Love Walk 2
It started as all terrible news does
With a whisper of the envious and
the tongue of the slanderer
He was not in church when it happened
He didn't even get the full gist
From what he heard
The Rich man started manifesting a
demonic spirit during the service
It was so terrible that he beat up
six ministers before someone who
understood spiritual authority took
over the chaos and calmed things
The rich man was eventually delivered
from the power of darkness and led
to Christ
Under any other circumstances, that's
a win but people were trained to find
Someone whispered to someone
that they saw the rich man with him
three weeks before that day at a youth
fellowship programme
He was the one that got the rich man
filled with the Holy Ghost
What the person said was true
The problem was if the person he got
filled with the Holy Spirit was
manifesting a demonic spirit
Then it can be said that he actually
filled the person with a demonic spirit
And that was exactly what they all
started to say
They said he had a familiar spirit and
when the matter was reported to the
senior pastor, he was summoned and
asked to keep away from all forms of
ministrations within the church.
That was the last straw
The pastor didn't accuse him of having
a familiar spirit or pretend to investigate
the rumors
The pastor just told him to stop all
activities and didn't even bother to
offer any explanation
This was a church he had attended for
three years and was found to be worthy
of holding a leadership position
He took it badly
Later the story began to make round
that after praying for the rich guy and
getting the rich guy filled with the "spirit"
the rich guy gave him some money and
also promised to bless him with a car
and some other goodies
The story complicated things further
They said he was preaching a gospel
of the belly
He was a dog among the sheep
It became very difficult for him to
attend church services without feeling
as if people were boring holes in his
skull with their eyes
He felt everybody was talking about
It was a crazy place to be
It was true that the rich guy gave him
some things and also promised him
some other things
He didn't know it would be counted
against him as a crime
Friends exchange gifts all the time
He gave the rich guy what he had
(The gift of the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues) and
the rich guy reciprocated by giving
him some money and other goodies
He felt like a pariah
Like a gaijin
The walls kept closing in every day
He fell into depression
Someone told him he should have a
change of scene
He thought about it and came to the
conclusion that the toxicity of the
environment was not good for him
He left the church
He didn't think he owed the pastor or
the members any explanation
He just packed his bags and left
Within three months he joined another
His zeal was unquestionable
Within three months he was made an
altar minister
The new church was an upwardly
mobile church
He was accepted with so much joy
One Sunday the pastor asked him
if he would like to be a part of their
campus fellowship program
The church has fellowships in certain
campuses in the city
The plan was to allow the students
lead themselves but after two years
they realized they needed a capable
hand to guide and lead the students.
He agreed
He got to work immediately
Two months after resuming as the
campus fellowship pastor, he lost
his job
He didn't think it was a big deal
He had always wanted to be in
He knew his path in life pointed in
that direction
Perhaps God used the loss of his
job to confirm that he should drop
everything and face his ministry
Transporting himself to the campus
became an issue
He didn't have much money on
him, so whenever the students called
him, he would tell them to come to
his house for prayers
Gradually the students started
showing up on Sunday evenings
They would hold fellowship meetings
and pray together in the spirit
A lot of great wonders happened
in their midst
When the pastor heard it, he was
very offended
Why did you take the students away
from their campus?
Why was I not carried along when
you decided to do this?
He tried to explain
What does it matter?
He was getting the job done
The pastor suspended him and told
the students to keep away from him
He didn't understand what got the
pastor offended
The pastor told him to report to
church every Sunday for disciplinary
Why should he be disciplined for
an offense he didn't commit?
He stopped going to the church
Ministers of the church came to see
They wanted to mend the broken
fence but he couldn't see how he
was wrong in any way
It was irreconcilable differences
He stayed at home for a few weeks
One Saturday he got a phone call
A friend was starting a church
The friend invited him to join the
new church
He joined gladly
He was given the opportunity to
minister the word and handle some
other aspects of worship
It was all good for a few months
until some of the members started
calling the pastor about his conduct
One said "He prayed for me but
after that day, i started feeling
strange and heavy"
Another said "The day pastor said
ministers shouldn't counsel anyone
I saw him in a C-class Benz
counseling a woman"
Another said "He said he would do
something for me and I trusted him
as a believer, as a pastor but i later
found out he inflated the cost"
Somebody said he had a disruptive
Another said he tried to poach her
away to his own ministry while
someone else said he was targetting
the rich and prosperous in the church
with his prophecies and ministrations
The complaints kept coming in
The pastor decided to address the
issue by speaking to another friend
The friend
Hoping that a good sermon would
turn the tide but he took offense
at the friend's comment
After that service, he called somebody
aside and they started talking about
the audacity of the friend to direct
his talk and instructions against him
The person he called aside later
told the friend everything
It seemed there was no reasoning
with him
A few weeks later, he announced
that he was starting his ministry
Everybody wished him well.
PS: The Spirit of Error must be
If you notice that there is a pattern
of offense in your walk with fellow
believers, please pay attention to it
If you have the habit of leaving
churches and fellowships with
acrimony, please look into it
Walking in the Spirit is a big deal
If indeed you are full of the Holy
Spirit, you will not place carnality
and carnal desires above the
love walk we have been called into
If you settle the pattern of error,
you will set yourself free of many
hurdles that might lie on your
way in the future
I must also state this, please
consider your motive
If you are going into ministry because
you don't have a job, you will be a
goat and not a sheep
If you are one of those whose
purpose in ministry is to gain access
to God's people's pocket, remember
this "Whatever you take without his
consent, you will repay in seven folds"
Thank you
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