The Sandpaper

The Sandpaper

The sickness came out of nowhere
At first, he thought it was as a result 
of his diet
He cut down the rice and other 
He started drinking water only
He adjusted the time he ate too
He had never experienced any serious 
sickness before that season, the pain 
was terrible
It started at the amusement park
The church had organized a day out 
for all members to do sport and share 
some picnic
He was there as a staff of the church
His boss (The pastor) was also there 
to lead by example
Suddenly this stomach upset got a 
hold of him
He tried as much aspossible to hold it 
but the pain was everywhere
At a point he went to sit down only to  
discover a few minutes later that his 
chair was covered in blood
That was when he ran into one of the
 mobile toilets and discovered his body 
was all messed up
It was a strange ailment
He sent a text to his boss's driver to 
bring him the bag where he kept his 
emergency travel kit in the car 
(He was a personal assistant and the 
job demanded that he be ready to 
travel at short notice)
The driver did as he asked
He changed his jeans and boxers after 
cleaning himself up with all the toilet 
paper he could find
Immediately he got out of the toilet, 
he went to his car and drove himself 
to the nearest hospital
Luckily, his wife's HMO was registered 
there and it covered the family
He saw the doctor and told him what 
was going on
The doctor examined him and asked him
 if he had been managing ulcer before 
He said NO
The doctor asked him if he had been 
abusing any prescription medicine
He said No
The doctor injected some MISMAG into 
his veins and gave him some other 
injections for the pain
The doctor told him he would have to 
get a test called colonoscopy done in 
order to ascertain what was wrong 
with him
The doctor referred him to a diagnostic 
center on the Lagos Island
He got some money and took the test
He was told he had holes in his intestine
Five big holes
The doctor(s)advised him to fly to India 
immediately for the surgery when he 
showed them the test result
He said he didn't have the money for the 
The doctor told him to open a Gofundme 
account and reach out to friends and 
family members
The doctor told him he had to hurry
Prayer and fasting and tonguing cannot 
help him
If he wanted to live to see the next
six months he had to cough up 13 million 
Naira for the surgery
He took the news seriously
He was told to stop eating certain things 
with immediate effect pending when he 
would go for the surgery
The list of dos and don't was quite long
The sickness was a drag
He couldn't ease himself without crying 
hot tears
He couldn't wear a belt
He couldn't sit for long without experiencing 
serious pain when standing up
He couldn't drive for long
He goes everywhere with mist mag and 
pain killers
One night he was in terrible pain while 
laying on his bed
He said to himself"I shouldn't be sick
I am born again and full of the Holy Spirit
I have the life of God in me
Why am I sick?
Why is the reality of this eternal life 
elusive in me?"
He didn't know when he began to cry
He was in his thirties and it seemed 
he was destined for an early grave
That night the Holy Spirit came to 
him in form of a whisper
It was in the voice of a popular pastor
The phrase was "If you eat sandpaper, 
you will defecate blood"
When he woke up, the phrase stayed 
with him
He asked the Holy Spirit what it meant
The Holy Spirit kept quiet
Thenext morning, as soon as he got 
to the office, the assistant accountant 
came to see him
He said "I will be going to get the 
office impress in the next hour. 
I just wanted to give you a heads up"
That was the deal they had between 
The office gets an impress of fifty
thousand Naira every week
All the staff members are aware of 
Most of them come up with bogus 
claims just to get some part of the 
As long you keep your claim below 
five thousand, the impress covers it 
but the moment you have a claim 
above five thousand, you have to 
raise a memo for approval by the 
admin officer
Because of his friendship with the 
accountant, he gets a heads up ahead
of the other staff members so that 
his claim gets processed first once 
the accountant returned with the 
Often he would raise bogus claims 
of four thousand, five hundred Naira 
in four places making eighteen 
thousand out of the impress
It was his way of "applying wisdom" 
and "getting by"
The practice had been on before he 
joined the organization, all he did was 
create a strategy where he earns a 
constant eighteen thousand extra 
every month from the organization
As soon as the accountant left his 
office, he heard the phrase again
"If you eat sandpaper...."
He understood what it was that brought 
affliction on him
When the accountant returned from 
the bank, he refused to present his 
claim sheet
When the accountant came to remind 
him, he told the accountant he was 
not interested in the impress anymore
He also announced to the other staff 
members that he wouldno longer
 partake of the practice of "eating 
When he got home he began to rebuke 
the seed of transgression that had 
laid claim to his body
He has eternal life
He was saved
If he died, he was going to heaven but 
the consequences of his ungodly 
practice had caught up with him 
He had conducted himself in a manner 
that was unbefitting of the status 
the presence of the Holy Spirit 
bequeathed upon him
He wondered why he didn't pay attention 
to the obvious pitfall for almost a year 
while he was indulging in that practice
When he was inthe University, he knew 
a sister who died of HIV/AIDS 
complications due to her lifestyle
He remembered being there the day 
the sister gave up the ghost and 
seeing to his amazement the 
supernatural light that surrounded 
her suddenly at that moment when 
she breathed her last
He had assumed she would go to hell 
for her choices but what he saw 
didn't in any way represent darkness
She sinned against her body and the 
consequences were quite dire
He made a promise then always to
 live the kingdom life and never to fall 
for the easy peasy poisons of the 
evil one but he somehow forgot and 
as a result got into a practice that 
opened the door of his body to 
He prayed persistently in tongues 
and declared the siege over
It took three weeks
One day, he was going to church for 
Sunday School review and discovered 
that he was wearing waist belt without 
any pain
It was a miracle
He started screaming"I am wearing a belt"
"I am wearing a belt"
He never went back to the hospital after 
thatThe symptoms died totally
When he saw the doctor a year later, 
it was his wife that went to the same 
hospital to deliver a baby
The doctor asked him about his health 
"I didn't hear from you again, have you 
gone for the surgery?"
He just laughed and told the doctor to 
please forget about the surgery because 
prayer and Tongues worked for him
The doctor was shocked

PS: It's been five years,
The symptoms were gone and he eats 
whatsoever he desired at anytime
The holes simply closed up supernaturally
The Holy Spirit taught him a vital lesson
through the experience
"Let he that is joined unto the Lord 
depart from Iniquity"
After he stopped taking from the Impress, 
he prospered so much that those still 
taking from the Impress envied him. 

GSW's notes: 
When God has decided to prosper a man
Such a man will be required to walk right
so that people will not attribute God's 
blessing to proceeds from crime
Abraham understood this
He said he does not want anyone to
claim they have a hand in his blessings
because God was his source
There are certain people, whose walk
with the Holy Spirit does not leave 
any room for doubt
Are you one of such?