His mother dropped him by the doorstep of her flat when he was two weeks old
She had been married to her husband for a year and he didn’t seem to be making any headway!
It wasn’t as if he was that poor
But she was from royal stock
There was a certain unspoken criteria she was supposed to meet
She married him for love
But love was for commoners
Power marries for power
Wealth marries for wealth
A crowned princess wasn’t supposed to be living in a two bedroom flat
She didn’t understand what made her pay him any attention
From the moment she sighted him, she liked him
He was cool, not braggadocios like many of the men she had met before in her father’s palace
He was also brilliant and he dressed very well
She knew he came from money
What he didn’t know was that the money was not his in any way
The family that adopted him and sent him to school were the ones with the money
He was the poor son of a farmer from the village!
He wasn’t naturally a dishonest man
He was blunt with the truth
She didn’t know why he didn’t tell her the truth about his situation from the onset
All she saw was his air of confidence, the brilliance and the fact that he was different
She locked in on him
When they graduated and she heard that he met another lady during his service year and they were getting uncomfortably close
She left her staton and travelled to his post to spend some time with him
She went to fight for her place
She must have made a bold statement
The lady in question simply faded away!
She accused him of being unfaithful
He accused her of playing with his feelings
She decided it was high time they started having sex
His feelings was all about getting into her pants
She had kept him away for almost three years
If her high standard would drive him away
She felt it would be best to let him in!
That night he opened the door persistently
She opened it gently
His hammer hit the nail squarely
She screamed in French
That was the day she locked him down
Hook, line and sinker
He didn’t dare stray again
After their service year, she got pregnant
His question was “When do I bring my people to meet your folks”
Her people gave them a date
He came with pomp and pageantry
It was quite befitting
The bride price and everything needed to be paid was graciously paid
Her father was stunned
Usually the bride’s family will set a target so high that the groom’s family will have to come begging for some reprieve
No with his folks
They paid everything demanded by her family with joy
Aftr the wedding, his “Parents” told her parents that they adopted him and they had promised to groom him until his wedding
They were happy that God granted their heart desire to see that day
But his real parents were still alive and well
The father was farmer and the mother a trader
It was as if a bullet was shot right into her head
She immediately wanted to call off the wedding
But that would be unroyal
She calmed herself down
She had dreamt of living in a mansion with servants and lots of money
She had felt she was going to be an extension of royalty all her life
This was not to be
His adopted family rented them a fully furnished two bedroom flat
He was extremely grateful
He told her they came to their village for evangelism when he was seven
As they were packing up after their evangelism programme
He went to meet them and told them he would like to follow them to the city
He didn’t know where he got the guts from
He simply loved everything about them
They approached his parents and asked if they could adopt him
His parents released him immediately
He was the sixteenth child of the family
The fifth son of the third wife
That was the day destiny spoke for him
His adopted parents spared no expense in giving him the best
Their own biological children were already in college abroad
They were from the USA
They came to Africa on their first missionary journey after retiring from their jobs
And they took him as a project!
Though they were African-Americans and he came to learn to speak like them
They dressed and behaved like natives most of the time!
After the wedding, she hated him
How could royalty be living in such a glorified squalor?
She resolved in her heart to endure until she had the child
She needed to retrace her steps and get back on her royal high horse
She delivered the child on the 1st of May 1982
She dumped him and his Father on the 15th of May 1982
Just like that!
His father did all he could to raise him right
His father was working at the wharf at the time and had little time to spare
His biological family were in the village and he didn’t want his son to grow up there!
He put his little child in the care of an elderly school proprietress
He was raised as best as anybody in his father’s shoes could raise him
Visiting days and open days were the worst days for him in primary and high school
Nobody comes for him
Though many of his friends didn’t notice the gaffe, he did
How come nobody cared enough to care!
His father was working with OYSADEP at the time
He was never around until the end of the academic term when he would come around to pick him up and dump him with one relative or the other for the holidays
By the time he got admitted into the Polytechnic
His handsome features and brilliance brought ladies his way
He kept digging hole after hole
He dug so often and so well, he dug three roommates at once
He didn’t see anything wrong with his actions
All the ladies who showed him love were treated like trash
Those who didn’t show him any emotion were also regarded as thrash
He never understood what love is
He could never bring himself to treat any woman with respect
He graduated and continued in the lifestyle
He added smoking and alcohol to his game
He became a night crawler, jumping from club to club
His family members and friends became worried
“When are you getting married?”
His Father became worried, “When will you settle down?”
He simply wouldn’t be bothered
His Father tried his best to talk to him
‘Your mother abandoned you as a child, I said so many things I shouldn’t have said to you, those things have become a stronghold in your life, you need to let it go!”
He understood what his father was saying, but he didn’t know how to change
He was 37, single, handsome, eligible and attracting ladies by the drove
He simply couldn’t keep a relationship on an emotional level
For him it is sex and be gone!
On his 38th Birthday, 1st May 2018
His Father invited the brother in Jeans and T-shirt to his son’s flat
“Please, come and pray for my son on his 38th Birthday”
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt got to the flat just as the celebrant was setting out to go clubbing with his friends
They shook hands
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt said “Jesus”
The celebrant was flung from one side of the room to the other by the power of the Holy Spirit!
The whole room became charged with power
Goose pimples broke out on everybody!
The celebrant laid there for almost thirty minutes
When he eventually stood up, he started crying!
Nobody could console him
He cried for almost an hour
The young man in Jeans and T-shirt asked him
‘Will you like to give your life to Jesus now and be filled with the Holy Spirit?”
The celebrant said yes!
He became born again that night
His life suddenly turned around
He stopped night crawling, clubbing, smoking and drinking
He also stopped chasing skirts and bum shorts
On December 1, 2018
He got married to a beautiful damsel he met at the House Fellowship
Ps: He was one of the favoured ones
There are many like him whose issues never got addressed in their lifetime
They kept spreading hurt to other people because they were nursing the pain of being abandoned psychologically
Jesus said we all have one Father
God is our source
I you find yourself in a similar situation
Don’t assume you can macho it!
Come to Jesus immediately
No one sets a life right the way He does
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