The Way
The things I saw while growing taught
me some lessons in living my life at
my own pace.
I never allowed anybody to put me
under any undue pressure I like to
lead the pack, when i cannot I prefer
to lead myself I hated being led by
my peer, even those older than me
who i judged to be not so intelligent
couldn't lead me
I have never believed in the older
the wiser adage, i know too many
foolish old people than i could count
on a finger
I was always at war with my oldest
sister who was brilliant but whom I
couldn't stand because she craved
that "pat on the back" and was a
"People pleaser"
People Who crave the good opinion
of others are very surface hypocrites
at best
I cannot stand hypocrisy
Even now, while in Christ, there are
many things I do simply because
it is what is expected.
I do them for the sake of appearances
I cringe when i do them
God sees my heart, if i could be allowed
to live as Christ to the fullest I wouldn't
do them
But we learn to give unto Caesar
because while we live among men,
we have to be "social and sociable"
I naturally find fishing for adulation
and compliments a sign of weakness
Like saying I am not sufficient in myself
You can understand that many are
affected by this fishing for adulation
or compliment syndrome so badly that
they come on Twitter or any other social
media platform to post their nude pictures
or a video of their body parts just to
get a retweet or a like
They do not see themselves as sufficient
in themselves
This is quite a pity
My parents weren't rich but I refused
to be judged by that
I respected only those who proved
to be as intelligent or more intelligent
than I was
I didn't learn it
It was the only strength I had
So it was not a virtue as such because
it made me very proud and condescending
(Quick to dismiss the achievements of
others, very competitive, boastful and
sometimes a total oaf. I learned later as
I came into Christ that the poor wear
pride as an armor and what I was
displaying was not unique but a
characteristic of growing up poor)
I grew up in a rich estate
Teens rocking Bikers, Chelsea, loafers,
Sanchez was the sign of "Hardness
and Big boyism!
Chicago bulls, Tommy Hilfiger, Levis...
it was a disease
Everything was judged by sight
Even a dunce with rich parents was
seen and treated with more respect
than the intelligent ones from a poor
Boys impressed with clothes and girls
followed the label
When all the boys with rich parents
were dating Yewandes, Bimpes and
I settled for Eli- Our landlady's ward
(i can't remember if she was Elizabeth
or Elishama or EliIbadan)
We all call her Eli and she was the babe
nobody will claim to be dating while
the sun was shinning
She was attending Bashorun High School
She didn't mind that I wore Saphet Buba
over my school knickers in the evening
because I don't have fancy clothes
She needed a boyfriend and I needed
a girlfriend
We didn't date each other in the open
There was a rule for being with a
poor boy and an ugly girl
You waited until everywhere was dark
7:30ish time between late and almost
too late to take a stroll and hold hands
You dont even talk much
That evening stroll gives you a sense
of belonging
Like "Its not that bad, I am not isolated
I still have a connection with the world
I am still of value to someone who didn't
see my lack of fancy clothes but liked
me for me!
You didn't care who saw you at time
It was all about Biology and its attending
Many of my age mates started driving
at sixteen
Their fathers threw lavish parties for them
The experience helped me a lot
I aspired to be a success but I knew
I would be a success by my own hard work
(I was very wrong on this too, I really
tried to get ahead through hard work
but I failed for many years. It was when
I gave up on hustling and began to do
live the gospel life that I finally started
experiencing the divine power of God
for my success.)
My generation was waiting for me to
be the one who would lift them out of
that realm of hiding when your age mates
were going to a party or hanging out
I remember sticking to my room and
reading all day simply because a
neighbour was having a party and
I didn't have the appropriate clothes
to wear
I once went to the recreation club with
my "i don't care what others think" comrade
called Samuel Bello
He said he can swim, I said i can't
We saved all the money we could scape
or steal for a whole year
We went on a weekday
I sat down eating meat-pie and drinking
He got into the pool and almost drowned
All in the name of trying to impress me
How many people drowned drinking coke
and eating meat-pie?
By the time they dragged his fatness out
of the pool, he couldn't eat anything
I had to help him drink his coke and eat
meat pie out of pity
He was 17 and I was 15 at the time I
had a mind of my own!
