Revealed Glory

Revealed Glory

The first driver I employed in my 
life was employed in July 2020 
I employed him for my wife 
He came highly recommended and 
he spoke highly of himself too 
I had always believed in trusting 
people and treating them as God 
treats us 
Anyone who has ever had an encounter 
with me will testify to this 
I worked once with a pastor who treated 
people very poorly 
Whenever i remembered how he treated 
his staff members, including me, I felt 
like retching 
I have nothing against him personally, 
i believe he didn't know how to do better 
but I was determined never to
treat anyone like that in my life 
God valued human life above all else 
I am like God and i will value what 
He values 
This driver resumed and was a calamity 
from day one
He wrecked my wife's car twice 
On both occasions, I had to buy two 
new tyres, two new shock absorbers 
and pay for repairs 
I paid his salary on the 20th of every 
He ate at my table 
I never asked him to account for the 
Not once did i say "How did you drive 
and where were you driving to when 
this wreck happened" 
I would just thank God nobody was hurt 
and call the mechanic to go and sort it out 
My wife was in the car when one of 
the wrecks happened 
I trusted her judgment and she never 
for once told me he was a bad driver 
Then the ministry bought a bus in 
October and he had to drive our CSR 
team to Lekki 
He had a minor accident with the bus 
He didn't even mention it when he 
brought the bus back 
When i saw it, I decided i would fix it 
There was no need to ruffle feathers 
over something so minor 
I overlooked it 
Then we went to Alata Village in Ibadan
 for our October 17th Outreach 
On our way back to Lagos, my brethren 
on the bus called to inform me that 
the bus was overheating 
I turned back on the expressway and 
drove back to where they were 
This driver had forgotten to check on 
the water in the radiator and when the 
passengers noticed the strange smell 
and smoke coming from the engine 
they called his attention to it he ignored 
them until the engine switched off by 
We had to tow the bus to RCCG Camp 
while I found an alternative means of 
transportation for God's people 
We all slept in the RCCG Camp overnight 
and chartered a bus to Lagos for service 
the next morning 
I still didn't sack him 
The bus couldn't be attended to for about 
ten days because of the Endsars protest 
and a series of curfews in Lagos State. 
Eventually, the company that sold us 
the bus showed up and everybody 
pointed the evil finger at this driver 
They said all sorts 
He had damaged the engine badly 
Everybody said i should sack him 
I kept thinking of his wife and children 
I kept telling myself a bus is a thing and 
the man is God's image 
I must not elevate a thing above a 
human being 
I overruled everybody and kept him 
The repairs cost me over a million Naira
I was the one that sat with the 
mechanics and accommodated them 
on the camp premises throughout 
He didn't even call to say 
"How is the bus, sir?" 
I took it on the chin 
When we went to Abuja for The Gathering, 
we had to charter a bus to the airport 
and another to pick us up from the
It was painful but I had to swallow it 
Then we bought the Coaster bus on 
November 11, 2020 
My brother drove it home from the point 
of sale 
I told the driver to take me to a mechanic 
workshop within the RCCG Camp with it 
to affix the number plate when it was ready 
and also to service it 
He drove for over thirty minutes without 
releasing the hand brake 
When we got to the mechanic workshop, 
the mechanics started shouting that 
something was smelling like a burnt 
So I asked him "Mr. Henry, did you 
burn my clutch?" He said "No sir, it is 
the hand brake that I forgot to release" 
I overlooked it 
Two days later, he was bringing me to 
Lagos I was busy replying to messages 
on my phone 
I looked up and I was on the expressway 
facing oncoming traffic 
He was taking one way! 
I asked him why he was taking one way 
He kept quiet 
I told him to turn and do the right thing 
He turned 
I overlooked it 
Two Sundays ago, we brought the bus to 
Theikos Doxa Evangelical Mission to 
present it to God and make it available 
for God's people's use 
He drove it 
When we were going back home in the 
evening, he drove into a Lagos Paragon 
bus all by himself 
He destroyed the driver's side door, 
the headlight, and so on 
I was on the bus when it happened 
I saw everything I had to conclude he 
was not feeling well and needed help 
When we got home he took his food pack 
and jumped down from the bus from 
the rear exit because his own door 
wouldn't open 
He started to leave 
I shook my head and called him back 
I said "You offered no explanation and 
you didn't even bother checking the 
damage since it happened! 
I was in the bus and saw you run into 
that Volks Wagen bus 
You didn't come down to check it out 
Now we have gotten home and you 
didn't bother checking it too 
Do you know how much I spent on 
the Lexus after your two crashes? 
Do you know how much I spent on the 
Hiace bus after the overheating issue? 
And now you have crashed the coaster 
I didn't know when tears streamed down 
my face 
I felt so foolish 
He said "I will come tomorrow so that 
we can take it to the mechanic" 
After he was gone, I posted on Twitter 
that i needed a driver and I also
announced on our Whatsapp platforms
 We got one in the interim that resumed 
the following day 
Henry didn't call that day 
On Tuesday, Henry called asking me 
what the itinerary was and when he 
was to resume 
I told him i have employed another driver 
I counseled him to get medical
assessment and ensure he was as fit as 
fiddle before driving another person 
I sent him some money for this 
He called me later that evening but 
after greeting me, he couldn't say 
another word 
I kept quiet too, waiting to hear him out 
The silence went on for about a minute, 
then he cut the call 
Last weekend, we got two drivers 
One resumed on Saturday and the other 
on Sunday 
Both are believers whose relationship with 
the Holy Spirit seems strong 
Suddenly, I found myself in a place of rest 
The driver's issue had bothered me more 
than i expected but the able
hands around me handled it and took it 
off my hands 
Finally, i was able to spread my wings and 
fly in His presence 
The choir sang "Olorun Agbaye O, you 
are mighty" 
The word of the Lord came expressly to 
me that within seven days miracles, like 
we have never seen before, will
break out among us 
The whole church said AMEN 
Monday morning, the testimonies started 
rolling in 
By Monday night, the Holy Spirit decided to 
do another wonder for GSWMI 
Ladies and Gentlemen, can i announce 
that we have acquired our own Land! 
It was done between 8pm yesterday and 
8AM this morning 
The money started coming in by the power 
of the Holy Spirit in the most unexpected 
A word of prophecy was triggered into
 fulfillment by His power 
In all this, i am a passenger and the 
Indeed, there is Nothing Olorun Agbaye 
cannot do! Hallelujah

PS: This year has been the year of 
the Revealed Glory for GSWMI as 
promised by the Holy Spirit in 2019 
This year he gave us an office, a church, 
bought buses and now we have our 
own land Within the next 7 days, 
I declare that your mouth shall be 
filled with laughter in Jesus name.