Tekel Upharshin

Tekel Upharshin

His mother was the nicest mother-in-law ever 
She was shocked by the warmth his mother 
exuded towards her from day one
He had told her that his mother insisted she 
will never meet anyone of his girlfriends 
except the lady he was going to marry 
He told her his mother has a thing for
promiscuous men and would never tolerate 
it in any form 
She was not his first girlfriend but she was 
the one he took home to mama 
His mother embraced her and called her 
"my daughter" 
His mother didn't ask any of the questions 
she had prepared herself for several days 
to answer
It was all too good to be true 
They were quite rich 
Even though he lived a modest life on 
Campus and rarely behaved like someone 
from a privileged background, she was 
shocked at the sight of his parent's mansion 
and other properties she saw in their 
She loved him so much 
before she knew they could start on a better 
than average footing 
They both graduated from the same school 
and were posted to the same location for their 
They weren't so close on campus, even 
though they knew each other and sometimes 
talked as fellow students 
But he came for her during the NYSC 
She didn't know whether it was because 
they were both in a remote village and 
had a sort of Adam and Eve attraction or 
the mindset of whatever happens here, 
stays here! 
She didn't find his advances flattering in 
any way at the beginning 
There were danger signals everywhere
He was not a church person 
He was quiet and well behaved by nature 
Some students he taught during the NYSC 
started calling him pastor because he 
would rather speak softly and try to reason 
with them than raise his voice or be impatient 
It was so easy to assume he was a born
again Christian! 
She assumed so throughout their days
on campus 
He had that air of "I know what i am doing" 
or "I am wiser than my age" which many 
Christian brothers seem to have 
The first time they had a discussion, 
she was in 300 level at the time and had 
never had any suitor! 
So she approached one of the campus 
fellowship leaders to agree with her in 
prayer that God will settle her marital 
The fellowship leader (A male) was about 
to pray with her when another bespectacled 
guy drew a seat beside them and sat down 
Apparently, they were roommates! (The
guy and the fellowship leader)
The fellowship leader asked him to excuse 
them for a few minutes while they pray 
Then he turned to look at her and said 
"Pastor, close your eyes before this lady 
leans forward pls) 
She was wearing a deep cut blouse that 
revealed her cleavage! (Not for seductive 
She was just being herself but his words 
suddenly made her self conscious 
She stood up and left immediately 
He chased her down and apologized 
He said he was just teasing his "Holy" friend 
Somehow he walked her down to the hostel 
and took her phone number 
That was how they became friends! 
He called and texted her often but it was 
always general stuff and campus stuff 
Eventually she met some guys through him 
and he met some ladies through her 
They all remained friends but he didn't ask her 
out until one night during the NYSC when 
they took a long stroll together 
About three kilometers away from the village 
where they were posted he draped his arm 
around her shoulder and began to stylishly 
fondle her breasts 
It wasn't direct and rude 
His hand was placed in such a manner that 
the wires must touch 
At first, she was cool with it but
then sparks started flowing in her body 
At a point, she stopped to tell him off and 
he kissed her 
The kiss, like the "draping of the arm" thing, 
was unexpected 
His lips were warm and salty-sweet 
She kissed him back 
They had both been drawn extremely 
close to each other in that village
It was her first kiss too and she was 
twenty-four her lips trembled nervously 
She was too worried about his reaction 
to her naivety in kissing to enjoy the 
kiss as much as she had dreamt she would 
She was still thinking of the kiss when 
she felt him relieving her bra of its contents 
That was when she held his hands and 
started laughing 
She said he wanted to steal everything 
because her guards were down 
They were standing under a tree far away 
from the village but even Adam and Eve 
did better than that for their first time 
They walked back to the village hand in hand 
He proposed to her the following day 
She asked him to hold on with the proposal 
and told him she would like to be his girlfriend 
He agreed and they started going out 
He was her first boyfriend but she wasn't his 
He had been busy since he was fourteen 
They spent many days talking about his past 
She liked to hear about them those early days 
because it helped her gauge the type of guy 
he really was 
She got to learn why he messed up 
with one and why the other cheated on him 
and so on 
They developed a very strong bond 
Sometimes they would be locked in either 
his room or her room all day playing scrabble, 
chess (He taught her), card games or playing
 ("Touch me not" a very physical game in 
which he would be trying to touch her sensitive 
spots and she would be holding his hands and
preventing body contact! 
She always let him win in the end but sometimes 
she would frustrate him for hours and tease him 
that he wasn't trying enough especially as they 
play the game lying next to each other on 
his or bed!) 
By the time they finished the NYSC, she knew 
he was the one 
She took the ring from him and he told her 
he was taking her home to meet his parents 
His mother was a thirty minutes crash course 
for her, they were too busy bonding that she 
didn't ask him much about his mother 
He didn't talk much about his parents and 
siblings in all their time together 
While they were all she talked about 
"My mummy this, My Daddy that -, 
My sister this -, My brother that -" 
That was 90% of her gist 
The rest was school & church, but he had 
been to nine countries of the world and knew 
so many interesting things 
He was also a boarding school graduate, 
which accounted for his sense of independence 
and "out of family" experiences 
His mother was a magnet 
His mother sucked her in 
His mother was the one that called him in her 
presence to ask about the wedding date 
She was shaking nervously while the 
discussion was going on 
She had not taken him home yet and his 
mother was already finalizing everything 
He saw her reaction and told his mother 
she had not taken him home yet 
His mother laughed and said they would 
have the discussion again in three months 
She took him home and it was pure bliss
Nobody had a negative feeling 
