Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle

He did everything that could
ever be termed wrong
It started from the day he
started sleeping with his
boss's wife
He didn't know why he did 
He didn't even want to do it
His boss traveled earlier that
As the personal assistant, he
was required to be at his house
two hours before they departed
for the airport and he was also
required to return the car back
to his boss's house after his
He would then sign a logbook,
drop the keys and head for
the office
His work revolves around his boss
and he was almost always on
a mini-holiday whenever his boss
Sometimes he would have some
loose ends to tie up or be given
one or two things to do by his
boss but most of the time
he would sleep and rest!
His boss was a very busy 
He travels very often
He was one of those very
ambitious politicians who saw
the position he was in as a
stepping stone to higher
He was a workaholic whose
work rate kept members of
his staff and family on their
They got his boss to the airport
on time
He was traveling abroad for 
some meetings and would be
gone for a month
On their way back to his boss's
house to drop the car and sign
the log, the driver received a 
call that his pregnant wife was
in labour and he needed to 
return home urgently!
The driver begged him to drive
the car back home
It was strictly against company
policy for anybody apart from
the driver to drive
But the driver needed to
get home and all he had to do
was drive!
He believed himself to be a very
good driver
He took over the wheels and
drove to the boss's house
On getting there he met the
gate wide open
It was unusual but he drove
After parking the car, he walked
to the main door to knock
The housekeeper would usually
open the door and collect the
car keys while handing over
the logbook
When he knocked
The door moved backward
It wasn't locked
He walked in
Then the door slammed shut
behind him
He turned around
His bosses wife was waiting
She was stark naked
She had been behind the door
He had walked into her trap
He averted his gaze and 
held out the key
"I...I ..I came to return the
keys to the car ma"
He stammered
She grabbed him right under
the belt and smiled
He didn't know why his body
was reacting
He didn't want to
It was biology, it was indiscipline
but her hand provoked a
volcanic rise
He caved in foolishly
First in the sitting room
When they were done, she
took him by the hand upstairs
They went into the showers
Then from the showers she
took him to the master 
And that was where he made
the second mistake
They were done
She was sleeping
He was supposed to dress
up and scram
He found himself walking all
over the room aimlessly
He didn't know if she would
be angry if he left without
saying goodbye
He also didn't want to leave
while she was sleeping
What if she accused him of 
stealing something
What if he left the door open
and somebody comes in and
raped or killed her
He wanted to leave but he
He didn't also have the guts
to wake her up
He was in a Bermuda triangle
As if that wasn't enough
He had to look at his boss's
reading table
He had to see the documents
with the names of the staff
members up for the sack
He had to take a picture of the
document with his phone
He had to thoughtlessly send
it to one of his colleagues
A lady whose skirt he had been
chasing for months
He eventually left his boss's
house but by the time he
got to the office, everything
was a mess
The document had been sent
to all the staff members and
those up for sack had staged
a mini-riot
The Human Resources manager
was caught pants down
The document had his boss's
signature on it and he had 
been fingered as the source
He knew he had lost his job
the moment he got to the 
The Human Resources told 
him as much
He had four queries waiting on
his desk
He was done for
The most important question 
of all had no been asked
How would he say he got access
to the document?
It was the worst day ever
Every time his phone rang
He expected to hear the voice
of his boss saying "Pack your
stuff and get out"
He wrote his resignation letter
He started making frantic calls
to friends and family members
about getting another job
He had made a mess of ginormous
When he got home that night
he couldn't sleep at all
He tossed and turned and
He wasn't sure God could hear
He had done the unthinkable
surely God does not hear the
prayer of the likes of him
The next morning, his boss's
wife called
She said his boss called and
gave her some instructions
for him
He showered and rushed down
to his boss's house
He had walked into the house
before he got the message
It was a ruse
He had been swearing all night
never to sleep with her again
And there she was, wearing
a very revealing lingerie
She smiled
He smiled too
They kissed
He didn't fancy her
He just didn't know how to
say no to her
This time they used the guest
She kept him there all-day
and started using "darling"
and "dear" when she addressed
He left her around nine pm
She told him she gave the 
housekeeper some time off
She wanted to be with him
She wanted to drink all she
desired before her husband
He didn't say a word
She was unaware of the mess
he had caused and how it
badly implicated her
He didn't go to the office the
following day
But the office and its madness
came to him
He got all sorts of calls and
He even got death threats
Somebody assumed he was
in on the plan to sack them
and had leaked the document
at the behest of his boss!
