When you look into the mirror
Do you like what you see?
It is expected of a believer to be able to
look into the mirror of our actions and
be pleased by our thoughts and memories
Some believers cannot but grimace
at the shadow their actions cast
Some would rather act and prefer such to
be swept under the carpet or drowned in
the sea of forgetfulness
The measure of Christian growth is the ability
to look into the mirror and spot change
For indeed we all must look into the mirror
one way or the other
When we do, would we be pleased?
If the works of your hands are good,
you will never be afraid of your reflection
in the mirror
If your actions are godly, you will be eager to see
your own reflection
She had access into his email
It was nothing unusual because they are married
He trusted her with everything!
She started going through his email messages one by one
She checked his financial transactions
She checked his sent messages
She checked his received messages
She checked his draft messages
Then she stumbled upon a jackpot!
She didn’t say a word
That evening when her husband returned home
from work
She was all smiles
No indication that anything was wrong
She shared the same bed with her husband
all night
She didn’t say a word
The next morning, she called a lawyer
She wanted to know what it would take to
contest for the sole custody of their children
in case of a divorce
Then she called a real estate agent
She booked an appointment to check some
apartments the next day
When her husband returned home from work that day
She still didn’t say a word
She was all smile and congenial
She told her husband she was going to her
office for an appointment
She went to see the estate agent
They discussed terms and conditions
The next day was a Sunday
She woke up early
She dressed herself and her children up
They were all ready by 6AM
She woke her husband up
She said: I thought you said you have been
invited to minister somewhere
Husband said: The event I was going to minister
in had been postponed till next Sunday
Her husband woke up with a sharp back pain
He came to her, please lay your hands on
my back as I pray
She did
After a few minutes, he went to prepare for service
They got to church at 7:28AM
Service was glorious
Her husband led the congregational prayer,
as usual the Holy Spirit flowed
During the service her husband went to hug her
She looked at him with an evil eye
Her husband didn’t understand why she
was so upset
After the service, her husband went for a
He was part of the church in council
After the critical meeting, her husband
wanted to leave
The Assistant pastor told him to hold on
The pastor also told him to hold on
His wife was brought in
She started screaming
“This man should be expelled from the body
of ministers, this man has been sex chatting
with one lady on the internet,
I have the evidence!”
“He was planning to go and sleep with the
lady today. He lied to me he had a ministration
somewhere only to change his mind at the last
Assistant Pastor told her to calm down,
“stop wagging your finger in your husband’s face”
She wouldn’t relent
Her husband picked his phone and called the
Pastor that invited him to minister in his church
He put the phone on speaker
He clarified that he had a ministration which
was postponed till the following Sunday
The pastor and Assistant Pastor looked at each other
Pastor: We will prefer to come to your house to
settle this matter”
Assistant Pastor: Yes, let us come to your house
to settle this issue
She wouldn’t budge!
She: Hear this sir, the girl wrote to him that
she loves him
Husband: What did I write?
She: The girl wrote to him that she doesn’t
wear panties to bed unless she was on her period
Husband: What did I write?
She: The girl said “Come and clear the mess that you started”
Husband: What did I write
She: The girl said “I will give you a taste of your own medicine”
Husband: What did I write?
She: You tell me what you wrote to elicit such
responses from a woman! Liar, cheat, wicked man
She was overcome with fury, overwhelmed with
righteous indignation
She had caught a cheating husband
He ought to be tarred and feathered right there
He ought to be humiliated, destroyed!
His eyes ought to be gouged out
Why wouldn’t the church leadership disgrace him?
She: Pastor, we are not poor and yet the girl sends
him 3,000 or 4000 naira every month. Why?
The pastor and his assistant had a pressing issue
to attend to
Husband: This is nothing, nothing
She: I knew you would say that, that was why I
brought it here!
She looked at her husband with hatred and contempt
“I am no longer a fool! You are a compulsive liar,
a pathological liar”
I stopped being a fool the day I discovered
your infidelity
You had an emotional relationship with
that girl
I don’t know if you slept with her or not but
you had feelings for her
I have gone to make arrangements to rent
my own apartment
I have also contacted a lawyer
All I want now are my children
Yes! All I want now are my children
He listened to her with a heart full of sorrow
How the devil delights in giving a fool an errand
in self destruction
Husband: But you found the message in my
email address
She: Yes. In fact I have sent the girl a stinker, I
have given her a piece of my mind
He: The girl was a convert of mine, the 3000 or
4000 naira she sends me monthly was her tithe
I still paid such to the church purse during the
service today. When I first met her, she lived far
away and had many issues, I noticed this in her
choice of words and languages employed
I dearly wanted to help the lady out but I was
afraid my intentions might be misconstrued
There are many people online looking to scandalize
a so called “Man of God”
I didn’t want her to turn out to be one of such with
entrapment intentions to quote the words of a
man of God to destroy him and his credibility
So, I saved all the nasty things she sent to me by
exporting them to my Gmail from my WhatsApp chat
But this lady only needed guidance and direction
because of her background
Fortunately, she came to me
She didn’t go to anybody who would take advantage
of her or refuse to show her the way of salvation\
She became born again, she was filled with the
Holy Spirit and she matured
She matured so much that we now discuss only
once in a while
We talk about how her Christian growth is and
how she can hear from God
We achieved all this online and via phone calls
Recently she got a job abroad and relocated finally
Nothing untoward went on between us
She stood up abruptly, they left the church
He dropped her at home and went for a meeting
Throughout the meeting he was engulfed by darkness
What sort of coordinated attack of the enemy was this?
Some forms of jealousy are very close to mental disorder
His wife had tipped the scale forever
The lady wrote to him asking why she got
a message from his wife insinuating that
they were dating
He had to explain to the lady that his wife
jumped to the wrong conclusion
The lady was disappointed that he kept
her earlier messages
The messages she sent while she was
stupid and vulnerable
Why didn’t he delete them?
He forgot totally about the messages after
she mended and moved on
The forgotten had been weaponized against him!
That evening, the Pastor and assistant Pastor
came to their house
She had called the pastor to tell him that the
message was an “Insurance” policy and not
what it seems
Pastor said so
Talks went on and on
More issues were discussed
In the end it was determined that he wasn’t
showing her enough affection
It was his fault that she did all the things she did!
He had to take responsibility
Be grateful that he had a wife who loved him
too much!
There are many out there praying for a wife
who would care for them the way she did
He had zeal without understanding
He shouldn’t have chatted with anybody
to that extent
He understood what the Pastor and the
Assistant Pastor did
He got it!
His wife kept saying he should take responsibility
for not giving her affection
He got that too
But Brutus had stabbed Caesar in the back
The mob had set Rome on fire
His spirit had been broken
As much as he tried to overlook the premeditated
evil that was done to him and his reputation
The more he lamented and cried
His spirit had been broken by the one he called
his beloved!
PS: This event happened in Lagos, Nigeria
Some Christian brothers rallied around him
They prayed with him
They encouraged him
They made him realize it is a test that will
become a testimony
He heard them
He got it
He just needed some time alone, to mourn and heal
I pray for him, that the Holy Spirit will heal his
spirit and restore his joy in Jesus name!
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