Observers and Judges
The Holy Spirit did not give one believer
power to dominate and control another
The Holy Spirit knows the weakness of
Man is a serial abuser
Man is by nature prone to corruption
when given power
Peter was the head of the Church
Apostle Paul berated him when he
stepped out of line
(Galatians, read the book for context)
Peter did not say,
“Paul, how dare you talk to me like that?
When did you become born again?
When did you receive the Holy Spirit?
Who is your spiritual father?
How dare you? I
know what I am doing?
I will place a curse on you!”
Peter did wrong
Paul corrected
Peter adjusted accordingly
This is Christianity!
Please note, both Paul and Peter believed
in the same doctrines and articles of faith!
(It makes no sense for you to criticize
fellow believers whose doctrine and
yours are not the same!
It is a waste of time and it breeds
irreverence among his people!
If you don't believe in speaking in tongues,
don't condemn it!
Nobody is using your mouth
to speak)
They addressed each other as “brother”
They spoke to each other with reverence
There was no malice!
Paul had no intention of “Putting Peter,
the illiterate fisherman, in His place”
It was a “calling out” for the sake of
the gospel!
I have a friend who believed his job was
to criticize and shame
“erring pastors and ministries”
He was a journalist
He took criticizing pastors as
his calling!
There was nothing wrong with that
as long as the motive was to uphold
the tenets of the gospel!
He started investigating pastors and
publishing stories to shame and embarrass
them for the “evil” they were perpetrating
in the name of the gospel!
He made loads of money
People love scandals and gossip
People love to see hypocrisy exposed
People love to make an open show of
religious exploitation!
My friend has three journalists working for him
The journalists were quite good at
their investigative duties
From a ragtag magazine, his publication
grew to have a level of popularity and success!
The irony was, he also approached churches
for advertisement placement in his magazine!
Many of the churches placed adverts so as
not to be his target for criticism!
Then he was told about this pastor!
A tongue talking pastor who returned to Nigeria
from the USA and had loads of cash!
The pastor just built an edifice and had
money to throw around!
He went to meet this pastor with his team
He wanted advertisement and support for
his work
The pastor said “No”
My friend’s ego couldn’t take it!
How can he say No!
Who does he think he is?
My friend decided to teach this pastor
a lesson
(The gospel was no longer the focus, it
had become personal)
He told his journalists to investigate and
dig up dirt on the pastor and his ministry!
If you are not for us, you must be against us!
Within a week!
My friend found a juicy story!
It was a malicious scandal!
My friend published the story!
The public bought the story
My friend sold out his publication
within three days!
Vendors demanded for more copies
My friend was forced to publish more
Within a week, my friend
Went to the press five times rolling out
thousands of copies of that edition of
his magazine!
He made so much money!
What he didn’t know was that it was the
tongue talking pastor that told all his
members to make sure they get a copy of
each of that edition before Sunday service!
When Sunday came!
The pastor told his members that the
content of the publication was a lie!
He said “Put the magazine on the floor and
stand upon it!
Declare this!
Holy Spirit, if the content of this magazine
is true, please let it flourish but if it is a lie,
judge it by fire!”
My friend was going to church with his
family that same Sunday morning when
his car caught fire!
He was able to escape with his wife and
three children!
As his car was burning, his printing press
also caught fire!
As his printing press was burning, his
house also caught fire!!!
I was working with Ekklessia magazine
when this event happened!
It happened in Lagos state in 2009!
EKKLESIA magazine outfit was using my
friend’s printing press to publish its work!
My friend was reduced to minus zero within
four hours! He was attacked by demons
who took their order of destruction from
a Man of God, who understood how
spiritual authority works!
My friend learned his lesson in a hard way!
The church he attacked heard of his plight
and gave him some money as support!
He set up another printing press and now
publishes children’s magazine!
I have had to pray for many believers who
had no discernment of the body of Christ!
The gospel is the most transparent reality
and the easiest to understand!
It is also the easiest to take advantage of!
That you don’t understand something
doesn’t make it evil!
Sometimes the man ministering doesn’t
understand it too!
All he knew was that he laid his hands
on the sick!
How the sick responded was up to the
Holy Spirit!
That you see people flying through the
air or rolling on the floor does not make
the preacher Belzebub
Remember how the Pharisees labeled
When in doubt, please, shut your mouth
Focus on your spiritual walk with Christ!
Many have cut their lives short because
they stood in the path of the Holy Spirit
out of ignorance
I saw another case like this recently
Be guided!
A closed mouth is sometimes a saved life
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