She called his mother to give her the news 
His mother told her his father was away to 
the UK on a trip and promised that as soon 
as his father returns they would concretize 
the wedding plans 
Her own parents had informed her man 
that they would be ready to welcome his 
family whenever they were ready 
They had the introduction, and traditional 
wedding engagement within six months
On the night of the engagement, his mother 
took her into a room and said 
"You have to suck my breast until i am 
satisfied, after that, I will give you the key 
to your home!"
She thought his mother was being
figurative at first
She said "Mummy, we will continue
to suckle at your breast as your
children ma, may your breast continue
to nourish us"
By the time she finished the prayer
her mother had taken off her "Buba
(local blouse) and bra!
Suddenly it dawned on her that she
was supposed to literarily suck her
mother-in-law's breasts
She took a step backward
Her mother-in-law said "If you leave,
this day of joy becomes a day of sadness
for you! The wedding will be called off
and I will find another suitable wife for
my son! What i have asked you to do is
for your own good"
She thought about it
She took a deep breath
She did it
It was neither pleasant nor pleasurable
Her mother-in-law did not turn into an
ogre or a demon
It was two people, doing something
She was there for almost fifteen minutes
When her Mother-in-Law was satisfied
She tapped her on the back and said 
"I am satisfied! Well done!"
She waited until her mother in law
was fully dressed
They left the room together to attend
to their guests
The wedding ceremony held the next day
It was a tremendous success
She was happy and so was her husband
They had their honeymoon in Ghana
When they returned home, they went
to visit their parents
His mother called her into the room and
said "He will never cheat on you, he will
never look at another man or woman 
twice, you will not wake up to some
sorry tales by the family telling you to
accommodate a stray woman and her
I have been in this family for thirty-three
years and that was how my
mother showed me the way
I have done the same for you!
She was so grateful
She had noticed her husband's deep
devotion to her during the honeymoon
It was beyond the usual and so was
his father's devotion to his mother
She got pregnant that month and
had a miscarriage four weeks later
That was the beginning of her woes
She was unable to carry a baby to
The doctors gave her injections,
bedrest, and all sort of therapies
After eight years of the vicious cycle
His mother called her and said 
"Try and get a lover, I had the same
problem and that was how i solved it.
You will never be able to carry a living
baby to term for your husband
He will be able to have children with
another woman and you will be able
to have children with another man
but you will never be able to have children
with each other
The covenant of faithfulness only covers
the two of you
Nobody, not even a baby can never come
between the two of you!
The oath keepers won't allow it!"
She almost went mad
The woman had kept quiet for eight years
and watched her suffer both physically
and emotionally!
She had lost count of the number
of miscarriages she had
Once, she came to eight months and
felt she had broken through
The baby died at birth
Her husband was supportive but
she wanted to have her own children
She told the husband that they might
need to get a surrogate mother to
bear their children
Her husband refused to entertain the
"You are the mother of my children,
I cannot bear the thought of another
woman but you"
She knew it was the spell his mother
cast on him that kept him repeating
the same thing like a transistor radio
She went back to his mother
His mother said "He cannot help you,
but you can help yourself! Get a lover,
bring children into your home. Let me
tell you, if you bring a man into your
home and he sees you sleeping with
you, he will only ask you for an 
He can never react as other men would
I have given you the key to your home
Go ahead and do whatever you want!"
Her mother in law couldn't have been 
plainer but her conscience just couldn't
bear it
First, she hated the fact that her husband
was under a spell but to now brazenly
cheat on him and make him nurse 
another man's child as his own was for
her the height of wickedness
She wished she could do something
about it
She reached out to the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
She explained her dilemma
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt asked her
come with her husband for the 
Night of Glory for December 2018
They came
Her husband gave his life to Christ
She gave her life to Christ
They both held hands and prayed in
tongues for an hour
The following Sunday, as they were 
almost home from Church, her husband
suggested that they drive down to see
his parents
He turned the car around immediately
They were staying at Isheri Estate along
along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway
while his parents were living in Omole 
Estate Phase 1
When they got to his parent's house
They didn't meet his mother at home
Her husband started telling his father
about Jesus and the power of the 
Holy Spirit
Somehow the word fell of a fertile ground
His Father, at age 58 accepted the Lord
Jesus as Lord and Saviour and started
praying in tongues
While praying in tongues, his father
wept in a strange way
He kept holding his tummy and saying
"There is a fire in my belly, i cannot stop"
It was a joyful sight
At about 6 pm, while they were watching
the premier league, his mother arrived
As soon as she walked in, his father, 
moved by the Holy Spirit stood to
His feet and said " Ayodeji's mother
died giving birth to him and you moved
into this house as her friend who offered
to help nurse the baby
I decided to marry you because it felt
right to me at the time 
You really worked hard at keeping your
friend's home from decay
What have I ever done for you to 
deserve all these years of affliction? 
Do you think i don't know that 
T****i and A*****n are not
my biological children?
You brought them in and somehow 
manipulated me into silence
I saw a lot, i just knew your stay in this
house is not natural but i cannot do
anything about it until today
I am full of the Holy Spirit now, I am
no longer afraid of any repercussion
If you don't repent and give your life
to Christ, you cannot live in this house
with me!
Light and darkness cannot dwell 
Her mother-in-law stood staring at
her husband
Neither she nor her husband moved
After about a minute, her mother-in-law
turned around and left
Her father-in-law did not bat an eyelid

