The Four winds

The Four winds

Be careful

Be careful of a woman
Capable of loving all types of men
Such can leave his man for another 
In the twinkling of an eye

Be careful of a man 
Who gets upset 
At every little provocation
His type is prone to violence

Be careful of a child 
That lies undetected
That is a trait 
Of future armed robber

Be careful of a friend 
Who acts indifferent to your situations 
Such will betray you 
When the opportunity arises

Live life as if it is your last
Sing aloud like no one hears
Love from the depth of your heart
Move on and never wallow in self pity
Enjoy every moment of your life 
While it lasts. 

Abike 2017



The Watch 

She came home from work exhausted.

There was an elderly man sitting right in front of the entrance door.

He was clothed in a whiter than white garment.

The garment covered him from the neck down to his toes, gathering at his feet on the floor.

The hair on his head was all white like the snow.

He had on a pair of glasses. His eyes glitter through it. He appears extraordinary. 

She asked "Who are you?  And what are you doing by my door?"
He answered with a welcoming smile "I am the Ancient of days. I keep watch over you"

Abike, 2017


Be strong


You keep being strong but you are breaking up in tiny million pieces inside.  

The ones comforting you  say they understand.  

They don't.  They won't.  They can't.  

They will only have an idea if exactly same happen to them.  

How can you fail repeatedly for ten years?  

You rise up to try again till you are told your chances of trial is over.  

Does that mean you can't get it right?  Despite your intelligence and understanding.  

Is this some kind of witchcraft?  Someone should please answer me!  

Saying I'm fed up and weak is an understatement.  I'm just dead.

Ten years of attempt and nothing to show for it. Hmmmm!  

The devil is really powerful yet can't save.  

The Lord always give a reason to be thankful.

 Being alive is enough.


Abike, 2017


The Seven Mountains of Culture


Possess your Mountain today
Contact the prevailing culture
With the counter culture
Without being contaminated
Using the attributes of Christ
And the motivational gift needed

Mountain of Media
Prevailed by the culture of fear and terror
A counter culture of the Spirit of Life
Attributed by Honour
With the gift of Prophecy

Mountain of Government
Prevailed by the culture of corruption and greed
A counter culture of the Spirit of Holiness
Attributed by Power
With the gift of Leadership

Mountain of Education
Prevailed by the culture of secular humanism, humanistic philosophy and logic
A counter culture of the Spirit of Truth
Attributed by Wisdom
With the gift of Teaching Grace

Mountain of Economy
Prevailed by the culture of covetousness and lies
A counter culture of the Spirit of Grace
Attributed by Riches
With the gift of Giving

Mountain of Religion
Prevailed by the culture of demonic rituals and sexual orgies
A counter culture of the Spirit of Grace and Supplication
Attributed by Blessing
With the gift of Ministry and Service

Mountain of Arts and Entertainment
Prevailed by the culture of lust and seduction
A counter culture of the Spirit of Glory
Attributed by Glory
With the gift of Exhortation

Mountain of Family
Prevailed by the culture of hatred and rejection
A counter culture of the Spirit of Adoption
Attributed by Strength
With the gift of Mercy

Which of these Seven
Is your Mountain of Culture?


Love at first sight
It was in the bank
She was at the counter
Waiting for the teller to pay her money
He came in looking troubled
She left the counter to sit down
He spoke with the teller
And later came to sit beside her
She was very aware of him
The chemistry was strong
He said "Hi"
She answered "Hi"
"I'm Ayo. What's your name" he asked
She said "I'm Iyabo"
He asked "Can I have your number"
She answered "I don't have a mobile, but I can give you my office line"
He brought out his Nokia phone
Punch in the numbers she recited
The teller called her to collect her money
She stood up, got the money and turned to leave
He called out "I will call you"
She answered "Ok"
One hour later, the phone rang
It was him
She spoke and laughed for hours on the call
The phone conversation became a daily ritual
In a week 
It graduated to daily lunch date
Not long afterwards
It's either his place or hers
One thing leads to another
And the rest are details
It was love at first sight

Abike, 2017