Unfortunately, somebody called somebody
that one Samuel almost drowned at the
Recreation club
I was Samuel
My friend was also Samuel
My father almost killed me when I got
I kept telling him I didn't swim but he
was too angry to hear me out
To add insult to injury, I went to
the club wearing one of his smaller shirts
He found it in my school bag
I hated getting into trouble that way
Till today, i am always wary of being
close to people who can get into
trouble and drag me into the cesspool
with them
It is one of the things friends do
The relationship as bonding demands
must have moments you call secrets
This makes friends vulnerable and
often times
I have found myself betrayed by a
lily-livered friend who decided to save
his own neck and throw me under
the bus!
I grew up as a "don't have" but I didn't
have their mentality
When I played games with my neighbours
in the estate, i treated nothing as fun
I had to prove to them that even though
they had the advantage their parent's
gave them it didn't make them any better
in who they are inside than I was
The mentality was all wrong but I couldn't
find a balance until I became a believer
Christianity leveled the playing field forever
Your life is not worth more than the life
of anybody in Christ
I cannot be a Christian and have an
inferiority complex
Christians who do have not fully grasped
the meaning of Christianity and salvation!
When I see a believer saying "I know
where my mates are" I shake my head
Such a believer is not living the life from
He or she might have confessed Christ
but he or she is not living the Christ-life.
We were not called into a religion
We were called to walk in THE WAY...
Many of us don't understand that as we
have a way of life in the flesh, so is
Christ a way of life in the spirit
Anyone who truly comprehends the
Christ-life has gained mastery over the
elements of this world in such a manner
that his or her words will never reflect
consciousness of any inadequacy
So when you go to churches and you
see a Pastor and even a Bishop praying
a "need and want" conscious prayer,
just know that such is still a babe in Christ
trying to grapple with life in the flesh
while struggling to manifest the spiritual
Let me teach you this...
Pray in the spirit for one or two hours
Do this with intensity and seriousness
as unto the Lord
Then lift up your hands and begin to
settle issues
Just as God did in Genesis 1 and as
Jesus did on several occasions
Begin to draw wonders out of the
treasures of your heart
Frame your reality with your faith-filled
words of affirmation, creation, provision
and health
Call forth the things that be not as though
they are
Once you bring something to birth in the
place of prayer, let your words and
consciousness align with its reality
Don't be an "Unless I see it, I cannot
say I have it" kind of believer
Such almost never grows
Believe in the reality you established in
His presence
Don't ever doubt it
You will be shocked how effective your
prayer will be compared to your routine
Thanksgiving, The forgiveness of sin,
supplication, and groveling method
that you keep applying religiously
Be like Christ
Confidently declare that all things are
yours and then go about doing the
things the Lord Jesus said all those
who believe shall do
Be a blessing to the Kingdom of God
and to your fellow men
You are a light that darkness cannot
See yourself that way
Let the word of God concerning you shape
your perception
Call yourself what God calls you and
act like it
Do you guys know the depth of the power
that we have in Jesus
The day you awake into what you are
capable of, you will look for me here and
say a big thank you!
Heaven is in you!
Birth it's realities by walking in the WAY
Christ showed us through his life
You have all things
You have been freely given all things
But you might live and die poor if you
don't walk in the way!
This is your daily fight of faith!
It is not a fight against sin and demons
It is a fight against self and sense reality
as you actualize Him
Like Abram vs. Abraham
You can be an assumed Father or
you can be the Father of many nations
The truth will reflect on whose word
you believe
Are you an assumed Christian Or Are you
the one to whom Jesus gave all powers?
PS: Many Christian live by their senses only
They only pray as a religious rite
They have missed out on the faith life
They know nothing about following
The Way
Acts 9 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing
out murderous threats against the
Lord’s disciples.
He went to the high priest 2 and
asked him for letters to the synagogues
in Damascus, so that if he found any
there who belonged to The Way,
whether men or women, he might take
them as prisoners to Jerusalem.
If you belong to the Way, live your
life THE WAY Christ showed us.
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