Everything was upside down
He was in well full of water 
and he was drowning
He prayed and cried
"God please take me out of
this mess, Father please help
me by your mercy!
Let your mercy prevail over
Please, Lord, i am sorry for my
Forgive me and change my
He cried and cried
Later that night as he browsed
through twitter
He came across some messages
on @gbengawemimo's handle
He sent @gbengawemimo a
He told his story
He wanted divine intervention
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
called him the next day
They spoke for a long time
There was much more to the
story from way past
But the name of Jesus and
the power of salvation was
meant to change realities and
translate the willing from 
darkness into the light
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
led him to Christ
He got filled with the Holy Spirit
They spoke in tongues together
for hours
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
told him the Holy Spirit will
work things out
"The Holy Spirit is a specialist
at turning chaos into beauty
He made the world that way" said
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
The following day, he was at peace
He slept very well and wasn't
anxiously checking his phone
like before
Later in the evening, his boss's
wife called him
He saw and ignored it
He was far above such a carnal reality and he knew it
Two days later, he got a mail
He had applied for a fully
funded scholarship programme
to study at one of the topmost
universities in the world
a year before
He had pushed and prayed
Mails were exchanged between
him and the admission officer
of the school
The admission officer of the
school told him the programme
was no longer available on a
full scholarship
He was told he would have to
pay at least 13 million naira
on a part scholarship scheme!
He didn't have that kind of 
He forgot all about it
He wondered why he was getting
another mail after a year
He opened the mail
The admission officer 
congratulated him
He said one of the old students
of the school made a pledge
in 1998 to sponsor thirty 
students from Africa through
any course of such may desire 
in the school
His name was on the waiting
list and he had been selected
to be a beneficiary
A quick response would be
He responded
He got a letter
He went to the embassy the 
following day to tender his documents
The session was about to
begin and he needed to be
processed quickly
He contacted the school
The school contacted the 
He called the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
"Please join me in prayer
that this will work out" he wrote
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
told him not to fret but to give
glory to God!
Miraculous doors as such do
not open every day!
Surely God was up to something!
His visa came through fourteen
days later
He raised the cash and bought
his ticket immediately
He tendered his letter of
resignation on the same day
It was the most relieving thing
he did in his life
He felt so much peace after
Four days later, the same night
his boss was to return from
the trip abroad
He was driven to the airport
by his older brother and sister
 The Holy Spirit made a way of
escape for him out of the hole 
he dug for himself!
PS: His boss and the wife 
parted ways 
The boss had a camera in the
house and he saw everything
that went on while he wasn't
at home
His boss had suspected his wife
of cheating several times but
had no evidence, so he installed
several cameras at his house
without his wife's knowledge!
His boss just wanted enough
evidence to get out of the 
The boss wrote him a mail
wishing him luck in his studies
The boss also apologized for
his wife's conduct
He replied to his boss with an
apology of his own
He acknowledged that he could
have done better
He also apologized for his 
indiscretion with the document
His boss told him the office
didn't sack anyone as a result
of his "indiscretion", which was
not a bad thing!

GSW's notes: It's been two
He had graduated and gotten
a job in the UK
He is a different person
in Christ
I have seen the Holy Spirit
change destinies and transform
I have seen Him transform my
life and change my story
He will do the same for you
All you have to do is come to
Him and accept eternal life
through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Come now!