

These experiences were sent in by the same person. One was her own personal experience and the other was the experience of somebody she knew.

Kindly read and glean wisdom.

Gbenga Samuel-Wemimo (5th December 2018)


August 2017, I went for deliverance in a church in Akwa Ibom. Just for a refreshing, expecting nothing. Prayers started from with fasting on Monday and ends Sunday afternoon after service.

By Friday midnight, the pastor led us into serious prayers against witchcraft.

After the prayers I went to sleep in my hotel room. Shortly after I fell asleep I found myself in a very dark room.

How I entered I can't tell. But I was in a room very dark.

A man was sitting at the door like a security man. It was like I jumped in from the roof and landed in the center of the room.

There was just a bed. And people were on the bed. Many people unable to move but their eyes were moving. Following every move I made. I was the only one standing.

First thing I saw was a piece of cloth like and immigration uniform I picked it up. Next was my sandals cut to pieces I picked it in the space between the bed and the wall

Then I saw the second sandals and I also picked it up.

Next was a vision of a broiler chicken transformed into an eagle.

Immediately the wings of the eagle changed from that of a chicken to eagle, it landed on my shoulders with a loud sound and I flew out of the room.

I woke up terrified.

Same minute I woke up I remember the sandals I saw in that dream. It was bought for me by an aunt who traveled to the US. Iowa, precisely, in my final year in the University.

A friend visited me at home and my mum gave her the sandals and some food stuff to give me in school. When she brought the items I found a note in the bag.

My mum had listed all the items in the bag and I didn't see one item that was in the list.

My new sandals.

I asked my friend, she told me she borrowed it to use and would return it after.

She never did.

I graduated and went home but she still didn't return my sandals.

I started asking her for my sandals but she always came up with one excuse or the other

One day I came home. And saw my sandals returned. It was so tattered. I just hated it and was angry with her.

I finally threw it in the wardrobe and forget about it.

Never even remembered what became of the sandals, until after the dream. I asked my mum and she told me she threw it away since nobody was using it.

The prayers I prayed provoked the Holy Spirit to take me to a coven where my belongings were taken to for evil. And God led me to recover it.

When I was told the meaning of the encounter I doubted. But exactly a week after I had that dream, I saw a friend request on Facebook.

I was my friend! I didn't believe my eyes. I finished school in 2001. Went for service, lived attended her wedding and her first child's dedicated. But she never looked for me until I prayed and took back what she took from me. I just imagine the damaged she felt she had caused me in the spirit. And for how long it has stayed.

But it took the Holy Spirit minutes to restore me. Praise the Lord!

Please share so people will know the truth. I never believed in witches. I called people that believed in it fools. But I have learnt and every day the Holy Spirit reveals them to me, in my environment.


A young girl of 8 was taken to the market by her mother who went to buy thing for the household. The mother saw a pretty night wear that was her daughter’s size.

She bought it and took home. Washed and gave her daughter to wear to sleep not knowing a demon has taken possession of the cloth.

After that night the evil spirit in the dress started tormenting the girl and her family.

The mother was smart enough to suspect the problem was from the dress.  She took outside and burn it.  But the problem persisted till the girl became 22yrs.

Later the problem escalated.

The young girl will beat her siblings at any small issue.

She got all her sisters clothes burnt and caused a lot of damage to her family.

Her mother confided in her own sister who took the girl for deliverance.

In the cause of prayers, the spirit manifested and spoke of how she saw the girl in the market with her mother and liked her.

How she noticed the girl mother's interest in the night wear. And how she possessed the girl after she wore the dress.

Finally the evil spirit was scared out.

The girl became free at age 22 after being under torment for 14yrs.

This happened in Always ibom, Uyo


PS: The activities of the wicked one and the kingdom of the evil one are real but they were not meant to be effective on the church!

The whole world was his after he took the Adamic authority from Adam!

His intention was to overthrow God!

He failed!

But he successfully overthrew Adam from the kingdom of men in Genesis 3!

He reigned supreme spiritually over the whole world except Israel for ages!

Then the Word of God became flesh and lived with men!

The devil immediately came for Jesus upon his revealing, ready to defend and contend for the throne he took by guile!

