Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire

An apostle was addressing his own 
If not for technology, you wouldn't 
be privy to his discussion with his 
He was sharing with them within 
the context of their understanding 
of his message, nature, and 
personality how he thrived in the 
middle of a season of casting 
He mentioned what he achieved 
and even though it might sound 
like a boast, he was not boasting 
to you
He was boasting to his church 
members and as such, you cannot 
call it a boast
A father does not need to boast 
to his children and a shepherd 
surely does not need to boast to 
his sheep
Newspapers needed a scandal 
and felt the message of the apostle 
was the right fit in their quest to 
get eyeballs
You read it and you began to insult 
the apostle
You, the son of a dog from Abatan 
refuse dump decided to drag an 
apostle on Twitter
Do you understand what it 
means to be an apostle?
The angels working with an apostle 
are innumerable, they do not only 
work at his command, but they also 
work at his behest!
They are entrusted with the duty of 
ensuring that the Lordship of his 
office is respected by both spiritual 
and mundane entities 
In the days of Jesus, many of the 
Pharisees and religious leaders 
treated his words and actions the 
same way many of the gutter bred 
stone casters with 100 Naira data 
and stolen or London used phone 
treated the words of the apostle
Jesus warned them at the time that 
they were walking on live mines
They didn't listen and he called 
them a stiff-necked and perverted 
He told them they would cross the 
line eventually and abuse the 
Holy Spirit and that the sin against 
the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness 
but they were having too much 
fun to pay attention
Eventually, Jesus healed a man 
and they said He was using the 
power of Beelzebub ( A demon)
They attributed the dynamic work 
of the Holy Spirit to a demon!
These uncultured youths also did 
the same this morning
The same apostle talked about a 
miracle that happened in 
which a young minister was moved 
by the power of the Holy Spirit 
from Germany to France
And the bloodthirsty mob began 
to mock it
They went from mocking the apostle 
to mocking the work of the Holy Spirit
They couldn't tell the difference
It was fun
They have caught a liar and 
they must call him out
But if it is the lyrics of a lurid music
or a video of banal and the ungodly
they would watch silently and 
There is something called discerning 
the body of Christ
When people don't discern the body 
and treat it as they ought, they get 
into trouble
The Corinthian church got into a 
deep mess because of this
Apostle Paul wrote to them and 
opened their eyes to the 
consequences of their inability to 
discern the body of Jesus Christ
Members of a church have a right to 
question their shepherd
People write petitions to the church 
council reporting the misdeeds of 
their General Overseers all the time
Some churches are empowered to 
sack their shepherds at will
Apostle Paul in the book of Galatians 
called out Apostle Peter (his senior 
and superior) for hypocrisy
It was done within the church and it 
was fair
This apostle has a church
His church has members
His members have a duty to him as 
much as he has a duty to them 
Under no circumstances should a 
believer dishonour a man that God 
had in his own wisdom has 
deemed fit to honour
Remember Hamman?
He was ignorant of the fact that 
Esther was a jew and he plotted 
against her people
Ignorance didn't spare him from 
the gallows
If you insult a man 
like Professor Osibajo, it is fair
He stepped into politics and became 
public property but this apostle is 
not public property in any way and 
should not be touched by the wise 
and the discerning
King Solomon said we shouldn't 
insult a King even in our own rooms 
because the walls will hear it and 
report to him
Shimei, son of Gera (2 Samuel 16:5-13) 
had every reason to insult King David. 
He was from the clan of Saul and felt 
David was a usurper. 
David also did things that were 
unbecoming of a king for which God 
was punishing him.
Shimei rubbed salt on 
David's injury
He lost his head for it a few years later
I am aware that a lot of angst is out 
there against institutions and individuals 
upholding them
Some of us just like the taste of blood
We enjoy reading the insults and felt it 
was a form of justice to call out anybody 
we find in our line of shot
Someone once asked "Who is Idahosa?"
 and that question cost him the 
presidency of the country he was 
reigning over
There are certain men who are best left 
on their lane as you pursue your own 
If tomorrow, you get a message from
him or his church soliciting for funds, 
you can refuse to support them as a 
form of protest but as long as he has 
not asked you for a dime (Especially 
since rumor has it that he has a 
machine at home that prints money), 
it is best to leave him alone
I have seen people who were in a deep 
mess spiritually run to church for help 
and the Holy Spirit will restrain the 
pastor from ministering to them
I have SEEN
Not only heard of such cases second 
I have seen the Holy Spirit practically 
show no interest in some life and 
death cases because the person 
involved had gone too far
Didn't the Bible say we will give an 
account of all our idle words?
When the scornful are having fun at 
the expense of the godly, please 
don't join them
Dont be a partaker of the foolishness 
of others
By so doing you will spare yourself 
the consequences too

PS: If you wish throw stones at me 
for this
I am a brother
I am not an apostle so I am fair game
I will take your stones with love 
and I will bless you
We are on these streets together and 
I will see you prosper in my lifetime
I believe in God for your glorious future
God bless you