Odion and the Witch
She was supposed to be from a
strong Christian family
She was a born again Christian
Her mother was a prayer champion
The first he met her mother
He was shocked at how thin and
frail she was
He asked his wife (Then they were friends)
why her mother was that frail,
was she sick?
He asked because he loved her and
had been looking fr an opportunity to
show it
They were both working in the same
She got employed before him but
he was employed into a superior
She was in a relationship with a guy
who had some money
The relationship was good as everyone
in her family approved of it but as they
became friends and drew closer, he
saw her sad eyes and secret tears
He knew she didn't love the guy
He knew she kept at the relationship
just to please her parents and younger
The rich guy met her through her mother
Her father was a pastor and a mother
was also a pastor
They have a thriving prayer ministry
Many people came to their church for
spiritual consultations
That was how her mother met the rich
guy and capitalized on the opportunity
to hook her up with him
She was just graduating from the
secondary school at the time
She was happy about the relationship
at the time
The rich guy was eight years older
than her
He was into mining and operated a
Bureau de Change
He took her parent's instructions as
a word from God and started courting
her based on their spiritual advice
He helped her financially throughout
her tertiary education
He also helped her secure a job
He was sleeping with her steadily from
the time her parents brokered the
She didn't feel it was right but her
parents turned a blind eye
He was careful not to get her pregnant
The first time he attempted to make
love to her, her mother was the one
that sent her to his house to go and
get to know him as they will eventually
get married
She was seventeen and didn't have the
courage to say no
Her mother was a sort of demi-god
in her family
Her mother was the one who sees the
earth and heaven for all
Nobody dares say No to her mother
Saying No would practically mean
saying No to God Himself
She went to his house and started
cooking and doing some house chores
He came in and made his attempt
She resisted
He said "Do you think your mother
didn't approve this? She only made me
promise not to get you pregnant for
appearances sake. If you dont play
ball, I will call off the whole thing.
Am I supposed to be throwing my
money into a bottomless pit?"
She got the message
She had been sold off
She went into the bathroom to shower
She cried for the loss of her innocence
After crying for some minutes, she
braced up and went to him
He had his way and they became
Two weeks later he gave her an
engagement ring
The ring effectively closed the door
to all the other relationship opportunities
she might have desired to get into
It was woven into her life and language
"I am engaged"
That was how things stood until she
graduated and got a job
He introduced her to his family
They hated her
Nobody said it to her face but they
believed he had been manipulated
and they were not shy to say it to
her in an indirect manner
His parents were educated and well
to do
They saw through the whole thing
In fact, they refused to call her by
her name
They kept calling her "Omo woli"
(Prophetess' Daughter) out of spite
She could have borne it if she was in
love with him or anything remotely
close to that
She was not
She always felt she was living someone
else's life and not her own
She felt like a stranger in his life
She felt she was wasting a life instead
of living it
It was a terrible thing
She tried talking to her parents
She even went as far as talking to some
of their ministry friends to discuss
her situation with her mother but
nobody would dare speak to her
mother about it
She felt like a convict with the
hangman's noose around her neck
She had no room to maneuver
Everybody kept saying she was lucky
to have such a rich guy in her life
Nobody cared about her happiness
or desire
She felt like someone put in a straight
jacket and locked in an asylum
She was depressed and had started
entertaining suicidal thoughts
Nobody noticed
Nobody cared
It was all about their daughter marrying
money and taking them out of poverty
She hated them all with a passion
That was when she met him
She couldn't explain why she was
drawn to him or how she knew
she could be vulnerable with him
They became friends and before
she could say Jack Robinson she
was in love with him
The love she had for him gave her
so much confidence
She became happy, free and, full
of confidence again
Within six months after meeting him
she had called off her engagement
to the rich guy
Her parents almost had a heart
The rich guy was grateful
He even sent her a lump sum to say
thank you
He was as trapped as he was by
her mother's manipulative spirit
She waited for another six months
and brought home her man
The love of her life
She thought she would get some
love and support
She got nothing!
Her mother hated her man on sight
Her father, as usual, said "Mummy is
always right"
Her older brothers and sisters
also told her she was making a
grave mistake
She called her mother's younger
brother in America and told him
She pestered him until he and his
wife got on a plane
They came home to speak with
her parents
They wanted to know why her
parents were opposing her
Her parents said her man was poor
Her mother's brother looked at her
parents and shook his head
He said "Is that a reason? Is that a
good enough reason not to allow two
young people to build on their love and
live a fulfilled life? Shame on you!
