

She walked into my office on a Wednesday
A beautiful forty-five years old woman
She told a colleague the hell she had 
been going through
The colleague told her about me
She decided to come and see me!
She was dressed very modestly
She told me she was coming from an
Interdenominational prayer meeting 
I asked her how I could help her
She said her mother in law was A WITCH
I asked her how she came about this
She said it was from a series of events
So i told her to tell me the events
as accurately as she could remember 
She said okay!
She said her mother-in-law was very good
to her from day one
Helped her nurse her babies after
she delivered them (Her first daughter
was sixteen, the son was eleven)
Always loved and supported her until
she told her mother-in-law that she
would be traveling abroad for a course!
Her mother-in-law then gave her
some items to give to her husband's
younger sister who was based in the
United States
She took the items but somehow
they got lost in transit
She didn't know how it happened
She told her sister-in-law that the
items had gotten missing
Her sister-in-law told her mother
Her mother-in-law and started insulting
Calling her careless and irresponsible
She took exception to such and 
she made that very clear!
Her mother-in-law took exception to
the rude way she responded to being
berated over losing the items
Her mother-in-law called her husband
to report her
Her husband called her and demanded
that she should call both his mother and
sister to apologize!
But she will never do that!
Anybody can make a mistake
She made a mistake
Why were they acting as if she has
committed a crime?
Secondly, her sister-in-law was way
younger than her
How could she be asked to apologize
to somebody that young
Was it their plan to humiliate her?
She would never ever apologize!
She demanded that her mother-in-law
should tell her the content of the
package so that she can buy it and
ship it to her sister-in-law
Her mother-in-law took offense
at her attitude
Her sister-in-law also took offense at
her attitude
Her husband took offense at her attitude
Her husband's younger ones who were
inevitably drawn into the matter took
offense at her attitude
It was like a gang-up of sorts
A demonic gang up
But she was a strong Christian
She was prepared for them
She kept vigil and prayed in tongues
day and night
She made sure she combated their gang up
in the spirit
The Bible says "In gathering they shall
gather but because their gathering is
not of God they shall surely scatter"
So she scattered them!
She finished the programme she went
to do
She returned home
By the time she got home
Her mother in law had used a charm to
turn her husband's back against her
He didnt even come to pick her at the
When she got home
He started sleeping in another room
He refused to eat her food
He refused to pray with her
And since then, she had been having terrible
She had seen her husband being hung
to a tree with blood dripping out of a 
gash in his neck
She had seen somebody shoot a gun
at her husband in the dream
Before the bullet could hit him
She flung herself in front of him
and the bullet hit her
She was under serious spiritual attack
for weeks after then
She had seen her husband being
chased by many masquerades in the dream
She told her husband several times
"I am your covering, come back to me,
when you married me you know you married
a woman of prayer and a prophetess!
I am not an ordinary woman!
I am a woman who hears from God
clearly and use the information to
help my husband!
The house we are living in, I was the
one who God used to direct the path
of my husband to buy the land
and build when we did!
I was the one who used my cooperative
loan to support him when he started
When we work together, we get great
But the moment he turned his back
on me and started dancing to his mother's
I have seen calamity upon calamity
on him!
When he was working in a bank
I was the one that told him to apply
to another bank for employment and
they gave him a good job
He recently changed jobs without
consulting with me
He has started doing many things
without involving me
When I call him, he wouldn't pick
I have done nothing to deserve this
I know his mother was using charms
and witchcraft to manipulate him
I know his mother has put his head
under her thigh
Things have been so difficult for me too
A work and physically
I have strange sicknesses in my body 
due to the number of bullets i have
taken for him
I was not recommended for another
course abroad even though my other
colleagues were recommended and
The witch has besieged my home with
her spells and enchantments!
The last straw was a dream i had 
Seven individuals came into our room
demanding my husband's life
The enemy of life
The enemy at his workplace
The enemy of his Father's house
The enemy of the marketplace
The enemy of his destiny
The enemy of his progress
and the enemy of his breakthrough
They demanded that they must kill him
I have been fasting since then
They said he will be dead within seven
That was why I came to see you sir
I dont want him to die
Please help me!"
I told her she was lying!
She almost fainted!
She had never seen a "man of God"
who didn't see things her way
She said "I have been to many pastors,
I told you i was coming from a prayer 
meeting holding on a Wednesday morning 
when I should be at work!
How can I be lying?
I told her she was lying for the second time!
Her mother in law was not a witch
Her sister in law is not a witch
There was no enemy of whatever anywhere
She was her own enemy
She was also the witch
She was the manipulative one
All her dreams were a projection of
her heart desire upon her husband
and his family
She was the only one of them with
spiritual authority (The only one who is
born again and spirit-filled)
And she had used the grace to see evil, 
hear evil, think evil and confess evil!
She had strayed from the light
in disobedience
She was her own enemy!
She asked me how
I told her by being too proud to take
to correction and apologize for the
obvious wrong she did!
Her mother-in-law was not a witch
for fifteen years
Suddenly she became a witch
overnight when she lost something
valuable to the woman and was 
too proud to say she was sorry!
The Holy Spirit did not bless us with
himself so that we can take advantage
of others or hold the truth in 
A good attitude would have prevented
all the negative things she listed as
happening to her and her family
Her mother in law was only put off by
her attitude and so was her husband
and the entire family!
It is normal for people to dislike the 
And God does not support the proud
The Bible says God resists the proud!
You have been walking under a cloud 
of resistance!
Praying and Fasting cannot help 
The anointing of a billion Christians
cannot help you
What can help you is humility!
Go home and apologize to your
husband, your mother-in-law and
your husband's family
Call everyone and say "Sorry"
"But what about the dreams and
the spiritual attacks I had" she asked
I smiled
I know what I was going to say would
shock her
And I wanted her to understand me!
I said "When you walk contrary to the
Word of God, when you choose to act
contrary to the instructions of Jesus,
When you walk in disobedience, you
produce a reality that is contrary to
the truth!
Your imagination becomes corrupt
and your reality becomes skewed!
You begin to project fear in your 
imagination, the fear takes life form!
You wanted your husband to love you
without doing the right thing
You wanted something evil to happen
to him 
You believed that will drive him back
into your arms
You wanted him to  value you as
a spiritual partner and support
All your evil dreams are a projection of
your subconscious desires!
Your husband is fine and he will
continue to be so!
If you are not careful, your mind
will be afflicted because constantly
dwell on negative emotions like
fear, bitterness, anger, loneliness
and hurt!
You will become a liability to your
husband and he might move on in
life without you!
She was stunned!
So I showed her the scriptures
The children of Israel were covered
by a cloud of glory while they were
in the wilderness!
They had the pillar of fire by night
to keep them warm and the pillar
of cloud by day to keep them from
the scorching sun!
There was no spiritual power that 
could harm them
The only threat they had to contend
with was physical
Amalekites, hunger, thirst, murmuring
grumbling, anger, rebellion, etc
The sons of Aaron who started a
strange fire (Spiritual) were consumed
by fire from the Lord!
Balam was prevented from cursing them
(Spiritual attack)
As long as they were in the cloud, 
nothing could harm them!
The same holds true for Christians today
As long as you are full of the Holy Spirit,
no evil spiritual power is allowed to touch
Nothing could pierce the cloud of Glory
through to target you, unless you stray
away from the cloud!
She got it!
She left after about two hours!

