Wonders of His Glory
Her parents were evil people
That is the plain truth
Everybody in their town knew them
They were like Ahab and Jezebel in
the Bible
Her mother was a witch
Her mother boasts of it, calling herself
the "earthly witch, daughter of the firmament
But by all account, her words, imaginations and
actions to her own children were more
than enough evidence!
She grew up to know them as they are
The whole community knew them for
what they were too
Her father once hit a goat with a
charmed ring and the goat started
defecating maggot immediately!
Her mother noticed a cousin
of hers had the naughty habit of
peeping through keyholes!
Her mother went to have her bath
and shook her body juicily as she
walked to her room, setting a perfect
bait for the eleven-year-old boy!
As soon as the boy put his right eye
in the keyhole, her mother poked the
eye with a brook stick!
The boy screamed in agony
Her mother claimed she knew nothing
about it
People searched through the house
looking for the broomstick but they
couldn't find it!
The boy was blinded in one eye forever!
They were like for like in wickedness
Her father once challenged a pastor for
standing up for a taxi driver whom her
mother claimed overcharged her
Apart from beating the pastor silly,
her father hit the pastor with a charmed
local belt that rendered the pastor
senseless for several hours!
The pastor's wife and many church
members had to beg the father for
hours before her father gave them
the antidote!
Everybody who had a wicked scheme
in their heart would find their way to
her father
He doesn't enjoy peace and tranquility
He thrives on chaos and upheaval
He would step into a land dispute
and instead of settling it, he would
take over the land!
He was like the devil incarnate!
Her father also slept with all his
He was the one that deflowered all six
of them
Her mother knew about it
Her mother gave them the concoction
they ate right before her father defiled
They were all defiled at the age of fifteen
Her mother was not the only wife
Her father had
Her father married six wives
All of them were married as teenagers and
as virgins
None of them had a child for her father
The same ritual her parents did with
their own daughters were done for the
It was a special charm done to keep
her parents strong and relevant in
the demonic realm!
All the masquerades in the city
came to their compound to salute her
Her father had no chieftaincy title
He was a transporter before he became
a strong man
He prospered because everybody feared
Those who came to her father for support
and charms brought him gifts of all
He was like a Lord over a fiefdom
Her mother was his lady Macbeth
That was the reality she grew up in
Her eldest sisters, three of them became
She knew this because her mother's
relationship towards all her children
was exceptionally bad
But after those ones became witches,
her mother started treating them
like they were special
She was offered the same deal
That was the night she ran off to Lagos
The night of December 22, 2010
She was twenty-two years old
She had saved some money and was
determined to run as far as her legs
could carry her away from her parents!
She didn't go to a relative
She had been meeting with a Reverand
Father who saw her dilemma and told
her she would be given accommodation
and a job if she could find her way to
Lagos Island!
She had been waiting, looking for
a window of opportunity
Trying to save more and more money
She never ever wanted to return once
she was able to leave!
When her mother came into her room
and offered her a position in her rank
as a witch, she accepted
She was supposed to say some words
and eat something at midnight
She left everything and ran!
That was how she fled like Moses!
Nobody knew where she was
She told nobody!
She just wanted to be free of the
She was taken in by a convent in Lagos
For ten years, she sorted out her
education and tried hard to delete
her past!
It was while she was at The Lagos
State Polytechnic that she became
a born again Christian
She believed all the sermons preached
about the power of Jesus
At the same time, she knew what her father
did to several pastors in their town
She just wanted to keep a low profile
and live her life free of their dark shadows
In 2015, on her thirtieth birthday
Her father came to her in a dream
He tapped her on the chest three times
and removed an organ from her body
She saw it in his hand
It was dripping with fresh blood, her blood
Her father said "Come home and you can
have it back"
When she woke up from that dream,
she suddenly discovered she had a strong
pain in her chest!
She went to the hospital the next day
After a series of tests and questions the
doctors concluded she had cancer of the
She knew she didn't have any cancer
She knew it was her father's bait to lure
her home
She was told to start treatment
She ignored it!
She was in pain and could barely function
several days in a week
But she still didn't start the treatment
The ladies she was sharing a flat with got
concerned and reported to the church
The church stepped in
She started the treatment but refused to
have chemotherapy or any other serious
She knew for a fact that her case was spiritual
She became frail and sickly
She prayed as best as she could
She managed to hold on until 2017
On the night of October 8, 2017
She saw her father and mother again
Her father said "You have seven days,
I have been patient with you but if I have
to sleep with your corpse, I will do so"
She knew what she heard!
The next day, about 6pm in the evening
she got on a bus to her hometown
The journey took three hours
She got to the town late at night
She went to see the reverand Father
who helped her escape
She needed serious help or she would
have to go back to her father!
She didn't want to die!
The Reverend Father gave her the phone
number of the Brother in Jeans and
The Reverend Father told her to head
back to Lagos in the morning and try
to meet the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
before she threw in the towel!
She sent the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
a message
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt met
with her by 10am the next morning
in his office
She explained everything
The Brother in Jeans and T-shirt listened!
When she finished her story, the Brother
in Jeans and T-shirt prayed with her!
He told her to get a bottle of anointing
Her anointed her with oil!
They were done with the prayers around
Then he told her to go home!
He said "Go home immediately"
She picked her bag and took a bus back to
her hometown
She took a taxi from the motor park to her
Father's house!
When she got there!
She saw a crowd!
Her father had died!
Those who saw what happened said he
held on to his own throat and gagged
as if he was drowning until he collapsed
and died!
Nobody noticed her for a while
Then one of her auties looked up and
saw her
She couldn't explain what happened
The aunty called her name
Her mother looked up and their eyes met
Some thugs ran into their compound
claiming her father's body must be burnt
because he was an evil man and couldn't
be buried naturally
There was a sudden commotion
She left the compound and stood afar off
The thugs started fighting
Somehow they torched his father's house
Her mother and siblings barely escaped
with their lives
The building was razed down
It all happened within eight hours!
She returned to Lagos!
Three weeks later, she was told her mother
had passed on too!
Finally, she was able to breathe normally!
Her parents had seven children
The only male child was a hunchback
and had serious mental issues
She took her sisters to the office of
the Brother in Jeans and T-shirt
He led them to Christ and prayed for
They all got filled with the Holy Spirit
He told them not to fear the past
They have a new foundation in Christ!
Ps: This particular story is not for
everybody, it happened in a town in Ogun State
I wrote it by the Instruction of the
Holy Spirit because there is a family
experiencing something similar to
this reality!
If it is your family, please reach out
to Jesus today and get Help!
The Holy Spirit is willing to help you
This is your set time!
If you have been reading this and
you find the story quite strange, thank
God for the reality of glory and praise
you are living in!
The Holy Spirit is set to do wonders
in the Night of Glory of 31st January
If the Holy Spirit has stirred your heart
to be there please be there!
I am inviting especially, people who are
walking in strange realities and those
whose businesses and careers have
not moved upward and forward as
There is a wind and a push!
You will be set on course on deeper waters
by the Holy Spirit!
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