

She told him she was uncomfortable with the whole deal

But he laughed it off and said she was behaving like a typical woman

Well, she was a woman and if that was how women typically behave, she should be proud

She complained persistently

He simply turned a deaf ear

His secretary was the problem

She knew from the moment she saw his secretary that the lady had the “hots” for him

It was very glaring

How he didn’t see it or managed to ignore it was a mystery to her

She asked him one night

Were you ever in a relationship with your secretary?

He felt belittled by the question

How could she even suggest such an abomination?

Did he seem to her like someone who would be so unprofessional?

She resolved after that day not to mention the secretary again

She kept away from his office

She told herself she was overreacting

She didn’t doubt his love for her

Not in the least

She was at the shopping mall when he walked up to her

He said “Good afternoon my sister, I am sorry to disturb you but I have a very small challenge. My mother is celebrating her birthday tomorrow and I am very terrible at picking gifts! If you don’t mind, please spare me a few minutes to help me pick something good for her, I promise you I will be grateful”

She couldn’t help laughing

From experience, she knew men are lousy at picking gifts that would truly satisfy a woman, especially their mothers and wives!

She simply nodded

She led him into the mall and asked him for his budget

He gave her an open cheque

She asked him about his mother

Was she quiet?

Was she very fashionable?

What was her favourite colour?

Did she like jewellery?

Eventually she settled for a vintage white gold Jewellery

It was a collector’s item

He thanked her and insisted on keeping her company throughout her shopping

Suddenly she was a plus one in the mall

She liked it

She tested his patience

She kept looking at his face to see if he was tired or irritated at her shopping antics

Men are usually very poor shoppers

They pick whatever is on the surface

But women like to dig carefully until they find gold

By the time she finished shopping, he was hungry

They walked into a restaurant and he ordered the best meal she had eaten in years

She insisted on paying for her items herself

He paid for the lunch

They exchanged numbers

Two days later he called her

His mother loved the gift and insisted she would like to meet the lady he went shopping with

She felt it would be nice to meet his mother

From his words, she was a very wonderful woman

Plus she really liked him

She was 27 years old, living alone and praying for a life partner

Every guy that looks a little bit interested in her was a potential “The one”

He was way more than interested

She had to give him the chance to “peruse” the goods he would buy again

He picked her at home that evening

When they got to this mother’s house

She fell in love with his mother immediately

She was educated, lively, jovial and very suggestive

At a point she whispered in her ears “Should I send him to the room and then send you in after him?”

She laughed

He asked her what his mother said

She wouldn’t dare repeat it

He insisted he must hear it

His mother said he should go to her room and wait for a few minutes

He smiled and left

Then she turned to her

“Go and tell him what I told you”

Her eyes bulged with embarrassment

His mother laughed heartily and shouted “So and so come out o, your friend is about to pee on herself”

She had such a great time

Later that night as he drove her home he asked for a honest assessment of his family

She only had good things to say

Then he told her he was adopted

She was shocked!


He looked just like his mother and his siblings

He said the look could be because they had all been together for many years

He asked if he could come around and take her out the following day

She didn’t hesitate

They started going out and it was a very hopeful relationship

Until she met his secretary

Her spirit rose up strongly against his secretary

She had never ever had such a violent dislike of anybody that way in her life

Yet she didn’t want to be labelled one of those insecure women

Since he was comfortable with the situation, she held her peace!

One afternoon as she slept, she saw herself on a canoe, right in the middle of a large river

An elderly was calling on her

She could see him very far off

Chanting incantations and beckoning unto her boat to come to him

She had a paddle and she was rowing frantically in the opposite direction

But the wind was favoring the man

Her boat steadily stayed the course towards the man

Then she woke up

What sort of strange dream was this?

But he had learnt in church that whenever she had a bad dream or a dream with an evil omen

She should pay no mind to it

She should wake up, pray in the Holy Ghost and speak forth her reality

She prayed in the spirit and started speaking forth

“In Jesus name I can never be remote controlled by anybody, I am the light that shines in the dark and darkness loses its essence, I command a reversal of fortune for the one who dare to invade my spiritual space, I command right this moment that the Holy Spirit withdraw his or her peace until such a person comes to bow before the one who called and redeemed me. I am a sheep of his pasture, the lion and the boar cannot take me away, My shepherd is good! The Lord of Host is His name!”

Then she slept

The next morning, as early as 6 AM, His secretary was at her gate

She didn’t know how his secretary know her house or what she wanted

As soon as the person on the other end of the intercom introduced herself as so and so’s secretary

She called him

“Your secretary is here, did you send her to me?”

He said no

She refused to open the door

“What is she came to pour acid on me? What if she came with a sinister motive?” she thought aloud

She lived alone and the secretary’s appearance at her door was too close to the dream she had overnight

She was scared!

He arrived thirty minutes later

Her intercom buzzed and she heard his voice

She rushed outside to open the door for him

When she got outside, she saw him and his secretary

As soon as the secretary saw her, she fell on her knees, her body was covered with welts

Like somebody whipped furiously

“Please ma, pray for me, forgive me”

She was puzzled!

“What is going on?

He looked as puzzled as she did

She picked her phone and called her Christian brother

“Sir, I am sorry to disturb you but something is going on here! Can you please come?”

 The brother in Jeans and T-Shirt arrived 40 minutes later

By this time the neighbors had woken up and some had come outside to feed their eyes

As soon as the brother in Jeans and T-Shirt walked into the compound

The secretary picked race!

The brother in jeans and T-Shirt was puzzled

Why was the young woman looking at him and running away as if she saw a ghost?

Her man got angry, he called his secretary, “Come here right now, what is all these drama about?”

Secretary: I am sorry sir, I am sorry ma! I got here first, I thought she wanted to take my place, it was unfair! I have been taking care of you for a long time sir and she came and was getting all the glory and it was obvious you plan to marry her”

I told my father everything and we decided to do something about it

Last night we went to the river to address the issue

We didn’t plan to hurt you ma

Only to divorce you and my boss spiritually and marry you off to another being to keep you busy

You were coming towards us in a canoe

But when the canoe stopped it was that man that came down with a whip

He beat my daddy and I so much, my daddy fell sick on the spot

Please sir, I am sorry

Tell aunty to forgive me so that my Father will not die!


Ps: This Event happened in Oworonshoki, Lagos state in 2007

The Man and his wife forgave the secretary

The brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed for the secretary and her Father

They were healed

He led them to Christ

Secretary is happily married now with a baby

Her father is a missionary at Saki

The man and the sister got married

They didn’t sack secretary until she got a better job two years later based on the advice of the brother in Jeans and T-Shirt

The brother in Jeans and T-Shirt was comfortably sleeping at home the night the incident happened

He was not even praying

He was as shocked as everyone else about the event

The Holy Spirit simply manifested in his form

The Holy Spirit protects all his children

Be filled with the Holy Ghost!

Be protected for life!
