The Outsiders

The Outsiders

She left her first husband after just 
three years of marriage 
She had cheated on him for about 
two years before she eventually left 
He was twenty years older than her 
He was a military man with a lot of money 
She was his second wife 
The first had died in a car accident while 
she was his side chick 
(One of his side chicks) 
It was the money that made her 
marry him 
The money, the comfort and the 
attention but she soon discovered 
how life was with him 
He was a rabid dog without a leash 
He was one of those who had a desire 
to conquer as many territories as
as possible in one lifetime 
He never stopped seeing the other girls 
She knew about them while she was 
one of them and every time she asked 
him to stop, he would laugh and say 
"This is how i have chosen to live my life" 
She felt she could cope at first 
She was one of those ladies with a belief 
that what a man does with his thing was 
his business as long as it was done 
outside of her matrimonial bed 
She had to settle for the reality when she 
started getting involved with married men 
Perhaps it was because of how she 
looked or how she dressed 
Only married looked her way from 
the age of 17 
It was as if there was a homing device 
on her attracting the taken and the 
She resisted the urge to date married 
men for three years but had to give in 
when she realized that was all life was 
bringing her way one of her older auties
who never got married but had four 
children for three men told her not to 
hold on for too long before she faced 
Her aunty said "Some of us are what 
I call "outsiders" 
We never get a foot in the door of a 
home but we build our own nests on 
the outside and raise out homes there 
Her aunty told her married men don't 
ask questions and are always 
overcompensating for the guilt they feel 
for cheating on their wives 
The fact that they desire sexual pleasure 
from her without offering anything 
tangible in return was key to their 
inordinate generosity and niceness 
If they saw you with another man, they 
wouldn't cause a ruckus because they 
know they had no right to claim you 
belong to them 
If you tell them you don't want to be 
with them anymore, they would take it 
like a man and walk away with minimum 
Her aunty told her to start early rather 
than later and build whatever home 
she planned to build quickly 
It wasn't a piece of good advice but it 
was the practical route to take 
She needed the support of a man to 
make it in life 
She dropped out of school after her 
secondary school education and started 
as a salesgirl with a cosmetics company 
Sometimes she worked as an usher for 
events and also assisted an event planner 
and decorator once in a while 
It was okay for a while but as she grew 
older she realized she couldn't remain 
at that level 
She needed to either get married or start
living her life to the full 
A married man came along 
He had some money and was willing to 
He was her first but he didn't last long 
enough for her to build a nest with him 
As soon as she opened her legs for him,
 he disappeared 
Just like that 
He was one of those guys who would
be all things to you until they enter the 
place  but once they are done, you 
become nothing to them 
She didn't know it but she had fallen in 
love with him in the course of their 
three months together 
She felt his absence greatly 
She met the next married man she 
dated a few weeks after she got dumped 
She was still healing from the heartbreak 
and drank a lot while they were at the bar 
The sex was almost insignificant but for 
the fact that a few weeks after she slept 
with him, she discovered she was pregnant 
and had to terminate the pregnancy 
By this time, she had dropped all her 
foolishness regarding men 
To her mind she was not any different from 
a prostitute, but instead of staying in a 
lodge to satisfy men mechanically for a fee, 
she had the advantage of engaging them 
emotionally and pretending to be ignorant 
of the truth!
She met three other ladies whose lifestyles 
were similar to her own 
The new ladies were like high-class call girls 
They got invited to parties organized by big 
boys who wanted no strings attached 
female attention 
That was how she met her first husband 
He was one of the clients her team was 
contracted to satisfy at a hotel in Abuja 
Phone numbers were exchanged and 
he called her about a week after they met 
He told her he wanted her exclusively as 
a mistress 
She named her price and he paid it 
He got her a fully furnished apartment and 
a car 
She had entered the big leagues 
Her big aunty told her immediately to start 
having babies 
Military men with money, unlike other cheats, 
wouldn't mind children outside their 
matrimonial home 
She got the message immediately 
Her aunty also told her she had to secure 
her position 
"You cannot behave like his foolish wife 
who knew she was taking a bulldog for 
a walk and forgot the leash at home" 
She got that message loud and clear too 
Her aunty took her to a place in Beyerunka, 
She met an old man who promised to 
help her tie her bulldog down 
She just needed the safety security needed 
to settle down and lay her eggs 
They did five different charms 
Her man was also a consulting man and 
had done many charms to protect himself 
from enemies within and without 
She wanted to give it up at one point
 because nothing they did worked but 
her man wouldn't stop chasing skirts 
She was also trying to get pregnant to 
no avail She didn't want to lose her 
golden goose to another street girl 
Most of those entering the game at that 
time were in for the big bucks and 
would bleed her whale to death without 
blinking an eye 
He was her once in lifetime meal ticket 
She had seen some of the skirts her man 
