The Chameleon
He caught her red-handed
for the sixth time in their
23 years of marriage
He had forgiven her
indiscretions over the
years but this time,
he just didn't have the
mental strength to cope
He needed his peace of
He needed his sanity
He needed to face reality
Enough was Enough!
He met her in Unilag
She claimed she was a
He had no reason to
disbelieve her
She dressed like a student
Went for classes like other students
Lived in the hostel with other students
Spoke like other students
Mingled with other students
He liked her the moment
he met her
He was using a Volkswagen
on campus in those days
He was one of the few
students who had the luxury
of owning a car while in
the university
car was a gift from his father
It was a statement of class
Ladies paid him attention
She paid him attention
She was quite good at it
Before long they were live-in lovers
She protected her territory
with all her might
Other ladies and perceived
threats or competition were squashed
They lived for three years
as a couple on campus
She was his wife
They graduated and got
His family already knew her
Her family knew him too
He got a job with a generator assembly company
She got a job at a bank
Her beauty got her the job
She was a born hustler
Men eagerly paid her
And do her bidding
It was an aura she had
An advantage over male
hormones and natural
She brought in a lot of
clients and landed some
big fishes
Some of the big fishes
wouldn't do business until
they slept with her
She was very pragmatic
Money was key for her
She didn't see her marital
vows as anything but
In fact, her job interview
was sex with the Bank MD
He didn't know she was
cheating at the time
She was so good at the
double life
Like a charmeleon,
She was everything to
It was very difficult to think
of her in such a light
The first time he caught her
They had just had their first
child by this time
It was 1997
He returned from a trip
He didn't meet her at home
Her mother was with their
ten-month-old baby
He decided to check her at
her best friend's house
He got there and found her,
the friend and another man
doing a threesome
The man was a military man
He decided making a scene
could cost him his life
He lef
When she got home she have
him a baffling story
She said she was being blackmailed
She forged her university certificate
She was not really a student
of Unilag
She was just attending classes
and mingling with other students
all the while they were there
She never passed Jamb
Someone helped her forge
the certificate
The bank sent a letter to
Unilag to verify her certificate
She got someone to
Intercept the letter and
reply the bank confirming
she was a graduate
The someone started
blackmailing her by
collecting 30% of her salary
She got a military man to
deal with the person through
her friend
The military man's price was
too high
They had to augment it
with se
It was a story steeped in foolishness
Her mother begged
It was between the three
of them
He agreed
He insisted on a paternity
The child was his
He forgave her
The marriage moved on
But men kept asking to
taste her honey
And if the price was right
She offered them a bite
He caught her again
This time she said it was
because things were tight financially for the family
and the man offered her
a huge sum of money
He refused to have sex
with her for several months
after that
She begged and pleaded
She even swore by the
waters from a prayer
He forgave her
By this time they had given
birth to three children
Months later
He fell ill and had to travel
He spent 18 months in
America battling liver failure
and getting a liver transplant
His wife was taking care of
the children and sleeping
with the highest bidder
When he returned home,
he realized she was reluctant
to have sex with him
She claimed it was because
she was concerned for his
He eventually discovered she
had been treating an STD!
She even had a surgery and
the doctor told her she must
not have sex for some time
She tried to pin the STD on
him But he had always been faithful to her
He always told himself
cheating on her would only
justify her infidelity!
The operation he did took
a toll on their finances
A year after the surgery
He saw a message from
someone who used to do
business with him
The message said
"So and so hotel, December 1, 5pm"
He didn't understand it
After a few seconds the
WhatsApp message was
He thought it was a mistake
On December 1st 2018
he decided to go to the hotel
and sit at the reception
He intended to bump into
the person and..
See if he could facilitate
some business venture
with him again!
He needed the business badly
and such a client could make
it happen
He got there thirty minutes late Sat at the reception
Sometime later his wife and
the person emerged from a
hotel room
He was shocked to the bone
It was the last thing he
expected to see
He wanted to dodge
But it was too late
Both the client and his
wife saw him
The next thing his wife
did was hold the client's
hand in a "calm down"
They walked right past him
to the client's car
He sat there as they drove
When he got home
He met her at home
She said "I have a standard
i must keep and it has been dropping!
Since you cannot keep
us up financially for now, someone else might as
well do so"
He had trained three
children through private universities!
They live in their own
How else was he supposed
to keep them in a "standard"
They both drive good cars
He had landed properties
and a generator sales outlet
They used to travel for summer
holidays once a year but
the surgery cost him almost
sixty thousand dollars!
That was what has kept them
financially dry for the moment
But they still had enough to
meet every need outside of
He had to talk to his family members abroad to help
with the final year school fees
of his last child and it was
He had given her a very long
Tried his best to be like Jesus
He took his time to consider his options
He called the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt
He said "I want to divorce my wife"
He tendered all his reasons
He said he didn't see any
reason for the marriage to continue
He wept bitterl
The Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt called the man's wife
She said "Let him be, he will get over it"
Two months later
The man traveled abroad with
his children
He didn't tell her
A day after they left the
new owner of their house
Her husband had sold all
their properties
She was left homeless
She called all their
relatives abroad
Nobody knew where
he went
She got some money and
rented a small apartment
She called the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
She said "Please tell me
where my husband is"
The Brother in Jeans and
T-shirt had no idea!
But she was somehow
convinced he was in the know!
She kept pestering him
Sometimes threatening to
arrest the Brother in Jeans
and T-shirt with the DSS
for being an accessory to
a fabricated crime which she
claimed her husband
committed against her!
The issue dragged on for
Finally, she learned her
husband and children had relocated to a country in
One of her children called
her and told her!
She called the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt, she said
"I know you are the one that
encouraged my husband to
take this step!
Other pastors always returned
him to him and helped us to
keep our home!
He never had the guts to do
this until he met you.
I will find out your role in this
and I will make sure I deal
with you!"
She got a visa
She picked a date
She went to Ekiti to see
a spiritualist for help
and empowerment two
days to the journey
On her way to the airport on
November 1, 2019
She had a fatal motor
She died instantly!
Her husband and children
arrived in Nigeria on the
last week of November
to be a part of her burial
and pick up the pieces of
their lives!
PS: This event happened
in Lagos
The couple lived in Iyana-
Ipaja for many years before
the man left
We all owe ourselves a duty
to be fair to others!
There is no man or woman
who wouldn't be tempted
to cheat after marriage!
If you use demonic charms
to tie down your spouse
so that you can cheat freely
You are placing yourself in
a big bind!
Let us mortify the flesh
Let us not take advantage
of our partner's love
Let us start by accepting
Jesus Christ as our Lord
and saviour!
Without him, we have no
anchor and the wind
can blow us anywhere at will!
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