If you're famous in the world, your
name will be written in newspapers,
magazines, books, and perhaps even
on trophies and awards. If you encounter
a spirit, your name is not famous, not
important, and carries no weight in the
spiritual realm, UNLESS, your name is
written in the Lambs book of Life.
Every name in that book is famous in the
spirit realm and is revered by every demon
and every angel. When the rich man died,
he was probably known to the whole city,
but in the Bible, he is nameless.
A poor man who wasn't famous named
Lazarus is named however, because in
God's Kingdom, he was a "somebody".
Sceva was the high priest, his sons were
sons of a highly exalted man, but when
they encountered the demon's, the
demon's said, "Paul we know, and Jesus
we know, but WHO ARE YOU?" To society,
they had a prominent name, in the spirit
realm, they were "nobodies".
Do you want to be famous on earth, or in
Heaven? I will choose Heaven
Pray for discernment, the Lord will give it to
those who truly love Him and love His Word.
Discernment is the greatest lack in the
church today. There are basically two types
of churches; the ones that are lifeless and
do not give room for the gifts of the Holy Spirit
to operate, and those who are open to
everything supernatural.
The supernatural thrill-seekers are afraid to
judge anything supernatural because they
fear that they might be quenching a move
of the Holy Spirit.
The lifeless churches are afraid of anything
supernatural because they are afraid it may
be demonic. Discernment...you can go into
the forest and collect mushrooms and make
a stew and if you are not trained to identify
which mushrooms are edible and which are
poisonous, you might kill yourself and others.
Discernment is important. It is not unbelief
to question supernatural things, it is wisdom
and it is important.
The Word says "Test the spirits, whether they
be of God."... or not.
The devil is operating without hinderance
in many charismatic churches.
Why? because people don't have discernment.
The magicians of Egypt performed several
miracles that looked just like the ones that
Moses performed, but Moses did them
through God's power and they, through Satan's
power. How are these evil spirits operating in
God's church? Lack of discernment from the
leadership. Many people operating in these
"gifts" aren't necessarily attempting to deceive
God's people, some of them are fooled
themselves, why? Lack of discernment.
The Bible tells us, that not "few" but "many"
false prophets shall arise in the last days;"
"And many false prophets shall rise, and
shall deceive many . . . ...
"For false Christs and false prophets shall
rise, and shall shew signs and wonders,
to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect."
Mark 13:22, KJV. "For such are false
apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ."
Does that bother you? Get over it, it's the
Word of God! So I will tell you, I keep it to
myself usually, but as a pastor, I sometimes
need to step in and warn people, warn them
that some of the so-called, self-proclaimed
"prophets" of our day, are actually deceived
and false prophets. Don't be surprised, the
Word says "many", not "few".
How can you know the difference?
"Discernment". Don't hate that word, it could
save your life!
So what does a false prophets look like?
Well, if they're not a very good one, they won't
get very far and won't amass many followers
and won't be able to lead many astray, but
what would a really good one look like?
They will exhibit convincing "gifts".
Some gifts are easier to counterfeit than others.
For example, accurate prediction of future events
is extremely hard for the devil to pull off.
He is mostly just guessing when it comes to
the future. Another gift however, is quite easy
for him to counterfeit and make it to appear
that it is from God, namely,
the "Word of Knowledge".
Why is this gift so easy to counterfeit?
It is because the Word of Knowledge deals with
things that are already known, and already
in the past.
The devil can speak through a false prophet
and tell you your name, your address, your
favorite color, and what you did in secret
a year ago; how?
Through "familiar spirits".
Familiar spirits in one person can communicate
to familiar spirits present with another
person and implant the information into
their mind.
Without discernment, these miracles can
fool most anybody. False prophets are
sometimes simply manipulative people
who are scamming others for glory,
power and money, their secret lives are
usually full of ungodly sin.
Then there are those who are sincere,
and are simply deceived.
The devil is using them, but they believe they
are doing the work of God; how do you know
the difference? "Discernment".
Pray for discernment for yourself, and for your
church. Test the spirits, all of them.
One thing that is absolutely certain,
if it's of God, even if you lack discernment,
it will NEVER go contrary to His written Word.
Not knowing His Word is one of the worst things
for you to allow in your life. His Word is the
measuring stick for all truth. If you don't know
His Word, you won't recognize the lie when it
enters the room. A lot of people today minimize
the Word and exalt their supernatural
experiences, that's just like eating mushrooms
collected by someone who can't tell the
difference between the good and the deadly.
Don't be a fool. Be wise. Know the Word.
Pray for discernment.
This will be controversial to some, but worth
a little thought. Suppose you are married to a
very high official. Suppose a man was
married to the Queen of England, or a woman
was married to the president of the United States.
Now suppose that you are seated with your
spouse at a dining table. You are seated
very closely and you are intimately connected
to each other by sincere love.
Now imagine your very important spouse
wanting to talk to you. Imagine they call over
a servant and whisper in the servants ear
and then the servant announces to you,
"Your spouse would like you to know that
they have a plan for you, and here it is..."
Why would your spouse do that?
Why wouldn't they speak to you themselves?
Here's my point, there is much false doctrine
swirling around these days; there is much
false prophesy being spoken.
There are many people placing themselves in
an exalted position of prophet or apostle and
telling people that they have a direction from
God to tell you what you need to do right now.
They say that they talk to angels.
They say that they have many personal
encounters with angels that tell them all kinds
of messages from God. Why do I need a
message through an angel when God and I
can talk directly? My point is this, angels
exist, but I would be very careful getting
direction from an angel, receiving a doctrine
from an angel, or having theological conversations
with an angel, because demons like to pose
as angels and can even appear as angels of light.
Many false doctrines of today have their
roots in someones "angelic" encounters.
Just give me Jesus, Thank you!
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