Pelters and Blessers

Pelters and Blessers

When you find yourself on the same 
side with unbelievers constantly. 
Their point of view is your point of view, 
their pain is your pain,. their argument 
is your argument, their worldview is 
your worldview, you need to do a 
thorough examination of your faith as 
a believer. 
You need to sit yourself down and ask 
yourself how your light and darkness 
seem to have a lot in common. 
You need to check the root of your 
belief system, perhaps you were too 
shallow and carried away by the 
surface theme of deeper plots hewn 
by detractors of the faith
You need to do this and get into the 
word of God more!
If your light is dimming, all things will 
become relative and sometimes you 
can't tell the difference between your 
faith and that of an unbeliever who is 
deeply rooted in another religion
You sometimes tell yourself that the 
unbeliever is better off than many 
believers because you got so close 
that the surface conduct of the 
unbeliever made you assume salvation 
is about morality and kindness or 
I once worked with a great guy of 
another faith, I was a pastor at the time
This guy was the kindest person i had 
ever known
When I had my second son and couldn't 
raise the hospital bill he gave me his 
entire salary for that month to help 
me out. 
When we get cash gifts for projects and 
assignments outside of our salaries, 
he wouldn't collect it. 
He saw it as bribery and was resolute 
he wouldn't pollute himself
After six months of working with him, I 
began to tell myself he was a far better 
man than me because of the good and 
kind things I saw him do, I couldn't do 
them at the time
After two years of working together, I 
got another job
He invited me for his wedding
I made sure I attended with my family
We both went our separate ways
I even lost his contact
Four months ago he reached out to me 
on Facebook
He said we needed to see
He said it was urgent
I asked him where we could meet
He said it can only be via video call as 
he was in India
He had cancer of the neck and was 
about to go under the knife
He wasn't sure he was going to 
make it
He needed to talk to someone
We chatted for about three hours
He asked me why I never told him 
about Jesus
I told him he was the best man I had 
ever met and I wasn't sure 
becoming a Christian could add 
anything to him
He started laughing
He said he could say the same thing 
about me but did I remember that he 
often told me about his religion?
He never kept quiet about his faith but 
I never mentioned anything about my 
faith to him
He told me he met 
someone in India
A Christian convert who used to 
practice his religion
He said the man had led him to Christ 
and he was already born again but he 
needed to talk to a fellow believer who 
can enlighten him on many things that 
he wasn't sure of yet. 
Then he saw my post on Facebook 
and was encouraged to reach out to me
I prayed with him, he got filled with the 
Holy Ghost and I read the scripture 
with him daily
I also led him in faith declarations and 
He had the surgery
Somehow the growth which was 
diagnosed as malignant by many experts 
became benign. 
It was the best news. 
The doctors were shocked and even 
apologized to him for the mistake
The biopsy they did earlier showed that 
it was cancer but the surgery turned out 
to be for a harmless growth
We both knew what happened
The Holy Spirit intervened and turned 
the tide 
I also learned a critical lesson
Anybody can be morally upright
Even the devil can wear a garb of 
goodness to deceive many but God 
is always right!
The righteousness of God is sacred 
and cannot be copied
If God says it is only whosoever 
believes in Jesus that cannot perish, 
then no other form of goodness can 
qualify any man
The criteria for eternal life is not 
kindness, goodness or morality
It is accepting the plan of salvation 
offered by God and believing it
When you do this, you are saying 
"God is right and I subscribe to his 
That is how we get righteousness 
imputed into us
By believing God and affirming that 
God is right!
I look at social media sometimes and 
I see believers agreeing with
 unbelievers and throwing stones at 
others with unbelievers
A believer joining the mob to label and 
shame people is not "woke", he 
or she has lost the plot
A man came to Jesus once, the man 
was a Jew who said he had fulfilled all 
the laws from his youth
When the man was done, Jesus said 
"You are not far from the kingdom"
Did you see that?
Good works can only bring you close 
to the kingdom but it can't bring 
you into the Kingdom
When the man asked Jesus what 
he must do to get into the kingdom, 
Jesus told him to sell all his properties 
and give the proceed to the poor 
and then follow him
Jesus is the only way that leads into 
the Kingdom and unless you follow 
him, the best you can do 
is not be far from the Kingdom.
A man was writing on Twitter about 
being gay and full of the Holy Spirit
Many people started retweeting and 
forming woke
Nobody wanted the mob to come at 
them or their account to get suspended
A lady went on the television to cry 
and make claims 
that cannot be verified
She got called out and automatically 
she was a victim and the person that 
called her out was the subject of our 
We must cast that stone and join the 
unbelievers to crucify anyone whose 
conduct does not agree with our belief 
And we will still preach a loving and 
caring Jesus on Sunday
Many of us preach grace without knowing 
what it meant
Grace has not become our nature
If you are a believer and you have joined 
any forum or group to trend hashtags 
vilifying a man or a woman whose 
conduct you consider to be wrong
You are in no way different from the 
Jews who caught a woman in adultery 
and were determined to stone her to 
Your tweet is your stone
The moment you pressed "send", you 
have cast that stone
Jesus didn't join the mob to crucify 
the lady
Jesus rescued her from the mob despite 
the fact that she was guilty as charged
Our duty is to set both the lawful and 
unlawful captives free of condemnation 
through Christ
Never will you attribute a tweet that aims 
to pull down anyone to me
Regardless of how right or wrong, the 
person was
If Jesus didn't throw stones and 
the same spirit that ruled him is at work 
in me
I cannot throw stones too
I will never be found among the gang 
shouting "Crucify him"
They may be the majority but they
were wrong!
The disciples were few, they stood by 
the cross in silence and fear
They didn't even have a voice 
but they were right
Standing where God stands is 
Any other position no matter how 
popular or prevalent is wrong
A man of God must stand firm in the 
place of Jesus in this world at this 
Our mission is reconciliation, not 
We were given a message of 
peace and love
We were not given stones
Between two opposing parties, no 
matter how persuasive the story of 
one side is
A believer will never take sides with 
You have already taken sides with 
I know we are all learning Christ
Let us also practice Christ daily!