He tried all he could do to bring the second Adam into subjection!

Remember the temptation?

He came into Peter, offering temporary reprieve for absolute submission on the cross!

He came into Judas offering a bag of silver coins for his loyalty and eternal salvation

On both counts he failed!

Like angels, the devil had no inkling what the Word of God was up to!

It was recorded in the Bible that if he had known he would have fought tooth and nail not to crucify the Lord of Glory!

Jesus defeated him in the flesh!

Jesus bore our sins!

Jesus went deep into the shadows of death in the grave!

The hordes of hell wanted to have him as they did every other saint and humans before he arrived!

Jesus went right into the very depth of sheol and defeated the devil

He took captivity itself captive!

Nothing could hold him down

The stripes, pain, disease, law, religion, death, spoken words, human nature, human ambition, political intrigues, demons and sin bowed to the King of Kings in hell!

The saints who were eternally bound were set loose by the spirit of Christ!

He pronounced Jubilee (The acceptable year of the Lord) on every captive and set them free from the bondage of hell!

On the third day Jesus commanded the gates of hell to lift up their heads and the everlasting door to be flung open for His grand procession into heaven!

The angels and the whole of heaven heard it!

The Word of the Father returned home triumphant!


Angels didn’t know what happened!

Only the Father knew that his word had dwelt amongst men and turned reality on its head!

Jesus by that singular act tore the kingdom of darkness into shred!

All the saints they held ransom were set free and their kingdom was totally dispossessed of its powers!

The Kingdom of Jesus became a reality!

It is called the Church!

Jesus became the eternal head and those who believe in him and confessed him as Lord and savior chose this Kingdom willingly and left the kingdom of the evil one forever!

Power was given to every citizen of the Kingdom of God!

This power is what we call the Holy Spirit!

It is an all-conquering power!

Every believer who has the Holy Spirit must know how to use it!

The Holy Spirit needs expression, this means, you need to let Him speak through you!

The Holy Spirit will take you anywhere both physically and spiritually

The Holy Spirit will give you the overcomer’s grace and power!

Hell is scared of every believer who is walking in tandem with the Holy Spirit!

Believers who are occasional worshipers who treat the church as spiritual consultation centers where they patronize pastors and prophets when they have a problem are the number one victim of the evil one

The evil one use these ones as an example to his followers that citizens of the Kingdom of Jesus are not totally out of reach but when it comes to certain believers who know and walk in their covenant rights as joint heirs of the Kingdom of Jesus, the devil and his hordes flee for their lives!

Many pretenders from the kingdom of darkness set up religious bodies trying to deceive would be believers into thinking they are of Christ!

A believer could be attending such a gathering and be experiencing the opposite of what the gospel brings into the Human spirit!

If you have been in a church for a certain number of years and your life has not experienced the resurrection power and might of Christ, please leave the church today!

The gospel by itself has in itself the power of God unto salvation!

When you hear the true gospel and believe it, you are set free and given wings like the eagle to fly and set others free forever

Nothing can bind a believer who Christ has pronounced free by His death on the cross and His resurrection

If you are a believer and you suspect demonic activities around you and you cannot seem to overcome them in spite of your efforts, find a bible believing church (Confirmed one) or contact @gbengawemimo on twitter or whatsapp!

Just as the anointing of the Holy Spirit can be on a shoe, clothes, house and/car of a believer, so can demonic spirits also take possession of such items

Demons cannot possess a believer!

It is impossible!

I am not talking about so-called Christians who claim to believe but do not know the savior personally! NO!

I am talking about believers who know their God as every believer should! Demons flee at the presence of such!

It is not impossible to see a little demon creep into a Christian’s body in form of Cancer, depression or any other disease.

Why? When a Christian continuously think negative thoughts, he or she becomes anxious, worried, jittery and/or fearful and this creates an atmosphere for demons to thrive!

Philippians 4: 7-9 taught us how a believer must think!

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whateveris true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right,whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put into practice”

Study your Bible, learn, hear and receive from the Holy Spirit daily, pray, sing and worship in the Holy Ghost, heal the sick and raise the dead! Walk in the life you have in Christ! You have overcome!
