Help Cometh
His younger brother sneaked into
his room at 9am in the morning,
"Bro, he said, I was chased out of
the examination hall.
I had barely written a line when the
school fees enforcement team arrived,
the first problem was my inability to
present an examination card!
I cried & begged
Told them I had lost it.
Then they checked the list of defaulters!
And there it was, my name, written in
capital letters! I was chased out!
After all the weeks of praying and fasting,
God didn't come through as promised!"
It was bad
They were both experiencing a very
tough year!
They were students of a private university!
His younger brother was a year ahead of him!
They both knew meeting up with the school
fees would be tough for their parents but
they were tired of seating at home!
His younger brother took the bold
step a year ahead of him
It is better to try and fail than not to
try at all!
The first year was tough but somehow,
help came!
They were neck-deep in debt as friends
and colleagues had to help them out!
For weeks sometimes all they had to
eat were mangoes plucked on trees
within the school compound
There was no opportunity to work
and study!
They were both believers, campus
fellowship leaders!
They know the Lord, they know the
Holy Spirit and yet...
They fasted, prayed and cried until
they had blisters all over their mouths!
Poverty made an open show of them,
a parade...
His younger brother had preached
about faith and declared that the God
of the eleventh hour would come
through as usual!
This was why his younger brother
sneaked into his room!
How do you face your fellowship members
and explain that Elijah got God to show
up but you couldn't?
He was staring down the barrel himself!
He had a paper the next morning!
He decided that there was no point
getting disgraced out of the examination
If God didn't show up, he would just
sleep in his room!
He would rather pretend that he was ill
than be publicly disgraced
The next morning, he didn't leave his
His classmates started writing the
first paper by 9am!
Another fellowship leader came to
his room, "Bro, we want to travel to
Lagos and pick up the daily devotional
we share to the students!
Since you're not busy today,
can you join us?
He dressed up hurriedly and jumped into
the bus! It was better than mopping all
day like Jeremiah! When they got to
their destination, the publishers of the
devotional were shocked by the number
of copies they requested for!
They were referred to the CEO of the
The CEO welcomed them and asked
them questions about their school
and how effective the devotionals were
on campus!As they took their leave, the
CEO turned to him and said
"Wait, The Holy Spirit just asked me
to pay your school fees"
How much is it?
He told her
She transferred it
He was shocked to the marrow!
God came through but he had missed
a paper and would have to resit for the
paper the following year!
His CGPA would take a hit.
But half bread...
As soon as they got to campus,
the news came!
The HOD had cancelled the paper
written that morning!
Wawu!!! There were some errors in
the question which could mislead the
students and affect their answers!
The HOD was caught in a hold-up and
couldn't get to campus on time to
supervise the process
He trashed the examination and
rescheduled it to be written weeks later
He was too shocked to speak!
He could only cry!
That same day, his younger brother got
his school fees cleared by an
anonymous helper!
He was sent the receipt the next
morning! (Had to resit two papers)
These events happened in Bowen
University, Iwo, 2006!
Help is on the way!
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