and his friends were chasing that season, 
those girls had something she didn't 
They were students 
They were young, exposed and could 
manipulate men far better than she could 
She needed the advantage 
So she told the old man to do something 
more potent 
The old man told her he could move her 
into his home indirectly 
She didn't ask how she paid for the deed 
Six weeks later, the wife died 
That same day the old man came to her
 house and gave her something he called 
the fat of a lion's cub to rub on
Her man came to see her 
She used the fat and it worked 
He started treating her with respect and 
discussing intimate things with her 
They planned his wife's funeral together, 
he even gave her some money to shop
 for some of the items used 
He didn't stop sleeping around but
was no longer a side chick he had let 
her into his heart in an unusual way 
Six weeks after the funeral he called 
her one day and told her to drive over 
to his house 
That was how she moved into the vacuum 
left by the first wife 
But being his wife was hell! 
He was never home and he
became easily irritated with her 
That was when she met Sylvester, 
an oil and gas tycoon who lived in a 
mansion by the beach all by himself 
She was bored and lonely 
They met once a week until she left 
her marriage 
The week she moved into his house 
she discovered she was pregnant!
After several years of crying every month 
whenever she had her period,
she missed her period at such a 
significant time
She had always practiced safe sex with
He was not the father of the baby 
and she had left her husband's house
in such a manner that she couldn't
dare show her face under any 
She lasted three months before
Sylvester found out
He threw her out!
There was nothing she didn't say
He didn't give two hoots
So she was back in square one
but this time with a baby in her
She had some money saved
but most of the money she made
had been spent on irrelevant things
when she was spending like there
was no tomorrow
She told her sister she wanted to
rent a shop and start a business
She couldn't continue her "trade"
with a baby in her tummy
Her sister got her a man who told
her about a business franchise from
South Korea that would make her
financially independent within a year
The business would require her to
buy-in for fifteen Million Naira
She sold her jewelries, two cars,
cleared out her bank accounts and
even borrowed some money from her
friends to invest in the business
It was a scam
She was stripped of everything she 
By this time the pregnancy was seven
months old
Her aunty decided to meet with the 
father of the baby and explain to him
the situation she was in
It was a wrong move
The military man ensured her aunty
did a lot of frog jumps before she
was released
She had no hope
No friend
No where to turn to
She reached out to the brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
She told her story
She wanted to know why she was 
She said it was so bad that sometimes
for three days all she would have to
eat were cashew nuts (That was what
her aunty was selling) and water
The brother in jeans and T-shirt told
her she was right
Darkness coverd the earth through
the works of Satan and his demons
and gross darkness covered the people
But God had made a way of escape
through salvation in Christ Jesus
The vilest offender who truly believes
That moment from Jesus a pardon
"Once you give your life to Christ, you
are saved from wrath and damnation
You have eternal life and you reign
and rule through Jesus Christ!" 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt also
told her that the Holy Spirit rewrites
the stories of those who believe in
He paves a preordained path unto glory
and virtue for them and he blots out 
their history as if it never existed! 
She believed
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt went
to see her at her aunty's shack on
Lagos Island
She and her aunty embraced the 
gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
They got some gifts and a stipend
to keep body and soul together
She delivered her baby on a cold 
Sunday night in 2017
She delivered a baby girl
An NGO took interest in her and her
The of the NGO volunteer in charge
of her case was a young lady
She told one of their volunteers,
a french man about her and her baby
The french man came to visit her
at her aunty's shack
Something special happened between
In January 2019, one year after
they met, they relocated to France
In April 2019, he married her at a quiet
event in Paris

PS: Ujunwa sent me a message
today announced the birth of her
second child
Her husband named the child Francis
She named the child Samuel Chidubem
to the glory of God!
I am announcing to all who are weary
and heavy-laden
I know one who rewrites and redirects
the course of a life and destiny with
His name is Jesus
He rewrote my story and reordered
the course of my life
He did the same thing for Peter, Paul
and all the apostles
He is a specialist at turning the dead
into the living
I know Him and He works his wonders
through me!
His name is Jesus!

Give him your life today
Just say this prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a 
sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. 
I believe You died for my sins and 
rose from the dead. 
I turn from my sins and invite 
You to come into my heart and life. 
Fill me with the Holy Spirit and
teach me your ways from today
I trust and follow You as my Lord 
and Savior. Amen

GSW's Notes: I bless the Lord
God of heaven and earth
I worship the Lord Jesus
I lift my hands in praise to the
Holy Spirit
I have seen him do wonders that
surpassed human imagination
so many times
I have seen the hand of God again
and again
Thank you Holy Spirit
My father, who lives in me
He does the work that awes the
Glory be to His Holy name
Let somebody shout Hallelujah!