What is money and who told you
they will never be rich?
How can you call an engineer and
an accountant poor?
Both of them are gainfully employed
but all you see is the now...
They have a bright future and I
know God approves of their union"
Her parents couldn't say a word
Three weeks later, her mother's
younger brother and his wife stood
as her parents as her man's people
came for the introduction
When her parents heard it, they
They joined in the other marital
activities and she considered the
battle won
She settled down into a life of bliss
Her mother's younger brother
returned to the USA
Her home was a spring of joy
Three months after the wedding
her mother came to their house,
looked around and started crying
"See how the enemy truncated your
destiny? You left an Italian furnished
kitchen for this stove and one burner
gas cooker.
You left a duplex for a one-bedroom
You left glory for shame
I know this young boy used something
on you
I know it is not ordinary
I know it was an enchantment
This was not what God told me about
your destiny
See how easily he manipulated you
to turn against your own flesh and
See how he taught you to bring my
brother home from the USA?
He did something and you were too
prayerless to see it.
I will not rest until you are set free
I will not sit down until your glory is
fully restored
The devil has desired to sift you but
i will not allow you to be dragged
into the enemy's coven"
Her mother's visits always left her
depressed and in tears
For at least a whole day after her
mother's visit, she would not feel
like seeing her husband or talking
to him
Her husband was very patient with
her but the onslaught from her mother
was persistent
Sometimes her mother would curse
her for hours
Her father and siblings would call
asking her not to be a child of sorrow
Suddenly their God does not hate
Suddenly the only way her glory can
be restored was if she divorced her
husband and returned home to her
After three years on continuous
attacks, she suddenly packed her bags
and returned to her father's house
She couldn't explain how it happened!
Her husband got home one day
and found her gone
She blocked him on all social
media platforms
She blocked his phone numbers
and went dark
Just like that
They didn't have a quarrel
When they got married he resigned
to take up employment in another
office due to company policy
He got back home from the office to
meet her absence
He waited and waited
And then he began to call
Eventually, he went looking for her
at her parent's house
Her mother told him to move on
Her daughter had come to her
His fetish enchantments had been
He should never darken their door
He ran to pastors, family members,
General Overseers
Eventually, he went to the General
Overseer of the ministry his wife's
parents claimed to affiliate with
The General Overseer heard him out
and called his wife in for a meeting
His wife honoured the meeting
The general overseer asked his wife
several questions
His wife kept saying he was a good
man but her mother had seen that
he was from a particular state and
the state was renowned for
The General Overseer said he had
prayed for him and he was not in
anyway diabolical
His wife said her mother said he
was not diabolical but some people
around him who were diabolical
were the ones doing the fetish things
on his behalf
His wife agreed they could reconcile
but was skeptical of how her mother
and relatives would take it
The General Overseer sent for her
They talked for a whole day
Her mother kept insisting she knew
what she saw and her daughter
couldn't continue with the marriage
That was the end of the matter
The General Overseer told him to
go home and continue to pray
Its been three years
The wife had sued for a divorce and
proceedings are getting finalized
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
was told about the matter
The Holy Spirit said "The witch has
to die for the tree to flourish again"
Guess who the witch is?
PS: Women can be unnecessarily
domineering and manipulative in
the name of having their way or
knowing what is best for their
This trait is common in
religious circles as it is in worldly
I have seen mothers instructing
their son to get a divorce and
Mothers scattering the marriage of
their daughters
It is very common in this clime
Don't let your mother's "obsession"
or "love" or "I know what is best for
you" turn you to the alpha and omega
over your child
You are nothing but a steward
The child belongs to God
As rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft
so is manipulation in the name of
religion or spirituality a sin of
Unrepentant witches usually die
untimely and miserable deaths...
Just saying.
GSW's notes: Some years back i
would have resolved this case
without a second thought
I dislike witchcraft even though
I love all people
If you are a mother and you
are behaving in the manner
described above, you need to
change or you might be retired
from life in a haste
You cannot and should not try
to control the destiny of anyone
simply because such is your child!
Mothers who do this end up bitter,
lonely, empty and, quickly forgotten
Some believers also do this, to them
I say "You have nothing in common
with God, if you do, you'd let your
children live their lives as led by the
Holy Spirit and not as led by your
lies and selfish interest like Balaam"
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