

He tried very hard to get a clear picture 
of what was happening
Why had business suddenly slowed
down to a full stop
Had he offended anyone?
Were there rituals he ought to do that
had not been done?
He went into his power room,
the consultation room built by his great
He checked the placement of the idols
and other totems carefully
Was anything out of place?
He had learnt over the years that
the deities are a very sensitive lot 
They could throw tantrums over
something as little as bean cake!
He once had a crisis 
Someone died and the villagers threw
friend bean cake to one grave but forgot
to throw it to another grave!
The ancestors got very angry
The one that got the bean cake was
offended the givers didn't honour the
The on that didn't get the bean cake was 
unhappy that he was not considered
worthy of a bean cake ritual!
Bean cakes that dogs ate in the physical!
They wouldn't have known about the 
whole bean cake issue if his son didn't
mention it to him while he was paying
obeisance to them in the early hours
of the morning!
They just took it as an excuse to 
be angry!
It took him days to placate them
He had to sacrifice chickens and 
do a mini feast!
But this time there was nothing 
like that!
And yet they were silent!
He hated it when they are silent
He had no dreams, no omens and no signs
Even when they were speaking, he was 
still often caught by surprise as 
events unfold
Their total silence means he would have no
food on his table
He was one of those who insist on 
consulting with the deities in his 
dealings with his clients
He does not do guesswork
He inherited his gift and talent 
from his father and he also learnt 
every aspect of divination,
herbal mixture and preparation, concoction
mixing, incantations and invocations from
his late father
He was not one of those fraudsters parading
themselves as trado-modern doctors
He was for real!
He had clients from all over the world
He kept a detailed file on each of them
Often because some of them had charms that
had to be serviced periodically to renew the
effectiveness in their various realities
He also liked to have a case file in order to
recall easily the solutions provided for
his clients before and how effective such
were so that he does not proffer an 
ineffective solution twice
He was meticulous and dedicated
And yet they remained silent!
Days went by and then weeks,
he decided there must be something 
very wrong
He left his house for his grand father's
farmstead in the forest of their village!
When he got to the farmstead, the deities
acted as if they were seeing him for the 
first time in a very long time!
He was puzzled!
He gave each of them their daily 
Had he been wasting his time all along?
They told him they could no longer
see, hear or access divinity from his
location in town
A strange power had suddenly taken over
the atmosphere
They could have warned him ahead
But they didn't see it coming
The power was like the wind
It was unpredictable and it was strong!
He was shocked
His deities were telling him that one
strange power came to the community
unexpectedly and sacked them?
Why didn't they resist or fight or 
inform him of the dangers?
They just ran?
What manner of power sends ancestors,
deities, guardian spirits and gods that
had been loyal for many generations
He was angry!
He was also puzzled!
In his business, power is key!
He had been told by his father that 
the key to a successful supernatural 
practice was a constant upgrading of 
his assets!
"When you see a power stronger than your
own, be respectful and learn about that
Once you have acquired that knowledge
it is yours for life!
Spirits redefine themselves all the time
and only those who are willing to unlearn
and learn new things can effectively
walk with them!"
His deities gave him a condition
He should either move into the forest
to be with them or forget about their
He asked them if they would come
back to the city with him to fight off
the strange power!
They said no!
He got the message!
As he travelled back to the city, he 
considered his options
He was 39 years old!
He was a graduate
He had dedicated his whole life to the 
practise he inherited from his father
He was also very educated and he had 
his own lofty dreams
He had thought the way of his deities
would give him an advantage
But moving back to the farmstead
was not an advantage!
The deities were probably just envious
of the new power they were claiming 
was in the city
He would locate the power and reason 
with it
That was always an option!
The deities are like old wives, 
they throw tantrums at the thought of 
their husband marrying a new wife
The test of maturity for the wise is 
knowing how to balance things!
When he got back to town, he didn't take
a taxi
He walked from the bus park to his house
He paid attention to his body, he paid
attention to the senses
