Queen of Fortune
Her parents suddenly woke her up
around 1 AM
when she was fifteen years old
Her mother tapped her gently on
the leg
When she opened her eyes
She was shocked to see her mother
Her mother smiled and told her
to relax
Her mother said "Oro wa"
Meaning "We have a discussion"
She propped herself up
She couldn't think of anything
they have to discuss in the middle
of the night
She sat up on her bed
Then her father walked into the room!
Her father was a strong figure
of authority
A retired military officer with
connections with the political
ruling class
They were a royal family
Traditionally, her father could
aspire to be the local King of
their hometown or one of the high
But her father had his eyes on a
higher political position
He was contesting to be the governor
of their state
The road to his emergence as the
candidate of his party was ladened
with all sorts of challenges
He was rarely at home
They were right in the middle of
the campaign
And even though their state was
not the biggest
The meetings and rallies came in
thick and fast
She greeted her Father
She was his favourite
His last child and the one born
after they had closed the door
on having babies
Her mother usually explained
the mystery surrounding her birth
as the hand of God
"I never knew I was pregnant
After my sixth child, we agreed
that we have had enough
I did the family planning thing
in January
I chose the most effective method
I woke up one September morning
feeling very uncomfortable
When I got to the hospital, the
doctors ran a lot of tests
One of the results led them to
believe I was pregnant
I went for a pregnancy test and
it was confirmed!
The family planning thing was
still very intact and I was five
months pregnant!
That was how you beat all the odds to
become our seventh child!"
She loved the story
It made her feel very special!
Her father didn't say much
Her father told her she would be
going to their
home town with him at dawn
There was a ritual she must be
a part of
A rulership crown she must wear
It is part of their family's
Only virgins could wear it
And it had been revealed to him
through divination that unless
she wore the crown his efforts to
become the governor would be in vain!
She nodded her head
What else could she do?
She was fifteen, a virgin, a daughter
and the beloved of her father
She really wanted him to become the
It would do her family a lot of good
They were by no means poor but
power is another class of greatness
they deserved!
The next morning they went to the
The ritual was done
It lasted seven days!
She was bathed in the local river
by older women
She had incisions done all around
her waist, her wrists and the
middle of her head
She wore the copper crown and ate
the concoction that was given to her
The chanted the incantations
over and over again
She was told that she had become
the queen of wealth and good
There would be certain changes
in her body
She should embrace them
She should follow her impulse and
give in to her cravings, whatever
they may be!
Royalty for her must be delinquent
Nobody questions a queen
She will be given anything she
All she was required to do was
bless her father as soon as she
woke up every morning!
They returned home after the ritual
She started blessing her father
every morning
Whenever he was at home, he would
come to her room and prostrate
before her
She would call him by name and
pronounce blessings upon him
Whenever he was away from home,
he would place a call to her
early in the morning
She would bless him over the phone
He stopped calling her by name
He called her "Yeye", meaning "Mother"
Within a month he emerged as the
candidate for his party
Within six months he had won the
She was his guardian spirit
She saw dangers ahead
She also saw opportunities
She saw friends and she saw foes
She was his most valuable advisor
The changes they told her to
expect came
Her monthly period stopped coming
She filled out quickly and she
started longing for sex in an
unnatural manner
Her parents made a driver available
to her and lots of money
She started clubbing and picking
up guys just for sex
It was not her
It just felt as if she suddenly
had a double personality disorder
One week she was the meek dove
in her room watching movies and
The next she was all dressed up
like a vixen
Hot like fire, looking for men
to straddle
At seventeen she gained admission
into the University
Her father had spent two years
in office by this time
Before she left for school, the
ritual was renewed
She was told the "missing menstruation"
would never return
She was also told she would never marry
or have children
They told her the demonic sex drive
was normal
It was an expression of her spirit
of dominion
She was advised to enjoy her life of
immense pleasure
Her parents told her she would never
lack anything good all the days of
her life
Her mother especially told her
being a queen
of fortune was more important than
getting married and having children
The admission was very good for her
She had a change of environment
She also had a pool of virile
young guys to pick from whenever
she was in dominion mode!
She avoided relationships like a
She called those seeking to date
her "Talkers"
She had a string of them!
But she had the "honey lickers"
Guys who knew what she was really
about and made themselves available
to meet her needs!
One evening in her third year, she
was invited to a fellowship held by
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt!
The Holy Spirit started moving
She was always careful to sit at
the back seats so that she can slip
out of the church at her own
She didn't know what happened
She found herself jumping, leaping
and being pulled towards the altar
just as he was praying in the spirit!
Her movement was wild, erratic
and violent
He watched her for a while
The ushers were around her trying
to prevent
her from injuring herself!
He laid his hand on her
He didn't say a word
She stood for a few seconds
and then she was
flung halfway through the crowd!
She laid on the floor till the
end of the service
As she went home afterwards,
what had happened to her
Her menstruation came
Just like that!
She called her father to tell
him the news
He ordered the driver to pick
her up from school immediately
When they got to her village, she
was told
she was no longer useful as
Queen of fortune
Her father didn't understand what
had happened
The herbalists too found it to
be a puzzle
They blamed it on her father's
political enemies
Politicians are always trying
to outdo each other in the quest
for power
She returned to school a normal human
She met with the Brother in Jeans and
She explained what had happened
He led her to the Lord
She accepted the Lord Jesus as
her Lord and saviour and was filled
with the Holy Spirit
He father stopped calling her
every morning
One year later, her father won
a heavily rigged election
Months later, the election was
in favour of her father's opponent
PS: The Holy Spirit is very wonderful
He corrects destinies set in the
wrong direction
He alters the course of wickedness
and breaks the yokes of affliction!
No matter what the burden is that
you are carrying
No matter how deep you had gone
If you come to him, he will seek you
out and set you free
This event happened somewhere in Nigeria
When the spirit comes over your soul
When the spirit comes over your soul
You'd be changed
The glory will be revealed
When the spirit, comes over your soul!
You need the Holy Spirit!
Don't bear that burden alone
Why endure the pain and the
Why get tormented over and over
until you are sore of living
If you reach out, The Holy Spirit
is very willing
Please reach out today!
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