Was she hurt?
Yes, she was
Who wouldn’t be?
Her husband slept with other ladies
He didn’t keep it a secret
He said as long as he didn’t marry her as a virgin, it was right to sleep with whosoever he desired
Sometimes she couldn’t even believe the stuff he said to her
It was as if she somehow must be judged for sleeping with someone else before marrying him
She used to wonder why he married her!
If virginity was such a big deal to him, why didn’t he marry a virgin?
She kept no secret from him when they met
She had learnt from many friends of hers that lying to a man you are virgin when you are not is just plain stupidity
Especially if you plan to marry such a man
If you claim you were a virgin without hymen, he might buy it
But in a relationship, things slip through at unguarded moments
Words were spoken, non-verbal codes were also decoded
She remembered a friend of hers whose boyfriend discovered she was cheating because of a statement she made in a very unguarded moment
Her boyfriend called her on the phone late in the night one day
When she picked the call, she said “So you too can call at such an odd hour”
Her boyfriend didn’t say anything
When she got back home from school, he called the relationship off
She was devastated
He had given her no clue whatsoever
When she probed further, he said he knew she cheated
She didn’t know how he knew and she didn’t want to lie and then find herself confronted by incontrovertible evidence
She admitted it and told him the fling she had was for a brief period and she had called it off
He said he knew it immediately she said “You too can call at such a odd hour”
If there is no ‘one’, there can never be a ‘too’ in a statement
Her friend’s boyfriend walked away
Even though she cried and begged
He didn’t forgive her
She learnt a great deal from that episode
She was at the time dating her secondary school heartthrob
Neither of them expected her boyfriend’s father to relocate abroad with his family
That was how she became a long-distance girlfriend
The long-distance thing lasted for only a few months
She was eventually forgotten
And she had to admit to herself that it was over
She met her husband three years later
They met at the reception of one of the telecommunications companies
A government policy prompted the company to disconnect many mobile lines
Her line was affected
She went to fill some forms to rectify the problem
He was seated right next to her
The crowd was teeming
She went with a novel to keep her company
He was determined a novel wouldn’t upstage him
He got her attention and they chatted for hours
Eventually they exchanged numbers
She had purposed in her heart before then that she would rather remain single than do another trial by error relationship
Body count may not matter to some
It mattered a lot to her
He proposed to her and she married him
The marriage was very good until she got pregnant and travelled abroad to deliver the baby
She spent a total of five months abroad
By the time she returned home, he had discovered the code to unlocking strange legs
At first, she thought it was a fleeting thing
Until he started taking pictures and shooting videos of himself with other girls and sending such to her in order to make her jealous
Whenever she protested, he would say “I didn’t marry you a virgin! If other men had taken exploratory trips down my own Jupiter, I have a right to take exploratory trips down other planets too!
She couldn’t understand it
It was so childish!
And yet he persisted!
She waited for him to get over his childish and petulant behavior
He didn’t!
One day she went to see her parents for the weekend and returned home to meet a lady in her flat
The lady had obviously spent the night on her matrimonial bed
As soon as she walked in
The lady jumped to her feet
Of course, the lady knew who she was
Her wedding picture was all over the wall
She didn’t say a word
She walked into her room and found her husband dressing
She shrugged it off
He started laughing
She couldn’t stomach it anymore
She walked into the kitchen, picked a broom, returned to the sitting room
The lady had relaxed after she walked in and didn’t see her coming
She pounced on the lady like a chimpanzee
The lady tried to run and collided with one of the stools in the sitting room
She fell down and hit her head clumsily against the centre table
She missed serious injury or death by a whisker
By the time her husband came out of the room
He met his girlfriend with a broken jaw
They had to get an ambulance to get the lady to the hospital
Her husband didn’t have time to be angry with her
He threatened her with bodily harm for what she did
She went to her children’s school that afternoon and took them to her parent’s house
She also went to his house and packed her load
Enough was enough!
She realized she could have ended up a murderess that day or at least get a manslaughter charge against her
All because she fell for the childish tantrum of her husband
She could have been sentenced to jail for a long time for reacting the way she did
She couldn’t risk ending up behind bars because she married a child!
It was time to call it quits!
When her husband got home, he didn’t see her
He called her phone over and over
She refused to pick
He came to her parent’s house the next day
He was sober and all apologetic
She told him she didn’t want the marriage again
He begged and pleaded
She stood her ground!
She had been verbally, psychologically and emotionally traumatized enough
She would rather be single and free than married and behind bars
Her husband thought she was bluffing at first
Her lawyer served him the divorce papers a month later
He panicked!
He didn’t know she would ever go that far
He tried to approach her and discuss the issue to no avail
Eventually she got another notice from the Alternative Resolution Department of the state
They talked about his visitation rights and alimony payments
He waited for all the lawyers to do their thing
He begged to spend five minutes alone with her
The crowd left
Jesus was left with Jairus daughter
He: I have become born again, I met Christ at a meeting I went to on the 3oth of November 2018. After the vigil, I spoke with the brother who ministered to us and I told him about our challenge and how I messed up. He said I should tell you all things have become new”
I am sorry. Please I will like you to know that all things have become new
She: Are you telling me you have become a born-again Christian for real?
He: I am equally filled with the Holy Spirit, during the meeting, the brother invited those who want to pray in the spirit to the altar and we all spoke in the Holy Ghost!
She: Hmm
He: I am not joking! I have been sending you some of the brother’s writings on your “Whatsapp”
She: I read them
He: I am sorry, love, please forgive me! Give us a chance
She: You know I don’t believe in that born-again crap, if you refuse to change yourself, no power can come from anywhere to change you
He: Please meet with him and see for yourself
She: Who?
He: The brother in Jeans and T-shirt
She: Wow! Ok
Sunday December 2, 2018
She met the brother in Jeans and T-shirt
They talked
She got baptized in the Holy Spirit
Then she gave her life to Christ
The next day she met with her husband
They went to see a movie together
They talked
They kissed
Like play, like play
She slept on her matrimonial bed
It was different
He was different
The next day, she moved back home with her children
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