He was looking for the source of the 
strange power
And he found it!
Twelve houses away from his own
He wanted to go home, rethink his 
strategy and then pay the inhabitant of
the house a visit
But he thought against it and felt he
needed to rip off the band-aid quickly
He knocked on the gate and he was given
He found in the house a male,
much younger than him in age, 
simply dressed in a pair of
Jeans and T-shirt!
It was not a church, it was a flat
The young man's apartment
He introduced himself
The young man offered him some beverage
He took it
It was obvious the visit was not strange to
the young man
He didn't know what to make of the whole
smiling and welcoming gesture
"Did you know I was coming?" he asked
the young man
"No sir," the young man replied "How may i
help you"
"Do you do this often? Host strangers and ask
how you might help them? He asked again
The young man smiled and said "Yes. It is
part of my work! I am an evangelist! I believe
someone told you about me"
An evangelist!
He was disappointed!
Such a young boy chased away his deities?
He quickly perished the thought
The young man must have been fortified
by the elders who knew what they were doing
It couldn't be ordinary!
Christians have never given him a headache
He has a lot of Christian clients, even pastors
and Bishops
He considered his question and then he
"Can we be working together? 
Can we share knowledge? 
I am willing to learn and I have come to meet
with you in peace! If you will share your
secrets with me? 
I am willing to share mine too! 
I am also a healer and I have some 
serious clients! 
What do you think?"
The young man looked at him and said
"You don't have clients anymore sir,
from the moment you stepped into my
house all that you had left was your life
Your charms and spiritual abilities have 
been shut down
You can keep your life but I will recommend
that you lose it at this point!
Give your life to the Lord Jesus
He will give you a brand new beginning
The power you seek is borne of a relationship 
with Jesus through the Holy Spirit
It cannot be inherited or transferred like
a personal property
"But as many as received him, to them gave 
he power to become the sons of God, even 
to them that believe on his name" John 1:12
He told the young man he would think about
it and return with his reply
The young man saw him off
As he walked home, he decided to call the 
bluff of the young man
There was a protruding nail by his gate
He had a charm that wouldn't allow any
sharp object penetrate his skin
When he got to his gate, he deliberately
his left hand against the nail
It penetrated!
Blood gushed out of the hand and he
screamed in pain
In his compound!
History had it that whenever his ancestors
went to war, even if they were badly injured
once they step into that compound
Their bodies mended!
It was a covenant they had for several 
Since he was a child, he had never injured 
himself in that house and whenever he was
injured outside the house, once he got home
he got healed immediately!
It was that covenant that led to late marriages
and having only one child per generation!
It was supposed to be an eternal covenant!
He couldn't sleep all night because of the pain!
The next morning, by 6 AM, he was at the 
gate of the house of the Brother in Jeans and
Knocking furiously!
When the Brother came out to see him,
He said "I want this Jesus sir" and fell on 
his knees
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed 
with him
The pain in his hand disappeared
His joy was full and his body was full of light!
It took him a few days to get baptised in the
Holy Ghost
It happened during his second reading of the 
Book of John aloud for his ears to hear him
And his life was never the same again!

PS: This event happened in Osogbo, Osun State
He is a pastor of a pentecostal church
With a sound knowledge of the Doctrines of Christ
He didn't import anything of the former life
into his new life in Christ
 He speaks against ignorant believers who 
introduce pagan prayers cultures and mentality 
into the things of Christ!
He is married with three children
He currently lives in Mowe, Ogun State

You are a territorial spirit!
I have heard believers complain of being 
oppressed by demons in their own rooms or 
afflicted by witches and wizards in their own
This ought not to be so!
The works of darkness have no jurisdiction
whatsoever in the territory of a believer
Darkness has no part of light!
Most believers dim their light to give
room for the works of darkness to operate
in their lives!
They dim their lights through prayerlessness,
lack of relationship with the Holy Spirit,
fear, negative thoughts and confessions,
paying undue attention to dreams and 
The quality of your spiritual reality will 
always depend on the level of the knowledge
of Christ that you have!
Why struggle when you have been enthroned?