Coping in Deep Waters
The first time I heard the word ‘suicide’,
I was a JSS 2 student at Federal
Government Girls College, Shagamu.
A friend of mine had just received her
report card, saw that she was repeating
the class, and decided she was going
to kill herself using a cutlass.
While some of us were scared and
were pleading with her to reconsider
her decision, the majority of my
classmates said we should leave her
alone to commit suicide if she wants
to as they were pretty sure she wasn’t
going to go through with it.
The second time, I was in SSS 2.
We had just gotten a new principal who
told us that the names of the first and
last three students in the mid-term
and final exams would be called on
the assembly ground.
Two girls in my set had found out that
their names were among the last three
in their respective classes, and they
would be called out on the assembly
They decided to commit suicide to avoid
the shame and stigma.
The first girl drank bleach, I can’t
remember what the second girl drank,
and they both ended up in the sickbay.
The irony was that because there
were a lot of names being called, and
a lot of those names were
mispronounced, we’d have missed the
names of these girls.
But since everyone had heard about
the girls’ attempted suicide, we were
listening intently and heard their
names clearly when they were
called out.
I’m happy to say that today, these
women are doing well in their careers.
In the third scenario, the guy – let’s
call him G, actually went ahead to
commit suicide.
I met G in my second year at UNILAG,
a few weeks before his death, through
my neighbour and friend.
I was in my neighbour’s car on our
way to Magodo from school when
he picked up G and his girlfriend so
he could drop them off at G’s house.
G was quite good looking and spoke
really well (I’m a sucker for articulate
Anyway, fast forward to a few months
later, we heard a final year student
in the faculty of science, who turned
out to be G, had committed suicide
by shooting himself with his father’s gun.
We heard he did this because his
project supervisor had failed him
twice and kept him from graduating.
I remember making jokes about his
death with my friends.
We said things like “E no fit be Naija.
Naija no dey kill themselves”.
When we heard he was half-Indian,
we went “ehn ehn, shebi I talk am
say he no fit be Naija”.
Then we continued, “but the boy
wicked o! Him for kill himself and
the lecturer too so, at least, other
students no go experience the
same thing”.
I remember wondering if G’s
girlfriend blamed herself for failing
to see that he was struggling with
depression and he was suicidal.
The fourth time was while I was
at my first job.
A friend was telling me about a girl
who had been dating a guy for some
years and went into a depressive
state when the guy refused to
marry her.
She had gone for her masters in the
UK and wasn’t coping well so she
had to return to Nigeria.
On her return, her father got her
a job first at a bank, then at Telco,
but she still went ahead to kill herself.
Apparently, she had attempted
suicide the first time but had failed,
and then on a day when no one
was at home with her, she hung
herself in her sister’s apartment.
My friend mentioned that the girl
went to UNILAG and when she
said her name, it turned out to be
someone I knew.
I was quite shocked!
In my first year, when I squatted
with my sister in Moremi hall, she
was my bunkmate’s best friend.
She and my bunkmate were both
in their second year at the time
and were pretty smart – they both
finished with 2nd class upper.
Both girls attended Queens College,
were very wealthy, were very popular,
had a lot of friends who were always
in my room scattering my bed –
to my greatest annoyance,
wore all the latest baffs, went to
all the parties, and traveled every
They were very privileged and I
had envied them a couple of times –
which was why the news about
her suicide really shocked me!
I did not understand how someone
who ‘seemingly’ had everything
going on for her could kill herself.
She was a pretty girl with gorgeous
eyes and in my opinion, she could
definitely meet and marry another
I couldn’t fathom why she’d kill herself
over a man.
I remember thinking she was incredibly
selfish for not even considering the
family and friends she was going to
leave behind.
It wasn’t until I became depressed
and thought (a lot) about committing
suicide and attempted it a few times
(I was always researching painless
ways to die) that I finally understood
what these people were going through.
I was (and still am) a Christian, and
well aware of the existence of hellfire.
Yet, I was willing to end my life
because I was in severe pain and
I thought it’ll end when I’m gone.
Thank God for my amazing friends
and family who helped me pull
Not to be a Debby Downer, but the
increased rate of suicide in Nigeria
inspired this post.
A few years ago, a friend of mine
from UNILAG said she believed
the suicide rate in Nigeria is much
higher than the number that’s reported
because a lot of families hide the truth
about the method of death if their
loved one committed suicide.
I agree with her.
If you hear that someone you know
committed suicide, don’t assume that
he/she is very selfish.
He or she was, most likely, in pain and
other people were the very last thing
on his/her mind.
It’s the same way terminally ill patients
feel – all they want is to get well or
end their pain.
They’re not thinking of anyone else or
their feelings.
If you also see any of your loved ones
exhibiting signs of depression or any
other mental health illness, please
be empathetic and be there for them.
Don’t start telling them stories of other
people who have it worse than them.
I can assure you that they won’t be
listening to you.
The least you can do is try to make
them feel loved and appreciated.
Let them know how valuable they are
and how much they matter.
If you know good mental health
practitioners, recommend them and
support them financially.
If you sense a loved one withdrawing
from everyone, try to reach out to them
and don’t feel slighted that they’re
pulling away from you.
Lastly, pray for your loved ones, you
never know what they’re going through.
Firecracker Toyeen
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