PS: She was not his mother
She was his late mother's best friend
who took advantage of her friend's 
death to secure a marital seat for
herself with her diabolic enterprise
it lasted 33 years
She moved out of the house the day
after her husband was set free
She moved in with a cleric somewhere
around Berger
Her children still live with their "father"
at Omole Phase 1 and had been with 
him throughout the lockdown
Brother Ayodeji and Sister Adeola 
delivered a baby boy in July 2019

GSW's notes: Do not read the story
above and assume it is normal for
a born again Christian to be afflicted
by demons
It is not!
Many Christians are suffering under
the yoke of demonic oppression today
because they are ignorant of the word
of God, they are ignorant of who they
are, they are clueless about the power
of the Holy Spirit and its outworkings in
them, they are docile, complacent
and like Esau, they had traded their
birthright for their senses and feelings!
Many clueless preachers and prophets
are out there fleecing the flock of
Christ because we closed our Bibles
and shut out the Holy Spirit.
Pray in tongues always
Read the scriptures out loud
Walk in the light of the Word of God
You are light, kill that darkness!

 Announcement! The June Edition
of the Night of Glory will hold on
on the 26th of June from 10pm to
2:30AM on Zoom Mobile App, 
Telegram and Whatsapp and all the
GSWMI platforms
The theme is Mene Mene Tekel
We will be terminating faulty seasons
and opening new seasons by the power
of the Holy Spirit
The Links will be sent on all our platforms
two days to the event
Thank you