The two sides of a coin
There are no middle grounds
That was how it was, and how it
will be
It's either light or darkness
Life or death
Saved or unsaved.
In the absence of one is the presence
of the other
Cues aplenty in nature
An unfarmed land naturally springs
up weeds
When light is not shone, darkness
takes over.
The darkness is not literally dark
Its ways are paved with things untold
Imbued with good things
Yet, it's a labyrinth of fear and
A treacherous winter sea with ash and
smoke mingled
With shadows and flames abound
A bulging eye of the pale southern sky
that sends shivers down the spines
The northern light sky that shines
perpetually looks on
Waiting assuringly
Its rays percolate the dark murky water
To the deepest depths of all trenches
Its ways are bright and certain
It's the river of love that flows endlessly
Tell yourself whatever you want
But take a deep-dive into the workflow of
the things of the spirit
In the grand scheme of things
Would you rather pander to every whim of
darkness when the light can encapsulate
Would you rather dance in the valley of
black fire being tuck away deeper when
there is a way for an escape?
Be like me
Be the light bearer
The carrier of eternal life
You are the one the Master wants
Be eternally free from darkness
Invite Jesus to your life today.
My heart aches
It longs to go home.
To meet my saviour
To meet my master
To meet my lover
What would I say when I meet him
In my garment that shimmers in his light
My eyes sparkling
My belly merry
Filled with laughter
After drinking from the rivers that
flow from the temple.
Oh messiah!
How do I behold his glory when I'm
before him.
In his light I see.
In his path I stand
Oh the new Jerusalem
Where all the saints will be
How beautiful you are
Where the foundations are made of
precious stones.
Christ, being the chief corner-stone.
There we will make merry
There we will shout
A shout of joy!
In zion where our King reigns.
Home sweet home
I long for you. Every now and then.
I do.
I do.
Dedicated to:
- My late sister, Dr. Olabisi Falodun.
I miss you a lot, your laughter on the phone,
and your visits on Sundays. Surely,
dad misses you most.
- To the saints who have gone to be with
the Lord.
Oh, what a perpetual glory in his
- To those who are still hurt because of
the departure of a brother or a sister,
you haven't "lost" them, because they
are with the Lord forever.
Time reveals all.
So, rejoice and be glad. Now, wear your
shoes again, and tie the laces, get back
on the track, and continue running the
race stronger than before.
We love you.
Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
“Come to me, all you who are weary and
burdened, and I will give you rest.
[29]Take my yoke upon you and learn
from me, for I am gentle and humble in
heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
[30]For my yoke is easy and my burden is light .”
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