

I remember having a vision once
I was sleeping on the couch in my 
sitting room when the glory of the 
Lord ushered me from this plane 
to another
In that vision, I was in a classroom 
and I was taking note as I was being 
given instructions on how to handle 
the kingdom's resources 
that will be coming my way in the 
next 5 years
I was a personal assistant at the time
The year was 2018, August the 28th
The vision was vivid
It wasn't the first time I would be in 
such a scenario
In the past, I always made the mistake 
of assuming I would wake up with the 
notebook on which i was writing all 
the instructions lying beside me
By the time I wake up and began to 
struggle to remember the details of the 
vision, I will find myself remembering 
about fifty percent of the information
It used to bother me that I wouldn't 
carry out instructions to the letter 
and somehow I would make a mistake 
which the Holy Spirit would frown upon 
but as I grew in my walk with the 
Holy Spirit, I realized I can commit 
the instructions to mind by the spirit 
and bring them to memory in the 
place of prayer.
Jesus Christ told the disciples that the 
Holy Spirit will bring into their 
remembrance all the things they have 
learned of him and will also teach 
them new things
So what I do is pay attention to the 
instructions as much as possible and 
then pray as the vision is closing that 
the Holy Spirit will bring all that I have 
been told to memory or move me to 
carry them out when I get to the 
point of execution
I had been a personal assistant since 
March 2014 and I have been praying 
to God to show me the next thing 
he would want me to do with my life 
as I grow in my walk with him
The job was not so dignifying
I remember a colleague of mine 
told me he couldn't tell his children 
what he did for a living because he 
overheard them asking their mother 
if some pastors have or owned slaves
He said his wife asked the children 
what they saw and the children 
pointed out that they saw a pastor 
whose bible and jacket and so on was 
carried by another man who was 
acting like his slave
His wife tried her best to convince 
the children that it was an 
Elijah/Elisha thing, to which the children 
asked if the slaves would eventually 
become big pastors
At that point, his wife couldn't cough up 
any more answers
My colleague heard the conversation 
and came to the office lamenting about it
He said his children may not amount to 
anything in life if they saw their father 
as one of those slaves they were talking 
I laughed and told him there is dignity in 
Being a PA was not so bad but it was, 
especially in church settings
Most PA's are treated worse than dogs
(A lady actually called me a houseboy 
once and I promptly introduced my wife 
to her the following Sunday by saying 
"Bukola, this is the lady that called me 
a houseboy last Sunday"
The lady almost fainted with 
She avoided me like a plague from that 
As I spent more time on the church 
(I was fast approaching 40)
I began to tell myself I needed a fresh 
spring from above
Younger guys who could benefit from 
being a PA 
would come to my office and I would 
feel guilty for being in the way of their 
gainful employment
The job was meant for fresh graduates 
who were looking to find their feet in life
The pay was poor and the work hour 
unbefitting for a married man
The previous PA resigned because he 
couldn't spend time at home with his 
young bride
After months of praying, the Holy Spirit 
finally told me one day that he has 
given me a river and things will change 
very soon
I waited eagerly for further instructions 
which came in the form of that vision
A white marker board with a 2018-2023 
plan outlined on it
I took notes furiously, I didn't want to 
forget anything
I wrote and read what I was reading out 
loud so that when I come out of the vision 
I will remember as much of the instructions 
as possible
Suddenly there was a voice, a strange 
The voice was thrusting sharper and 
deeper into my subconscious and 
interrupting this glorious vision
I tried very hard to shut it out but it 
continued to rise in feverish pitch 
until I was plugged back to reality on 
the couch in my flat in Ketu, Lagos
It was sheer wickedness 
I almost cried
I laid down again to continue the vision
 but I couldn't
The voice continued to pierce through 
the night like the cries of a hungry owl
It was the voice of a woman
She was located in the next building
The next building was a bakery and 
something must have provoked 
her to pray
She was praying those fear-mongering 
prayers many will call "warfare" prayers
She was singing those senseless songs 
concocted in ignorance called "warfare" 
She was burning down altars and killing 
demons at will and she was disturbing 
my life in a very wicked way 
I could barely restrain myself from walking 
to the bakery and screaming at her to 
shut up
If I did that, I knew I would never be 
able to bring that vision back
I waited patiently from 3 AM to 5 AM
As I waited, I prayed that God will help 
me wear her out so that she can go back 
to sleep
I really needed that vision to move to 
the next phase of my life
It was more important than anything at 
the time
She eventually finished her prayer 
around 5 AM
I laid down again to sleep but the vision 
refused to come back
I tried very hard
After an hour of summoning, I gave 
I took a pen and paper and began to 
write down the things I could remember
The very first was "Build me a website"
When I got to the office that morning, a 
message was waiting for me on Twitter
A website developer from Ilorin who 
was stranded in Lagos
He was in my DM and was not for begging
for money but asked if i have a website 
project in mind that he could build for me
That was how I began to execute that 
divine plan
The website was followed by the 
commencement of intercessory prayers
on whatsapp and later on Telegram
Night of Glory soon followed and 
PSSBC was established in February 2019
From 2018 till now I can say that I have 
followed that plan as led by the 
Holy Spirit
@pssbcnigeria is three years old and 
three days old today
It is currently running its school 8
The gospel has flourished through 
the school and the GSW ministries 
As for the part of the vision that I 
couldn't capture, they evolved over 
@gswmiWM @GSWMICoZ_ @GswmiFirebrand 
@gswmicsr @gswmithegathering 
@gswmioutreaches and many others 
sprang to life in the course of pursuing 
the parts of the vision I remember
I finally left the PA job in November 2019, 
five months away from my 40th Birthday! 

PS: God has a plan for your life
Divine plans are unraveled in the place 
of prayer
Instead of complaining and groping
please pray and walk with the Holy
He is the divine guide and the key that
unlocks divine plans for every one of us
When you pray. dont pray out of fear
Dont cast and bind and curse and kill
Jesus didn't pray such prayers
Dont pray with the mindset of enemies
are many and adversaries are plenty
Those sort of prayers ara born of fear
and disbelief
The day you gave your life to Christ, you
became a new creature in a new kingdom
Old things passed away!
You're now a member of the assembly
of the saints in light
Pray with this mindset
Those who pray the wrong prayers based 
on fear of demons and enemies and so on, 
are often STUCK IN ONE SPOT.
This is because these sort of prayers 
satisfies the self and does not glorify
God cannot not be sent on foolish errands
When you pray, pray in faith 
and pray meaningful and purposeful 
Seek God's face and fellowship with 
the Holy Spirit
He will make your way prosperous
When you engage in distractions in the 
name of prayer, you will waste your time 
creating and fighting unreal enemies
Be wise.