

Taking off your clothes
 and having sex with somebody
 should be a big deal!
There should be some level of
relationship, some emotional 
investment, a level of trust and 
confidence, a desire to want to
cross the threshold of friendship
and familiarity into intimacy!
It is a big deal!
It should be a big deal
But it was not for her!
Sex for her was like eating or drinking
or breathing
A biological need that needed to be
She couldn't place any sentimental
value on it
When she was in school, her friends
would talk about meeting a guy, going
on dates, mushy feelings and all that
She used to wish she could just
meet a guy, the right guy who would
awake all the dead feelings in her!
She knew she was the one with a 
She knew there was something wrong
with her
She has a natural dislike for affection
She saw it as a weakness, she couldn't
even get heartbroken because she didn't
have the capacity to fall in love
Her smile was never real
Deep inside her, she was unhappy
but not in an emotional way
She was hard and tough and lifeless
She felt like a zombie most of the time
She didn't tell anybody this
She was functional and fine
She didn't want her parents getting
worried and committing her to the
hospital like they did for her elder sister!
Yes! That's a fact
Mental illness runs in their family
Her parents have five children
All of them excluding her are seeing
doctors for one issue of the other
Her eldest sister is psychotic
She spends half of the year howling
at the moon and the other half talking
to herself or the wall
She got sick right after she graduated
from medical school
She was also pregnant at the time
Nobody knows the father
That was the only grandchild her parents
Her elder brother started 
smoking marijuana right from secondary
He was a mathematical genius or sorts
He never got to fulfill his potential
He had been in and out of hospitals and 
local rehabilitation centers for eight
Her younger brothers suffered from strange
Not epilepsy
Just seizures
The seizures come daily at odd times
Sometimes when he was sleeping 
It was like a house of horrors
Her mother was a bag of bones
She had prayed and fasted and cried
She had no other recourse
Her home has been taken over by all
sorts of strange afflictions 
Her father was wealthy
He was an investment banker
She wondered how he coped
She often thought about him and
wondered if he was wise enough
to marry another wife somewhere
and give birth to sane children!
He was a very fine man
Quiet, intelligent and good
He deserved much better than 
life had thrown in his plate
If she was in his shoes, she would have
walked away
left the crazy gang to rot
But he didn't
He kept spending money on hospital
bills and a hopeless future
She believed her father to be a fool!
She was the one closest to normal
apart from her father
Her mother was too emotionally
broken and fearful
Her mother was always expecting evil
Every time her phone rang
Every time there was a knock on the door
Her mother would shiver and mutter
"What is it this time"
She was not a brilliant student
She was a dullard 
She barely graduated with a pass
She liked clubbing because it gave her
something to do while others slept
She suffered from insomnia
She suffered from a lot of things
Sometimes she wouldn't feel 
The sense organs in her body would
just shut down
She would be alive but wouldn't
feel the way the living does
Food wouldn't have any taste
She wouldn't feel the air on her skin
She would just be numb
It could last for days and then some
feelings would be restored
She just trudged through life
She graduated and started her own
outfit as an event manager
She had worked as an assistant
to an event manager (weekend job) 
while in school and she learned a lot
on the job
She schooled in the east and was
able to convince her boss to
invest in her outlet in Lagos
She had no use for money
She had always been very forthright
financially and was good at handling
business issues
She didn't have anything she needed
to spend money on
She just needed the activity and survived
on the necessities
After two years of running the event 
center, her ex-boss introduced
her to a young man
The young man was very charming
and attractive
But he was different
He was the romantic type
She hated those
She had no use for sweet words and
kind gestures
She would sleep with him and 
that would be that
But he refused to sleep with her
He was a Christian
He said he would like them to do
things together for some time
He just wanted to get to know her
She didn't see anything wrong with it
After two weeks, he insisted on meeting
her people
It was the one thing she couldn't allow
It is one thing to come from where she
came from
But to bring an outsider into the house
would be like washing her dirty linen in
She told him she was an orphan
That was another thing with her
She was a pathological liar
He didn't press the issue
Later that day, he invited her to a
vigil organized by the Brother in
Jeans and T-shirt
She didn't mind at all
Anything to keep awake
They got to the vigil
Something strange happened!
It was as if a warm hand rested
on her shoulder where she sat!
It happened as soon as they got to the
venue of the vigil at 9 pm
The service had not even started
By 11 pm when the vigil started
She was soaked in tears
She had never ever cried before
She wished to but she just couldn't!
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
got on the altar
The sick were called for prayers
She went forward
He laid hands on her
He told her to see him after the vigil
By the time the vigil was over
She had been completely healed
SHe could feel love, joy, peace
She was practically floating in the air
Everything became clear
Her eyes saw the glory of God 
She could feel everything
The numbness was gone and so was
the constant pressure she felt in
her head!
She told the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
about her family and the mental issues
He told her if she would give her life
to Jesus, the light would shine through
and her family would be saved!
She did! 
She gave her life to Jesus
She got the gift of praying in the Holy Spirit
When they were going home
She told her friend the whole truth
He said he understood
When she got home that morning
Her father was waiting for her in the
sitting room
Her father asked her where she was 
coming from
She told him
Her father asked her what happened there
she told him
Her father said he would like to see the
Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She called her friend
They booked an appointment 
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt met with
them the following Tuesday
Her father said "I am from so and so
village, my father was a very wicked man!
When anyone offended him, he made such
a person mad by his evil spells! 
He did this for over a hundred people
At first he did it because he was wicked
but later, the demons demanded it and 
my father had to oblige them
Our compound was nicknamed 
"Ile Agbaogbon" meaning "Compound where
one's senses or consciousness or wisdom
was collected"
We all ran away from home
Nobody took over my father's properties
or shrines when he died
My Father died when I was 30
We all thought the evil had gone with him
Until i started having this issue with
my children
It was nemesis that caught up with me
I had done everything I could 
Carried sacrifices and did appeasement
Nothing worked
But that Saturday morning like 1AM
as my daughter was at the vigil
I had a strange dream!
I saw my father walk into our house
I saw my daughter carry a calabash
and place it on my father's head
Then she told my father to leave our house
My Father did! He left immediately
I woke up and the oppression in the 
house had ceased! I felt it
There was this strong change in the
The heaviness was gone!
I knew it had everything to do with her
That was why I was waiting for her
in the morning before she called you"
The brother in Jeans and T-shirt prayed
for him and the family
Her father gave his life to Christ
This event happened in January 2019
Things changed 
Her sister became healed and returned
Her younger brother who was addicted
to marijuana also became whole
The one with the issue with seizures
was equally healed
Each of them picked up the pieces
of their lives by the power of the Holy
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt made
sure they were all filled with the Holy
Their mother's prayer of many years
became answered
She beamed with radiant joy again!
Ps: She will be getting married on Saturday
December 15th, 2019
The wedding will be taking place somewhere
in Ikoyi, Lagos
The Holy Spirit is a specialist as turning
captivity around
If you are suffering from the blight of the devil
Dont wait and hope he would get tired or
become lenient
Come to Jesus today
In Jesus there is no shadow of turning
or variance
God will fulfill his promise to you according
to His Word!
Jesus is Lord!