Learn the Gospel

Learn the Gospel

When it is not the true gospel

It is always complicated

Theories upon theories 

Explanations upon explanations

They will tell you all you have to do is accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour 

They will tell you once you have done this, old things have passed away, and all things have become new

They will say you are now a new creation

They will tell you to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit

They will tell you to start reading your Bible

They will tell you to learn how to pray

Then they will come with all these other stuff

You will lose your salvation if you ever make a mistake, even after you have given your life to Jesus.

We all watch races, people start, and if anybody falls during the race, he or she gets up and continues running.

They tell you the rule of the race to heaven is different 

You must not fall

If you fall, you have to go back to the starting point and begin again

You can’t just get up and continue running 

You must become born again all over again

You must cry for your sin and beg God to be merciful unto you

Then you must be restored by the brethren into fellowship

The brethren here are fellow believers whose life is now deemed perfect because they have perfected the art of hiding their wrongdoing from the church

Then they will restore you 

You must, however, be careful not to fall or make a mistake again

If you did this, you will considered someone who has a reprobate mind, and then you will be cast off from fellowship

So what do you do this second time

You hide your misdeeds 

You realise that if you hide it well the way pastor is hiding his own all you have to say consistently will be “May God help us”

You have bought into their hypocrisy, and within a short time, you will master it

People are never what they claim to be

If you approach any of the elders to talk about your struggles, they recommend deliverance.

It is not enough that you have been translated out of darkness into His marvellous light.

There are some areas of your life that salvation did not cover; only deliverance can sort those out.

They ask you if you know how far your parents or grandparents went in the darkness before you came and if you know the covenants signed on your behalf or in your name.

You are in Christ now.

You begin to cast and bind.

To fire and refire...

Enemies are a forever problem once you get into that territory

They begin to see visions and prophecies, and then you begin to find yourself fasting and praying and sometimes giving them money for helping you to see and guiding you spiritually from evil 

The Bible did not call you light so that you have the mindset of darkness, but the Christian leaders insist that you are not free and you are not yet light

They tell you you are not living the Zoe life yet; you must work out your salvation even after receiving it

The devil is a Lion, and you are the one it has reserved for its lunch

You find yourself battling fear and doubt

You were supposed to come into Christ and enter into His rest

That was what they told you at the beginning, but now you are fighting battle after battle

You even had more rest as an unbeliever than as a believer 

This was not how Jesus lived his life 

He lived “a from glory to glory” life, but you are living a from “battle to battle to life.”

The same Holy Spirit that Jesus used to do great signs and wonders is the same Holy Spirit that you are using to fight the imaginary enemy on every side

They tell you everything is evil and evil is able to corrupt the power of the Holy Spirit in you

Your own Holy Spirit cannot corrupt the work of darkness unless the pastor or GO is the one wielding it but unless you pay tithe things will be tight.

Your GO’s anointed anointing oil is more effective than the tongues you speak, the mantle(handkerchief) he has blessed is more effective than the Spirit of God in you.

As a believer, think about these things and choose to live as Christ ordained you to LIVE.

Learn the gospel

It is the power of God unto salvation

It is LIFE.