Witchcraft and The Snake Tongued
You cannot be a Christian and a FEMINIST
at the same time!
In everyday parlance, the word “ideology,”
like its cousins “worldview” and “values,” is
morally neutral.
The assumption is that every person has an
ideology and that it’s impossible not to have
Ideologies are actually uniquely modern
phenomena, and historically, they have
been highly value-laden.
The 19th-century philosopher Destutt de
Tracey invented the word “ideology” to
describe the system of ideas he designed
to transform France into a more rational,
enlightened society. By this definition, an
ideology is not a neutral worldview, but
rather, an active intellectual framework
tied to particular social and political ends.
As such, English political theorist Maurice
Cranston writes that it “has been from its
inception a word with a marked emotive
Cranston identifies five essential
characteristics of ideology. Ideologies are
comprehensive: they profess to explain the
entirety of the human experience.
They are goal-oriented, proposing a desired
state of affairs for society and then
encouraging people to work for it.
They also teach that progress will entail a
struggle, whether against natural forces or
other people. Ideologies require commitment
and demonstrations of loyalty from those
who subscribe to them. Finally, they are
intellectual, led by thinkers and academics.
Several of these characteristics are
problematic from a Christian perspective.
First, only our faith can be truly comprehensive.
If we believe that Christ is the Truth, then
nothing other than Christianity can
accurately account for the entirety of the
human experience. Second, the form
of commitment that ideologies require is
often unconditional, but Jesus tells us in
the Gospel to “call no man father on Earth,
for you have one Father, who is in heaven”
(RSV Matt. 23:9). This means that no one
other than God––neither a person nor a
system of ideas––should command our
full loyalty.
Third, the special status of intellectuals
within ideologies represents a perverse
obsession with rationality and knowledge.
The Christian tradition, conversely, holds
wisdom to be only one of many virtues,
and one that is superseded by humility and
Ideologies should also be concerning for
Christians for two broad reasons. For one,
they tend to fill the same role in a person’s
life as religion. The first four of Cranston’s
characteristics of ideology, when
disconnected from the word itself, describe
just as accurately the function of religious
beliefs as they do that of political ones.
And if we find our meaning, purpose, and
satisfaction in an ideology, then that
ideology––and not our faith––will become
the guiding force in our lives. Jesus said
that “where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21), and it
is important to remember that humans are
no more immune to idolatry now than
they were in 1st-century Palestine.
Moreover, ideologies tend to produce a
reductive and warped view of reality.
Adherents to Marxism, for example, begin
to only see the world through the lenses of
class power and economics.
Utilitarians, meanwhile, may lose the
ability to recognize motivations outside of
rational self-interest. This is unavoidable
for any belief system that claims to be
comprehensive but in reality is not.
The only way it can account for all human
experiences is by diminishing some and
exaggerating others. In The Abolition of
Man, C. S. Lewis explains that ideologies
“all consist of fragments from [the truth
of reality], arbitrarily wrenched from their
context in the whole and then swollen
to madness in their isolation.”
The result is a way of viewing the universe
that is wrong not because it is inconsistent,
but because it is incomplete––a pattern of
circular logic in which the circle is just too
To quote G. K. Chesterton in Orthodoxy:
“There is such a thing as a narrow universality;
there is such a thing as a small and cramped
eternity; you see it in many modern religions”
––and he might well have added “ideologies.”
These may seem to be observations about
what is obvious. After a century’s worth of
ideological conflict and bloodshed, it’s
tempting to think we have learned our
lesson and already moved on.
However, ideology is not confined to the
basic “-isms” of the 20th century: communism,
fascism, Nazism, and the like.
According to Cranston’s definition, any
comprehensive political or social belief
system––from liberalism to nationalism to
progressivism to libertarianism––can be
an ideology. As Christians, we might find
that our religious principles, personal
experiences, and knowledge of the world
lead us to agree with one or the other of
these systems’ conclusions,
and there is nothing wrong with doing so.
But we must resist the urge to identify
ourselves with them, and treat them as
independent sources of truth. Jesus Christ
is the only authentic source of truth, and
if we let anything supersede Him in our
hearts and minds, we will go astray.
The word ‘Feminism’ in its real sense
implies the empowerment of women and
support for the rights of the women.
A Feminist is a person who champions
the rights of women in society and who
also puts in efforts for the betterment
and emancipation of women.
Feminism Is an ideology and a movement.
Christianity is an ideology and a movement
Feminism has its prevalent dominion spirit,
which is demonic
Christianity has its prevalent dominion
spirit, which is the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit and Demons are a mutually
You cannot be a Christian and be a feminist
at the same time
The basic principles of Christianity and
feminism are not the same and will never
be the same
Christ treats all genders as equal, therefore
there can be no feminism in heaven
As it is in heaven, so it must be here on
This is the mandate of Christianity and
every believer
We are establishing the Kingdom of God
as led by the Holy Spirit on earth.
We cannot do this while establishing
ideologies of men and their realities as well
The day you gave your life to Christ, you
shunned all else!
PS: Somebody wrote me a stinker a few
days ago
The stinker felt like Michael Tyson's
famous punches as I read it
Not for the words though, but for the
blatant degree of ignorance, untruths,
half-truths, assumptions, misrepresentation
and falsehood held together by so much
venom and hate
The writer had misunderstood an action I
took and rather than ask for an explanation
or seek clarity, the person decided to put
pen to paper to tear me to pieces
I read the message many times and came
to this conclusion
It was my fault
Teachers ought to conduct certain tests
for students before placing them in classes
I didn't do this
I took this person on his or her word
that he or she had been in Christ for a
while and as such, had matured
I was wrong
I apologized to this person and I had to
go back to the Lord to see how I could
help this person
become a better Christkind.
In the course of praying and meditating,
I realized that there was another like
this person
A whisperer who fed the writer with
wrong information and ideas that led
to the stinker
It was the voice of Jacob and the hand
of Esau
The stinker had more than one author
I needed to help the other author too
I began to pray
I had worked in church settings for
several years
I have had to treat different sorts of
petitions and I have also attended a lot
of panel seatings.
People always have one grief or the other
Sometimes their
agitations are genuine
At other times, it is made up of all sorts
of half-truths and conjectures
I was taught by one of my late teachers
in the faith that the questioner is more
important than the question, for you
may have the right answer and yet have
an unhappy questioner to deal with
When people ask questions, they do not
always ask for the sake of seeking
mental satisfaction
Sometimes, they ask because they
needed attention and genuine help
This was how the Holy Spirit made me
see this stinker and its writers
They needed my love, support, and help
People with oral diarrhea always ends up
building castles but never living in it
Shimei was a good example
He lost his head because he couldn't
keep his mouth from running
Shimei would ideally be said to have a
case against David, especially because
he was a relative of Saul and
in His opinion, David was a usurper
Shimei had no idea that David was
anointed at age 17 and saved Saul's life
at the expense of his own enthronement
by killing Goliath
People who jump to conclusions and
feed information to others out of envy and
strife are mostly like Shimei
They have no idea what is really going on,
so they resort to adding one to two to
make one hundred and two!
My words are seasoned with salt, I am
a blessing
When I speak on any issue, I release
wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
on such an issue for the benefit of my
I do not envy or backbite
I was given a life that is far above
running my mouth and boastful
I am safe and secure in my preordained path
I do not trip like Moses when provoked by
undiscerning minds
I am like Jesus, taking in the barrage
gracefully while blessing all
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