Love Walk 1

Love Walk 1

He was at the office when he received 
the phone call
It was from the most unexpected 
It was from the administrator of the 
Headquarter of the church he was 
He joined one of the branches of the 
church as a young man and had grown 
to become an altar minister. 
He had  always known he was called 
into ministry but he didn't know why 
he had been summoned to the headquarters.
He got there very early the following 
morning, he was barely seated when 
the pastor of the branch he was with 
also came in
They were ushered into the office of 
the pastor in  charge of the headquarter 
There was a few chit-chats
More like a job interview and then the 
pastor of the headquarter church told 
him his pastor was being transferred 
abroad on mission work and had 
recommended him to take over the 
affairs of the church
He didn't see it 
The Pastor in charge of the headquarters 
parish told him he came highly 
recommended and she believed he 
would deliver
She prayed for him and told him she 
would come to their parish the following 
Sunday to come and make the 
announcement official
He drove home with his head 
in the clouds
He was aware the pastor would be 
traveling for mission work but had 
assumed the church will post another 
pastor to the parish
He was just 33 years old at the time 
and it was the last thing on his mind
When he got home, he told his wife 
the good news
He also told some members of the parish 
who were particularly close to him
The following Sunday, he and his wife 
wore brand new suits and got to church 
very early
By 8 am, the Pastor in charge of the 
Headquarter church had arrived
She preached and told the church their 
pastor has been transferred 
then she announced that she came to 
introduce to the church their new pastor
She called the name of the person
It wasn't him
He didn't hear anything that was said 
after then
It was as if a sudden static noise engulfed 
It was as if the ground he was standing 
on started to sink 
Somehow he was able to see the service 
through with a plastic smile on his face
After the service, the pastor that 
recommended him called him into his office 
and apologized
He said he was also informed about the 
change of plan that morning and didn't 
have time to prepare him and 
his family for the change in plans
The pastor said he was deeply sorry
He muttered something and smiled
he told the pastor it was all for the best 
but he was very angry within
He felt very embarrassed
He didn't know how he would face his 
wife and the people he had told about his 
ascendancy to the throne
The pastor told him someone must have 
gone to the headquarter parish to pull 
some strings
To him that sounded like "The new pastor 
was an imposter, someone God didn't 
choose but who used a cunning means 
to cheat him of his birthright"
It didn't settle 
down well with him
Two days later, he called a meeting of the 
ministers of the church and told them 
everything that happened
He said he didn't believe the new pastor 
was God's plan
He poisoned everybody's mind
By the following Sunday when the pastor 
resumed, everything had been 
rigged against him
As soon as the poisonous seed he 
planted started to spread, church 
members started leaving
The few ministers on the ground had 
become the resistance army
The pastor didn't stand a chance
Within a year, the church was comatose
The pastor in charge of the 
headquarter church couldn't believe it
How can a church of two hundred 
vibrant worshippers be reduced to 
thirty or twenty-five worshippers 
within a year?
She sacked the pastor but instead of 
retracing her step and coming to him 
as earlier promised, she sent another 
minister from the headquarter church 
to pastor the church
This time they made him the assistant 
church pastor
He was determined to frustrate the new 
pastor's efforts too
He was determined not to play the fool 
for anybody
One night, the Holy Spirit came to him 
in a vision
He saw a small wheel 
within a big wheel
The big wheel was moving steadily but 
the small wheel had a clog in it preventing 
it from moving
The Holy Spirit said "Your actions are 
clogging your wheel of progress. 
As long as you walk with the spirit of error, 
you will only produce errors in your reality" 
When he woke up, he realized he had 
approached the issue carnally and rather 
than be a blessing, had become a problem 
for the church
He asked the Holy Spirit for forgiveness
He went to the ministers of the church and 
explained himself to them in another 
clandestine meeting
Then he went to the church members' 
houses  one and by one and invited them 
back to church?
Things turned around for the church 
In his secret place, he prayed fervently 
about the wheel he saw
He prayed that the wheel will begin to turn 
in sync with the bigger wheel again
He knew the bigger wheel was God's plan 
being set in motion
He knew he had practically shut himself out 
of God's plan by his actions that year
He didn't act based on the instruction of 
the Holy Spirit or as anyone who understood 
the word of God
He acted carnally and his flesh got 
the better of him
Two years after working joyfully with the 
new pastor and putting his all into making 
amends and rebuilding the church, he got 
another phone call
This time it was from a start-up company 
he didn't even apply to
He was offered a very good job but the 
location was in another state
He prayed about it and was convinced it 
was God's plan
He informed the church and he was sent 
forth with joy
He had been with the church for six 
years and everything that had been 
moving initially stopped when he got 
involved with the church politics issue
He saw 
job as a sign that things had started 
moving for him again
He relocated his family to another state 
and joined a branch of the same church
When he got there, he was recognized 
as a minister of God and given the room 
to minister the gospel
His ministrations were different and they 
attracted people from far and near
Nobody could explain why it felt as if 
there was an anointing on him that 
others don't have
They brought the sick, the afflicted and
 the defeated to him and they always 
went home rejoicing
His exploits grew beyond the parish
Whenever there was 
an outreach or a revival, he was the 
go-to guy
He was at the office, one morning when 
he received the phone call
It was from the most unexpected source
It was from the administrator of the 
Headquarter of the church he was 
The administrator told him the pastor 
in charge of the headquarter church 
wanted to see him
He arrived at the headquarter administrative 
office first thing the following day
The Pastor told him they had seen the 
hand of God upon him and they want to 
make him a pastor in one of their new 
Had it been he had never had 
such a meeting before he would have 
said "Yes sir" but he was no longer a 
novice in ministry
He said "Sir, why is my parish pastor 
not here"
The pastor said "I told him my plan 
about posting you to a parish and he 
disagreed, so I overruled him"
The news confirmed what he felt in 
in his spirit
It was a test by the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit wanted to know if he 
had learned his lessons or not
He told the pastor he was sorry
He would prefer to work the pastor of 
his local assembly until the pastor 
joyfully releases him to do anything 
else in the ministry 
It was the right response
That night, just as he knelt down by 
his bed to pray, he saw a bright light
This time he saw a huge wall clock
A smaller wall clock was in it
The time was the same and the 
movement of the second was in 
perfect sync!
It wasn't about loyalty to a man, it 
was about being in sync with the 
plan of God
Six months after turning down the 
position, he started his own fellowship 
and one year later he was running a 
full fledge ministry by the power of 
the Holy Spirit
He had learned from his past error 
and adjusted his course appropriately