Guarding The Backdoor
One of my most respected teachers
in the Faith says “The imagination is
the backdoor into the mind”
From the moment I heard that phrase,
I realized it was totally true!
Whenever the world had taken a
position on something and anybody
desires to see that position change,
such a person or group would resort
to a badgering of the imagination
through the creative industry!
When you watch the theme over and
over in many movies and music videos,
you somehow come to accept it as
not too bad or as inevitable.
That was how same-sex relationship
was woven into the fibers of our minds
It didn’t matter that it was fiercely
resisted at the beginning
The plot was kept alive in movies,
TV series and music videos/lyrics
When a generation that grew up
consuming those contents got to
positions of power, they took the
opposite position
Every argument that cannot be
won rationally can be won through
the backdoor of the mind when
presented tacitly and suggestively.
Andrew Womack talked about a
documentary he once saw on the
local TV in his city.
A murderer who killed some women
was arrested and was facing a
death sentence if convicted of murder.
This murderer came from a rich family
and his mother was determined to
save him from the hangman’s noose.
His mother got the best lawyers in rheir
country to defend him.
The first thing the lawyers did was
hire a Public relations company to
make a video detailing the life of this
A persuasive story detailing his
struggles with multiple personality
disorder, psychosis, daddy issues,
rejection, depression and other
There was no known case of mental
affliction that was officially linked
with that criminal but the PR company
invented many just to persuade the
members of the public and possibly the
jurors and their family on the case
They made a victim of him and the
video convinced Andrew Womack to
the point where he felt death sentence
was a bit harsh.
Then the Holy Spirit told Andrew not
to look at the “engineered image
presented by the Public Relations
company because it was a lie meant
to garner public sympathy and
brainwash the public”
Andrew Womack said he literally
had to snap out of the cloud of
deception through prayer!
The reality of the story had been
Swept aside and perception was
being altered mercilessly in favour
of injustice.
The Holy Spirit has no interest in
the criminal being sentenced to death,
he only reminded the minister of God
not to get swept away by the lure
of a well-rehearsed story forged to
deceive through the press
Many of us have allowed demon
inspired story-tellers to reengineer
our realities
We have let down the guards of our
heart and allowed the issues of life
flowing through it to become polluted
A brother I used to work with came
to my office one morning and asked
me to pray for a young lady who was
in distress
He told me that the young lady was
a member of the church of a pastor
that I respected very much
The pastor was in his office and I
was in mine
I told the young man to call the
attention of the pastor to the case
as i might not be able to follow up
as necessary
The pastor will be able to keep
abreast of events as they unfold
regarding the lady’s case
The brother told me he cannot do it
I asked him why
He said he went to the pastor’s office
to clean it and he found some explicit
contents on the screenn of the pastor's
The pastor was watching pornography
in the office and had paused it pick up
something in his car when the brother
discovered it
To this brother, that means the pastor
was not a true servant of God and
shouldn’t be allowed to minister to
God’s people.
I met with the young lady and we
handled the case
Then I went to meet the pastor
He was in his early fifties and I
respect him a lot
I told him what I heard and offered
to help him if he needed help
He told me it started from a music
video he saw
He didn’t know how he started googling
the name of the music artist until he
saw her sex tape and from one sex tape
he became a constant visitor to
pornography sites!
The backdoor of his mind was all it
took to undo many years of teaching
and training.
Recently I saw a university trending
on Twitter
The school had become known for
sex tape releases!
The liars we watch on TV whose
reality is a far cry from the glamour
they display in their Videos made
taping sex a glamorous thing
“It’s your body, it’s your life”
“No publicity is bad publicity”
“Notoriety is better than anonymity”
Many of those with known “mental
health issues” among the celebrities
are still the ones setting the agenda
in our music and entertainment Industries
The Christian community’s initial
response to the conundrum of polluted
imagination was drab Christian movies,
contents and music
Sermons and other programmes also
took to the airwaves but they were
easy to spot and avoid.
The devil is subtle in the manipulation of
Human reality through the imagination
We must not allow the creative space
to be dominated by him
Thank God for the vision of some men
of God who promoted Christian content
through the arts and music
Some of their products have now gone
global but the church still has so much
to do.
We must come up with creative and
inventive content as inspired by the
Holy Spirit and put them in the airways
We must compose and sing love songs
and make musical videos that can be
termed as secular but forged in the
flame of the pneuma!
I have deployed the Song of Solomon
to supernatural effect several times
as led by the Holy Spirit and I have
seen its effectiveness
Our content does not have to be
religious in connotation.
We have a right to rule the air for
the god of that Kingdom is now
subject to us.
We have a right to write novels and
story books that are inventive, engaging,
exciting, adventurous and captivating
without feeding young minds with
sexual content and violence!
C. S. Lewis did this at his time and
yes, he was a blessing!
We must build apps, invent devices,
birth wonders in this realm from the spirit
We don’t pray in tongues only so the
enemy cannot hear it
We pray in the spirit and get inspired
daily to live as led by the spirit and
deliver the wonders of the spirit
upon the realm of man.
Let there be no spirit filled person
who is sitting on his or her hand waiting
for handouts!
The Holy Spirit is a treasure to be
mined to your profit in Christ.
Many of us only consult him when we
have a religious thing to do
We forgot that this same Holy Spirit
in the life of Jesus caused a
transfiguration and had no limit or
measure in his expression!
Why then are we wallowing in misery
and poverty of the mind when we
have the Holy Spirit in us
Some of us are so handicapped by
the teachings of pastors who major
on woe, fear and demonic teachings
that our creative light had dimmed!
You have been called into a life of
perpetual joy, bliss and light
You know new things daily, your
imagination has been ignited by
the power of the Holy Spirt and
you have the unction of the Holy One!
The corruption of the imagination of
a believer through the channel of
pornography and violence had done
us a great damage.
We only feed the flesh even though
we know it profits nothing
Start feeding your spirit with the
word and take complex puzzles to
Him in the place of your meditation
and fellowship
You will see how transformed your
life will be in a few months
You are an inventor, a creator
like Him
The GSWMI Single's Ministry is
holding an online meeting on 20th
of March, 2021
The theme of the meeting is THRIVE
Platform: Zoom and other
GSWMI platforms
Time: 4pm
Busayo and Bibi Ikotun will be
ministering alongside other ministers
as appointed by the Holy Spirit
Please join us and invite your loved
ones to join us also
Thank you
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