PS: She returned the following Wednesday
She came with her husband and her
two children!
The sixteen-year-old was about to write 
her WAEC
The eleven-year-old was in Junior Secondary
Both would be returning to the boarding
school in a few days
She wanted me to pray for them
Her husband was the happiest man I have
met in a long time
He was shocked at the speed with which 
peace was restored in his family
He said his mother and sisters were happy
that his wife came to her senses and stopped
taking them for granted
He was so glad
She prayed for me!
She prayed and prayed and cried!
She said she has been sleeping like a baby
for many days
No more evil dreams and nightmares
No more dreams of death and affliction
She is free!

GSW's notes: The Christian is a unique being
The citizenship of heaven guarantees him
But God didn't want us to become oppressors
and dictators like the devil
We have power but we also have a code
We cannot be in the cloud and be kept safe
while walking contrary to the Holy Spirit
As long as you are walking in HIM, 
you are safe!
He is the one who keeps Israel without
sleep or slumber
He is keeping you too!

Please note: Jesus did not designate any
man or man of God or woman of God or
wife or husband as a covering over any
other man or woman!
You cannot be my covering
I cannot be your covering
No pastor is your covering
No prophet is my covering
It is unbiblical!
It is heresy!
It is self-aggrandizement and promotion
of idolatory!
The Holy Spirit is the eternal covering
of all believers
He will lead and guide us until he presents
us faultless before the presence of His glory 
with exceeding joy... Jude vs 24