, “Swear to me before God that you will not kill me or hand me over to my master, and I will take you down to them.” 16 He led David down, and there they were, scattered over the countryside, eating, drinking and reveling because of the great amount of plunder they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from Judah. 17 David fought them from dusk until the evening of the next day, and none of them got away, except four hundred young men who rode off on camels and fled. 18 David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives. 19 Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back. 20 He took all the flocks and herds, and his men drove them ahead of the other livestock, saying, “This is David’s plunder.” This month is the month of Glorious Praise. It is also the month of Praise for Recovery and Restoration. It is the month of Praise for Elevation. It is the month of Praise for Justice and Righteousness. If you find yourself at the losing end of a deal or being cheated out of something that is rightfully yours, if you find yourself suffering under the yoke of oppression and loses either spiritually or physically, there is a grace for total recovery in the place of prayer.
Please reach to me in the DM Or via 08072744871 WhatsApp or text. These issues will be addressed in the place of prayer. The Lord says he will instruct the downtrodden and lift the oppressed out of the miry clay through the spirit of Praise and prophecy. If the Holy Spirit is nudging you to reach out, pls do not hesitate.